HD ~ Chapter Twenty-Five

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April 8, 2018 (1:23 PM)

Sorry I've been gone for a few months. 

Dedicated to JuliSmylie for her comment on the last chapter. Thank you for your support and I'm thrilled that you like this book. 



My brother, husband, son, and a few trusted pack members stood before me in my office. They were prepared to do whatever I asked of them. Though Nick and Alex looked worried, I knew they would follow my plans. This was for the safety and the future of the SunDust pack. I would not let anyone threaten that. Not even my daughter's mate.

It was just before six in the morning. We would be leaving soon. Everyone was ready and we were discussing last minute details. Normally, I would have Garrett in here as well. He was a strong warrior and a great leader for the other fighters in this pack. Seeing him so close to Felicity told me I could no longer trust him.

Nick was going to stay behind with a small portion of fighters in order to protect the pack if anything happened. We would have the element of surprise on our side so I was hoping that they wouldn't be needed.

"We will be leaving in ten minutes," I said to the people that surrounded me. "There is a clearing not far from the house they are staying in. We will draw them out there. If they surrender, capture them alive. If not... you know what to do."

Normally, I wouldn't allow the opportunity for surrender, but I would give him a chance to come out of this alive for Felicity's sake. If he fought me, then I wouldn't feel guilty for killing him. He was choosing this path. He was choosing to threaten my pack. If I let him get away with that, what message would I be sending to everyone else who wanted to hurt us?

Alex stepped forward and spoke up. "With the number of people we are bringing with us, do you think they'll still try to fight?" he asked, glancing at my mate out of the corner of his eye.

"I think that Cole Morrison would not have assembled this group of rebels unless he intended to fight me," I said.

"But Felicity," he said softly.

My gaze hardened. "She won't know until it's happened."

His eyebrows knit together. "This could kill her."

"Would you rather he kills someone in this pack? Who is your allegiance with, Alexander?" I snapped at my son. I understood that I would be sacrificing any relationship I might possible be able to rebuild with my daughter. I was going to make this sacrifice like any alpha should for his or her pack. Alex needed to understand that.

He bowed his head and said nothing else. My eyes found Nick's and I saw uncertainty in them. I did not need my own family questioning my decisions. They had never questioned me before, but now I felt a stab of betrayal at the fact they were. I wasn't doing this to hurt Felicity. I was doing this to protect the pack and everything I've built.

Nick lowered his gaze and shook his head. I frowned and looked around the room at the other men. "Give my mate and I the room please," I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. They filed out wordlessly and I turned to Nick. "Why don't you say whatever's on your mind."

He ran a hand through his hair and shook his head again. "What are you doing, Claire?" he asked with a sigh. He moved across the room to take a seat on one of the couches.

"I'm keeping my family and my pack safe," I said with determination. "Which is hard to do when my family questions my every move!"

"This isn't the way."

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