HD ~ Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter 27

I hope you all liked chapter 26 and thought it was dramatic and empowering and full of feelings or whatever. If not, check yourself. JK, but I'm a decent writer. I have the confidence enough to say that.

I'm not the best, but I believe in my abilities and my plot. I hope that you understand that I'm trying to create characters that are not one dimensional. I pray you understand that characters develop throughout a story and that you've noticed the ways that Felicity has.

Enough of my philosophical ramblings. Cole's dying on the ground for goodness sake!



I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a strangle cough behind me. My heartbeats faltered as I spun around to find that Cole had reverted back to his human form. He was laying on his back with his eyes closed tight and his hands fisting the grass. His chest was bare, and he only wore sweatpants. He must've just woken up when the pack attacked.

He coughed again and blood trickled from his mouth. My stomach clenched, and I immediately went to his side. Blood poured from where his neck met his shoulder and I unzipped my hoodie and pressed it against the wound. Cole's eyes flew open and he hissed in pain before his body went slack. His eyes drooped, and his head lolled to the side slightly.

"Declan!" I said in a panicked tone.

He was immediately at Cole's other side and replaced my hands with his on my hoodie. He began barking orders to the men that were still in decent shape. A few of them ran back towards the house.

My hands went to Cole's face. "Stay with me here," I urged. "Come on. Please." Cole's eyes opened, but they were glazed over. He was struggling to fight. "That's it, baby. Look at me. You can't leave me like this."

His breath was shallow as he slowed reached up to hold my hand against his check. I could see how hard that simple motion had been for him and it scared me. Cole has always been the strong one. He was always my rock and I couldn't lose him.

He started whispering words so softly. I couldn't make them out at first. I leaned closer to him and he seemed to realize that I couldn't understand what he was saying to me. He tried to speak louder, and I realized what he kept repeating.

"I love you. I love you. I love you..."

I started to cry and shook my head. Cole had never told me he loved me before. Not when he sent me away and not last night when I wanted really wanted him to. But he was saying it now and it broke me because it meant that he thought he wouldn't make it.

I leaned down and pressed my lips to his forehead for a moment before leaning my head against his. "Please don't," I sobbed. "Tell me that tomorrow or next week or next year. Don't tell me now. Please don't tell me now."

Dustin and two other men walked over with what looked to be a long stretcher. What happened next was just a blur of moments to me. Zach came to my side and pulled my hands away from my mate. I struggled against him to get back to Cole, but he dragged me back. My grandmother seemed to appear out of absolutely nowhere and started talking to Declan about Cole's injuries. Dustin and the other two guys began moving Cole onto the stretcher and everyone started back towards the house. The last thing I saw was Cole's arm hanging limply over the side of the stretcher before they disappeared through the trees.

I sat on my knees and brushed Zach away each time he reached out to me. I didn't know what would happen now, but the only person I wanted near me was Cole. There was so much blood and he just seemed defeated. I didn't know if it was just something physical that he was feeling or if it was something the spirits were telling him. Either way, I was scared and angry.

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