HD ~ Chapter Nine

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Yeah, so I just got through with the explicit scene from chapter eight. First time writing anything like that and if you read it, I hope it wasn't all that terrible.

Anywhoo, that being said, let's see the aftermath of that night.

But first we need to check back in with Clarity...



The moment I found out Felicity was gone, I knew this would happen. She didn't stand a chance against them. I swallowed hard and leaned back in my office chair. I told my mother and my mate that I needed time alone after I managed to let the fact that they had Felicity sink in. This was my fault after all.

Every moment she was away from home and with those monsters, she was endangered. I couldn't even imagine how vulnerable and scared she must feel. I didn't want to think about what they must've done to her by now. Those men had no souls. They didn't care what they did to women and now that they knew who Felicity was, we couldn't do anything that would add fuel to the fire. I didn't want to risk losing her.

They were asking for a lot of money that we couldn't afford. The SunDust pack was well off, but over the years, we had fund a bigger defense team. The wall, better training for our fighters, and compensation to families who lose a loved one because of a battle were a big part of the expenses we had to pay.

If these rebels wanted money, then they would want a battle, too. We wouldn't be able to afford both. That meant we would have to wait and take the time to come up with a plan. That also meant that Felicity would be trapped with those men until I could figure out a plan.

A knock on the door, brought me out of my thoughts. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Come in," I said tersely. I stood up and walked towards the front of my desk.

Nick entered the room with a tight smile on his face. He closed the door behind him and came towards me. "How are you doing?" he asked quietly.

I shook my head and looked away from him. "A mother is supposed to protect her children, Nick," I said pathetically. "I drove our daughter into danger."

He sighed and pulled me towards his chest. As my arms dangled uselessly at my sides, Nick's arms wrapped around my shoulders and he rested his chin on my head. "You'll fix things," he murmured. "You always do." He moved us behind the desk and sat down in the chair before pulling me down onto his lap.

His arms were wrapped around my waist and this time, I wrapped my arms around his neck. "We can't afford to get Felicity back and fight a war with these men," I told him. "If we pay the ransom, then we won't be able to protect the pack. Her included."

Nick sighed and kissed my cheek. "Right now, I have the fighters on guard duty. The perimeters around the territory will be secure twenty-four hours a day. If anything happens outside the borders, we have a few scouts, too."

"That doesn't bring her back," I said, laying my head on my mate's shoulder.

"But we do also have two packs that would be willing to fight with us," Nick said and I picked my head up to look at him with furrowed eyebrows. "I'm surprised to hear that you forgot about both Dana's and Natalie's packs. I'm sure if you asked, they'd be more than willing to help us."

My eyes widened at the thought. Why hadn't that come into mind? Dana took over her father's pack after my father died and Natalie was mated to an alpha. Their packs were strong despite how much smaller they were than mine. But I wasn't complaining. I would take any help I could get.

"Get them on the phone," I said as I stood up and went towards the window.

Maybe I will be able to get my daughter back safely. With my friends' help, this could be possible. However, that won't make things one hundred percent better. I made Felicity resent me. She probably blames me for everything that's happened. It's going to take a long time for me to be able to make up for everything I've done. I know that just getting her back won't be enough to make things better.

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