HD ~ Chapter Two

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I find it strange that this book hasn't become as much of a hit as my other four have. Especially since I find that people who read Clarity's story found it pretty appealing from what I've heard. Though, I may just be getting ahead of myself. There's only been a prologue and a chapter out so far. I don't know.

Still, I like to think that I've become a more experienced writer than when I started my other books three years ago. I can't even believe it's been that long. 

Lately I've found that I like seeing my words scrawled out on paper rather than typed onto a screen. It seems more appealing to me that way, but times are changing and the only way to have my words be seen and absorbed is through electronic devices. It's sad when you think about it, but that's life. Always changing and full of achievements as well as disappointments.

Well sorry about my ranting. I guess it's time to get on with Felicity's adventures. Clarity's first though ;]



"Well, what did you want me to say, Nick? 'Sure, honey. Go ahead and be alpha even though no one has faith in you because you don't try?'" I asked incredulously as I pushed out of my office chair and walked towards the window of my office angrily. I wiped my hands over my face in frustration. 

 Of all the times Felicity could've eavesdropped on one of my conversations, it had to be that one. It was just my luck that she'd hear me talking to Nick about who the future alpha of the pack would be. It was supposed to be Alex.

He was almost finished with his training and he had a mate that was capable of leading beside him. I couldn't understand why he didn't want it. He could have it all. His life with Odette, a family, and the alpha position. I've seemed to manage it all just fine. Felicity was the only problem I've had since claiming the position.

I heard my husband sigh from his place beside my desk. He didn't bother coming over to try and calm me down or come to some conclusion because he knew it would be a long, long discussion before we reached one. Felicity was a shattered girl, but we couldn't understand why or how to help her.

After a few moments, Nick walked towards me and leaned against the window facing me with his arms crossed like mine. "We need to try talking to her about this and try to see things how she does. She doesn't like upsetting people if that's what you think. She does try. I'm sure of that. There has to be some solution. Maybe she's just overwhelmed and feels like she has to live up to your reputation."

I threw up my hands and groaned. "She doesn't have to," I said. "But even if she did, she could be able to. She has power and strength. She does. I know it. She just needs to access it."

"Then why don't work with her like you do with Alexander and Leslie, Claire?" Nick asked, his voice raising up a level of volume as he was just as, if not more, frustrated as I was. 

'I don't know, Nick!" I shouted out. "She's just..." I trailed off sighing. "She's different, okay? She's strong and she's powerful. I can feel it. It's buried somewhere inside her and all she has to do is access it and then everyone will see how great she is. It's like she gave up. When she shifted late, she thought it was a bad thing, but it wasn't. It's happened to wolves of alpha descent before. It's just uncommon. But it's not bad. It just means she wasn't ready, not that she's weaker than anyone else. Still, she seems to think she is and doesn't allow her body to do everything it can. It's just all in her head," I said, my tone sounding desperate towards the end.

"Then tell her that, Clarity!"

"I can't. It's not that easy," I mumbled.

"Baby-" he began, reaching out for me.

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