HD ~ Chapter Ten

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So I just got chapter nine out yesterday. I want to try to get chapter ten out before I leave for vacation, but I can guarantee that that's not going to happen. However, I'll be starting this now and hopefully I'll be able to get something out over vacation. Again, though, that may not be likely given that I have to write a research paper while I'm on break.

Note to All Teachers Anywhere: It's NOT a vacation if you give us work to do while we're on break. 

Am I the only one in the world that realizes this? *Sigh* Anyway, let's get on with the show.



"I don't understand how this is possible," I whispered softly as I sat down with my back against a fallen log. He sat down next to me, but didn't say anything. It looked as if he was ashamed of the color of his fur, which didn't make sense to me. White wolves were rare and powerful. Being one was something of honor. I would think that he would be bragging about this. He's the second white wolf people have seen in this century. It's unheard of.

I leaned by head back against the log and drew my knees up. "This makes you the first real threat Clarity's ever had. If people knew who you were, you could have an army. You could easily take down everyone," I told him. 

He only seemed to get upset by that. "Unlike her, I don't want to kill innocent people," he said with malice. Even though, I knew his anger wasn't directed at me, I still tensed up. "I know the power I have. I don't need an army."

We were silent after he said that. He didn't want to make this a big deal so I didn't say anything more. I knew that I wouldn't get over the fact that Cole was the white wolf anytime soon, though. Being a white wolf meant you were destined for something. I had the feeling that what Cole was after wasn't how his fate should turn out to be. My mom's destiny was clear, but at the moment, Cole's wasn't. The white wolf is never supposed to be destined for something that could only have a chaotic outcome. 

Thinking about chaos only brought me back to the reason why I was running. I can't believe that I'd let it slip that I slept with Cole. News like that would spread all over the house in seconds. I wouldn't be surprised if I went back and everyone already knew. Just thinking about it made my face heat up. On top of that, I still owed Cole an apology. That meant talking about one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.

"About what happened in the kitchen," I started, hoping he would stop me and say something that would brush everything off. When he stayed quiet and only turned to look at me, I mentally groaned. I turned to look down at my bare feet and started picking at a patch of grass near them. "I'm sorry I accused you of... telling Jack."

Cole raised his eyebrows. "Telling Jack?" he asked, sounding confused. I looked at him for a few moments, silently begging him to no make say it. 

"You know... about us." When he didn't respond, I let out an exasperated sigh. "That we had sex." Cole immediately grinned at what I said and I scowled at him. "Stop it, jerk!" I growled out.

He chuckled and shook his head. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to hear you say it. You're so shy."

If it was possible, my face turned even redder when he said that. I let out a groaned and buried my face in my knees, not wanting him to look at me. Cole was loving teasing me and I had a feeling that this was something that would become a common occurrence. 

"If it makes you feel any better, I don't fuck and tell," he said lightly. 

My head snapped towards him and I gave his a rough shove. "Don't say it like that! It makes me sound like some hussy." 

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