The Mirror Room and the white shadow figure.

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So last chapter, remember I said I couldn't sleep in my room as a kid? That I could absolutely not sleep in there no matter how much my parents wanted me to? We will call this room the light blue room.

Since I could not sleep in this room, I moved to the room next to it. It was slightly smaller, about the size of half a two car garage. Despite all the frightening paranormal experiences that happened and all the fear and anxiety I've experienced in that room growing up, I was drawn to it and slept in that room for years.

Though, every single night I would sleep in there, I would always have the feeling of being watched, and I would always stare at a lone closet door in the corner of the room. From what I would remember, I would stare at the closet door for a long time every night before going to bed; having the feeling that something was staring back at me and that it was not safe to fall asleep yet.

Let's call this room the mirror or yellow room, shall we?

So this is my earliest paranormal experience that has happened to me. And it happened in the mirror room.

One night, in 2009 or 2010 (I was probably around 10 at this time), my younger cousin was sleeping over and was sharing the mirror room with me. We both had a hard time falling asleep so we called my father in to sleep with us. At that time, a tall standing mirror (that both my cousin and I hate to this day) was next to the bed, and I so happened to be sleeping on the side of the bed closest to the mirror.

I remember it was around midnight or so, and despite my cousin and father being sound asleep, I could not fall asleep. I was exhausted, but I had the feeling of being watched which made me not want to sleep.

I remember looking over to the left of me where the mirror was and seeing a somewhat tall white figure reflected in the mirror. I couldn't see a whole view of it, but I could see part of a feminine-like figure in the mirror, but nothing in the room itself. The figure was fuzzy and I could not stop staring at it and I remember being absolutely terrified.

Even now, almost ten years later, I still do know who or what it was. I never told my parents about it and I never saw that figure again in that room. I did see a white figure in another part of my house a few times though, but I will save that for another chapter...

What do you think it could be?

Do you think it was the woman of the first family?

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