HD ~ Chapter Twenty

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July 2, 2017 (10:45 am)

I've been having a few issues at one of my jobs. One of my coworkers (he's a major d*ck) has been saying very derogatory and degrading things about my younger sister. Why? Couldn't tell you, but I've absolutely had it.

I'm the type of person that doesn't care if you have anything bad to say me. Go ahead and call me a bitch if you want. But when you bring my family into the mix (especially my younger sister) that's when I have a problem.

Anyway, there's no way I can tell my family about this so I'm telling you guys. I'm tired of people saying awful things because they think there will be no consequences. I can't wait until they enter the real world and get charged with harassment for saying the shit they do now.

Okay, enough ranting. Time to get on with it.



The moment the truck pulled up in front of the pack house, I bolted out of the backseat. I didn't take my bag with me, I just ran for the door. I ignored my parents calling after me as a wrenched the door open. I didn't stop until I made it up the stairs and to my room. Once safely inside, I locked the door and threw myself on my bed. I needed to be alone right now.

For the rest of the day, I ignored everyone who came to my door. My mother tried first, but she was probably the last person I wanted to see. An hour after she left, my father tried. After that, Alex came by. Odette went after him. Even Garrett stopped by once. I didn't want to see any of them.

For the next three days, I stayed in my room. I didn't leave to eat. I didn't leave to see my family. I just sat around my room. Sometimes I went through old photo albums and other sentimental things I valued before any of this all started. Most of it seemed irrelevant to me now and I wondered what happened to the girl that once treasured these things.

On the third day of my hibernation, I came had an epiphany. The girl who I was before died somewhere on my journey and I was reborn. I couldn't keep living like this. What was I supposed to expect? Cole would come to his senses and rescue me from this life? We'd live the perfect ending to a fairytale?

I couldn't rely on that. I couldn't rely on him or anyone else for that matter. I needed to be the heroine to my own story.

From my position on my bed, I turned to look at the clock. It was a little past one in the morning. Most people in this house would be asleep. Slowly, I got off my bed and headed out my bedroom door. Once in the hallway, I headed downstairs towards the basement where we had a gym.

It had been a while since I trained with Cole and if I didn't continue some type of regimen, then I wouldn't be able to grow stronger. For the next two hours, I ran on the treadmill, lifted weights, and worked my core. Working out gave me a chance to clear my head and come up with a plan.

I knew that I would need to talk to my mother tomorrow about what happened. Maybe I could prevent a war. I doubted it, but I could still try. I could at least try to delay it. Convince her that it would be a better idea to have Cole make the first move. If he did, then I would try to get to him first.

Once my mother and I had come to terms, I would comb through the pack's territory. I had no doubt that my mother had increased security around our borders so I needed to find holes.
If I needed to get to Cole or one of my friends, I wanted a clear route to get out of SunDust territory.

Then I would wait. I would continue to live my life here and build my strength. I needed to be prepared for anything that could possibly happen. While doing that, maybe I could convince my family that I was no longer the weakest link in the pack.

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