HD ~ Chapter Seventeen

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Well, I finished Lost and about five million other shows and movies on Netflix since I've last written. I won't make any promises that it won't take another two years to finish the next part of this unique story, but I'm hopeful.

I love your comments... or any comments really. From now on, I'll pose a question at the end of the chapter about favorites. Anyone whose favorite thing matches my own or has one similar to mine will get the dedication. Sound fair?



"There's no way you'll be able to pull this off," Garrett grumbled from his position against the far wall. After the first minute, he'd gotten bored and left me to my own devices. I didn't mind too much considering his hovering wasn't helping either of us. Not that he was being much more helpful now. Especially not with his pessimistic attitude and infuriating commentary. "I mean,  have you ever picked a lock in your life?"

I sighed, but didn't bother to look up at him. I steadily continued to work my bobby pin in the lock of Garrett's cell. I'd spent that last seven and a half minutes working on this and I wasn't going to give up just because it was taking longer than expected. "No, but I've seen it done," I murmured as I maneuvered the bobby pin.

"Oh yeah? By who?"

This time I glanced up at him from underneath my eyelashes. "Robert De Niro," I mumbled under my breath as I felt the lock shift slightly.

Garrett was quiet for a moment and it made me wonder if he hadn't heard me. "Are you fucking kidding me?" he exclaimed. "You're basing this off a fucking movie? We're never getting out of here." He pushed off the wall and started pacing the inside of his cell. "No way."

"All it takes is patience," I said, without looking at him. Since his last outburst that ended up with him laughing at my unfortunate fate, I was used to his twisted sense of humor.

"We don't have ten years, Felicity."

At that moment, I heard a soft click. With a triumphant smile, I stood up and opened the door to Garrett's cell. "Good thing we don't need ten years," I said rather smugly as I stepped back.

Garrett just rolled his eyes at me as he walked out of the cell. "Okay, now what's your next plan, princess?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. The fact that my mother wanted to match me up with him was revolting. He was arrogant and conceited. Not to mention that I didn't get so much as a "thank you" for getting his ass out of that cell. I'm not saying that Cole is much better, but every time Garrett speaks, I just want to punch him in the face. Luckily, I only needed to be with him for as long as it takes for us to get out of here. Once we're in the clear, he can go back home to be my mother's errand boy and I can find a new place to call home for a while.

"Just follow me but keep a bit of a distance," I ordered. "I'll check to see if we're clear and then you follow me and we run for it. Does that work for you?" I asked sarcastically.

"You're irritating."

"And you're condescending. Now shut up and follow my lead," I growled as I started for the stairs. I took them slowly and made a point to stay to the edge of the staircase. The closer you walked towards the middle, the squeakier the steps were.

As I made it to the top of the stairs, I carefully eased the door leading into the main part of the house open and was surprised to find no one around. Cole must be having most of the men out searching the woods for any more people from my pack. That was both good and bad news. Good because it meant less people in the house. Bad because it meant more wolves in the forest. We were going to have to run like hell.

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