HD ~ Chapter Nineteen

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So someone posted a negative comment on the last chapter and I would just like to acknowledge it for a moment.

The person made comments that Felicity was "easy," "stupid," and "weak." As was pointed out in the beginning of the book, Felicity is nothing like her mother was. That is a big point behind the book.

What the She-Wolf Wants was all about empowering women to take a stand, but the way Clarity went about it was wrong (as was stated multiple times throughout this book). There is a message in this book that those who read closely will understand as it finishes. It has a lot to do with what "femInism" actually is because there are a lot of misconceptions behind it.

As for Felicity's character, it's important to remember that Cole is her mate and she loves him. Love is complicated and people will constantly make mistakes. If people are really in love, they overlook the flaws and errors. To condemn someone for the mistakes they make is arrogant and conceited. We are all human after all. No one is perfect.

That's all. Shall we continue?



A few hours before dawn, I felt Cole get up and leave. He was nearly silent, but I still felt it when his body left mine. Once the door closed, I let myself muffle cries into his pillow. An hour later, I cried myself to sleep again that night. Despite the things he said to me about how much he needed me or how sorry he was, he still didn't want me to stay. That was it. He might need me, but he also should want me.

If I couldn't come first to him, then I couldn't be in his life. To be honest, I didn't want to be either. How could I be with someone who was so blind to the things he had in front of him? He had a family here among these guys. They were willing to risk their lives for him and he was going to let them do just that.

Just as the sun started to rise, there was a knock on my door. "Felicity? It's Zach," Zach said from the other side of the door.

"Just a moment," I said in a groggy voice as I reached for my shirt of the floor. I slipped it over my head and climbed out of bed before going to the closet to grab a pair of sweatpants. A second later, I opened the door to find Zach with an almost guilty look on his face. "What's going on?"

He cleared his throat. "I was told to come to see if you were packed and ready to go," he said, barely meeting my eyes.

I frowned. Did Cole want me out of his house that badly? I'll admit that stung a bit. I rubbed the back of my neck and stepped to the side, allowing him to come in. "Uh, yeah. Just let get my things together."

Zach walked into the room and stood there for a second. He watched as I walked into the closet to grab an outfit to wear today before putting the rest of my stuff into a bag. "Do you need any help?" Zach asked after a moment.

I paused to look at him. Something was definitely off. "I have a makeup bag and a toothbrush in the bathroom," I told him. He nodded and went into the bathroom. I continued packing and when he came back in the room to hand me my things, I thanked him. We were silent as I zipped up the bag. "Zach, what's going on?" I asked.

Zach hesitated. Then he took a deep breath and faced me. "We're not going to the train station, Felicity," he said.

I was a bit taken aback by that and I'm sure Zach could tell. "Okay," I said slowly. "Then where exactly are we going?"

"He won't tell me."

"Of course he won't," I muttered. Cole even had to control where I went as I left. He was insufferable. I walked into the closet to change. It took me less than a minute. When I walked out, I dipped down to grab my bag. "Well, we can't keep his majesty waiting," I said bitterly.

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