HD ~ Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Last chapter before the epilogue! 

It's been a long journey to finish Felicity and Cole's journey. Thank you to everyone who stuck through it. You guys are truly incredible. Comments and votes give always make my day so special thanks to those of you who take the time to do so.

Also, I just want to say that I think it's really important that author's recognize their readers. A few weeks ago, I saw an author completely attack one of their readers because they made a lighthearted comment about wanting the author to upload. The author proceed to say that the comment was "rude" and "inconsiderate" or something like that.

It absolutely turned me off from that author because when a reader asks you to upload, it means that he or she really likes your work. It should be taken as a compliment. Obviously, readers don't expect most authors to be constantly writing because we all have lives that come first. Comments asking authors to "please update" shouldn't be taken that literally and I don't think authors should get offended by them.

That's all I wanted to say on that. So let's finish this up!



I closed my laptop with a soft click and took a deep breath. I don't know the girl I just watched in that Skype meeting. She looked like my daughter, but her confidence and courage was nothing like the girl I knew a few months ago. Then again, I shouldn't be all that surprised considering what happened last week.

At first I'd been furious. I'd given Felicity a good life where she was safe and protected. I did my best to give her what she needed given the circumstances and dangers surrounding my pack. Granted, I couldn't always be the nurturing mother she needed me to be, but I would always keep her safe. Last week, she'd given all of that up for him.

I'll admit that I was trying to kill Cole Morrison that day in the clearing. I was so angry that I just wanted to wipe his entire existence away if I could. I hadn't cared about what that would do to Felicity. I wasn't even thinking about her and I know how terrible that makes me.

It didn't matter anyway. She stepped in and chose him. It didn't surprise me. Anyone would have probably done the same. What made me angry was that she turned her back on everything she had for him when he clearly wouldn't have done the same. She was forced to make the sacrifice he wouldn't make for her.

As I listened to Felicity's speech through my computer screen, I felt proud of her. Not in the way a mother always feels pride in their children for doing mediocre things like learning how to walk or acing a test. I felt proud of her because she was proving to our world that she was strong and had the potential to make a great leader. She found the strength I always knew she had and it hadn't come from her mate.

While I do believe that our mates make us better in some ways, I don't think they can give us what we don't already have. I had been strong without Nick. He just unlocked more compassion from me. Compassion I still fought every day of my life because I've always seen it as a weakness.

Though at some point, I also saw mates as a weakness, but what did I know anymore? I thought I'd made our world better. I thought I was just protecting my pack when the attacks started. But the spirits put another white wolf on this earth and made him my enemy so everything I thought I knew might as well be wrong.

A soft knock sounded on my door and I ran a hand through my light hair before standing up. "Come in," I said.

Nick entered the room and closed the door behind him. For the first time since we met, I felt awkward with my own mate. I can tell that he's not happy with me and that he doesn't know how to move forward with everything. Neither do I.

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