HD ~ Chapter Twenty-Four

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Hey everyone! So I really need to pick up my writing pace because I was ahead of these weekly updates because I had written a few chapters ahead, but this is my last pre-written chapter.

Wish me luck and happy reading =)



It got colder later in the night. The wind was picking up and the clouds overhead were threatening with rain. Regardless, I told Declan I would meet with him and that's what I would do. Learning about this pregnancy was not going to stop me from finding some way to stop this war. If anything, it spurred me forward.

Garrett met me at the edge of the wall. Though I told him that it would probably be better if I went alone, he insisted on accompanying me. It made me nervous having Garrett run beside me towards the meeting spot with Declan. I was apprehensive of what would happen when they met each other.

Last time Declan and Garrett interacted, it didn't exactly end well. I just hoped they didn't want to tear into each other. Usually Declan was relatively mellow, but I've never seen him with anyone other than the men in Cole's rebellion group. If a fight broke out, I just hoped I could stop it. More than that, I hope that I didn't get stuck in the middle of it.

I haven't told anyone about my pregnancy yet. The only person I would be able to tell at home was my grandmother. Something told me that she would understand. I couldn't tell my brother because he would freak out and probably tell my parents. Alex and I were close, but he was loyal to my mother. There was no way that I would tell Garrett either. I was still learning how to trust him so there was no way I could tell him a secret that big.

Once we made it to the stream, I bent my head down to take a drink. We were early. Garrett stood by my side. His brown fur brushed against me as his eyes scanned the tree line. He was as alert as ever. The way he stood, tense and ready, exhibited his warrior status. He'd been exceling at my mother's training regimen whereas I'd been failing.

When I lifted my head back, I stared at him. "You don't have to seem so tense," I said, pushing my thoughts towards him. "Declan's a good guy. I trust him."

"I don't," he linked back to me.

I let out a huff and walked towards a tree by the stream. I curled up underneath it with my head in my paws. If we had to wait, might as well take a few moments to rest. "If you're going to work with us, you need to trust everyone involved."

Garrett let out a low growl of annoyance as he walked towards me. Just as he was about to reach me, a flash of white crashed through the tree line, bounded across the small stream, and tackled Garrett to the ground.

I shot to my feet in an instant. My first thought was that my mother had followed us and heard what we had planned. Yet, as I took in the scent of the wolf, I realized it wasn't my mother. I watched in horror as Cole and Garrett attacked each other.

I was about to run over and stop them when Declan appeared out of nowhere and his brown wolf form blocked my path. I let out a small whine. "We've got to stop them!"

Declan's piercing yellow gaze met mine. "He's protecting you," Declan explained to me. I looked at him with a bewildered expression. "That wolf was threatening you!"

"No, he wasn't!"

My eyes were glued to the scene in front of me. Cole latched onto Garrett's shoulder as Garrett raked his claws against Cole's side. Fur, dirt, and blood were flying as they wrestled each other to the ground. My heart was beating wildly as I tried to move past Declan. When he wouldn't let me, I bared my teeth and snapped at him.

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