Door slamming shut at 3am

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Yes, I know I haven't updated anything in a few months.

Yes, I know I probably have titles almost exactly the same as this, but I don't know what else to name this chapter.

So this happened late last night (or early morning) of the 30th of September. It happened at 3am to be exact. It happened some time between 2:59 to 3:01 in the morning. I have been going through hard times, especially since October is just around the corner. October is when my father and grandmother passed away in. Also my grandfather died this month too, but I don't remember him at all.

So, I had a really hard time sleeping and I also felt ill. I was laying in bed, trying to fall asleep when I heard something slam shut in another room. This did not happen in the room next to mine, which is the yellow/mirror room, but the room in front of my bedroom. It sounded exactly like the closet door in that room slamming shut.

Also, the trapdoor to the attic is in that closet as well.

What do you all think caused this? Do you think that this coming month of grief and sadness has any connections to this?

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