Mother hearing voices

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For some reason, I had forgotten to publish this!

This happened sometime between August 13 to August 14. It was in early morning, and, according to my mother, she heard voices calling out to her when she was getting ready in the day.

The voice had sounded like my father, she had told me. Even though I did not hear it, I do believe her. She did not say she was scared when she heard it, and she felt comfort from the voice.

Another strange thing happened to me early this morning as well. Early morning, my fire alarm decided to start beeping a few times, only to stop after 3 or four beeps. A few minutes later, it had started to beep a few times more before stopping for good. I found it strange because they were brand new fire alarms, so I don't see why they would be acting up even if everything was perfectly fine.

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