HD ~ Chapter Twenty-Two

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So I was listening to Dave Days while writing some of this and I don't know. I just completely forgot about everything this guy made when I was a kid. He is great and his parodies are hilarious. If you have a chance, look him up. You won't be disappointed.



Around eight o'clock, I explored my pack's village. Some of the pack members that were still out stared at me as if I was some foreign invader. I assume most of them never expected to see me again or that they expected to see me missing an arm or something. They did not expect to see me strolling through the village looking as though I never left.

It could also be the fact that I rarely walked through the village before I left. I'd never had much of a reason to leave the area where my house was other than to run every now and then. I didn't have much of a reason with interacting with anyone outside my family and I wasn't close to the kids my own age.

Once I had traveled through the area where most of the pack members lived, I came to the wall. I walked along is, tracing my hand along the cold stone. The guards that watched the wall were only stationed by the gate and I doubted anyone ever came this close to it.

As I came up the northwest corner of the wall, noticed some stones crumbling beneath a few shrubs. I looked around to make sure no one was around before I crouched down and pushed back the shrubs. To my utter delight, there was a wolf-sized hole in the corner of the wall. That must be how they've been able to drop off these mysterious notes to my family and me.

Looking back over my shoulder one last time, I phased into my ashy, gray wolf. I shook out my fur, relishing the feeling of being on four legs once again. Crawling underneath the bushes, I pushed my way through the break in the wall until I was free.

I looked back at the wall for a moment. My mother built it because she said it protected us, but all it really did was divide us from the rest of the world. Clarity tried to prove to the world that women were powerful and strong. We wouldn't back down and we weren't afraid of anything. Then here she was, hiding behind her walls.

My eyes turned toward the trees. I didn't want this to be my legacy. I didn't want to be the daughter of the once-great Clarity Ordain. Everyone seemed content to live in this illusion that we had done everything we could to change our world for the better. We hadn't. As long as our kind is still at war with each other, there are always going to be challenges we need to face. With that thought in mind, I set off towards to trees to find the person whom I hoped could help me.

My paws thudded softly on the ground as I raced towards where the border of my pack's territory ended. The note I got hadn't mentioned a specific place to meet so I had just hoped whoever wanted to meet me knew where to find me.

As I slowed to an easy lope, I looked at my surroundings. The trees were closer together around here and would be an easy place for any wolf to hide. I stopped and lowered my head to the ground to try to see if there was any scent that another wolf had been here recently. I couldn't find a trace of anyone.

Lifting my head back to the sky, I noted that it was a few minutes before eleven. I let out a huff and started walking towards the west. I kept my eyes vigilant and my ears strained for any noises around me, but all I could hear were a few small animals emerging for the night.

Eventually, I made my way to a small stream. I looked around cautiously before I was satisfied that there was no one else around. Slowly, I waded into the stream and bent my head down to lap at the water. When I was satisfied, I lifted my eyes to the tree line before me. That was when I saw a pair of yellow eyes staring back at me.

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