Update: Where ive been and what has been happening

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Don't worry! This is not paranormal. I apologize for leaving you all on a cliffhanger and being kinda inactive. (Don't worry, I'll finish up that chapter VERY soon!!)

First, I haven't really been having too much paranormal activity happening, anything that has been happening has been really minor and I've probably wrote chapters on them before.

Second, in February I have gotten covid for the first time, and it impacted my hearing. Like, a lot. Back in December/January, I was diagnosed with minor hearing loss, and covid brought that down a ton. I had to very quickly get through the process of hearing aids and now I have them.

Lastly, I wanted to sort some things out and get answers for lots of struggles with learning and social situations I've had in my younger years. That answer, was that I found out (doing assessments through doctors and therapists) was the autism spectrum.

Anyways! Next chapter is going to be up, hopefully tonight. Keep in mind there is a trigger warning for witnessing death of a family member. So if you're sensitive, I'll write a TODR in the end of the chapter with no bad details. :)

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