Being haunted

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Hi! Don't worry, I'm alive still haha... and living in the same house. Usually it's not too bad, but this last evening and night has affected both my mom and I, and I have a feeling it may have been part of the paranormal. First, I'll talk about last evening, which was more of a sweet thing happening!

August 8, 2022: 8-9pm.

That evening, my mother and I had a small bicker with one another about some minor thing. Y'know when you're parents are stressed about something and they take that frustration out on you? Nothing too bad, but she soon realized that she was in the wrong and felt sorry. We made up and it was all fine. It is the summer right now, and it is very hot in Canada, so my mother likes to jump in the pool before she goes inside for the night to cool off. I usually don't watch her, but I can hear her jumping in and swimming so I do listen to make sure she is safe.

I, for some reason had a weird urge to go outside and check on my mom, almost like something was influencing or forcing me to get up and walk out. When I went outside, she of course got scared when I said "Mom, are you okay?" but she then mentioned she was thinking to my dad and how she wants him to give her a sign that he is watching and protecting her and I. I guess that was the sign? I remember I had an experience similar to this last year, where I had a random urge to go out to check on my mother or something when she was not feeling well. Who knows what that was and if it related to the paranormal?

The second experience however, was a lot more scary and uncomfortable. I haven't felt actual terror and fear like that in a while. It even affected my mother too! I fell asleep like usual and at around 1:30-2am I woke up gasping and panting to try to catch air. I felt like I was being watched and that something or someone was on my chest and behind me. It took me a good while to try to catch my breath and it must have taken me a good hour to finally fall back asleep. Even getting up for work a few hours later at 6am, I was still having a hard time breathing and I felt drained the whole day. Even now at 6pm, I still feel drained.

When I had gotten home from work around noon, my mother had also told me she had a freaky experience that same night, probably around the same time I had mine. She had said she was experiencing horrible nightmares and when she woke up, she couldn't move and felt like something was on her chest holding and weighing her down, almost like a black shadow or mass. She also had a hard time breathing and said she even tried to call out my name, but couldn't say much and was completely drained the whole day like me too. I told her I thought it was some kind of strange sleep paralysis because I've had something similar to that years and years ago, probably around 2013 and still feel that fear to this day.

What do you think the second experience could be? It was absolutely terrifying for both of us and I sure as heck don't think it was my father's presence doing that! It felt... dangerous almost.

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