More footsteps in the hallway

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hello! Yes, I know I haven't published the death chapter yet. It's even almost been a year since I witnessed the death. It still feels like it just happened still. Anyways,

I just experienced something again, and it's kinda creepy and weird.

It happened around 8:30 PM eastern time (20:30) today. I was upstairs and my mother was downstairs talking on the phone. I heard someone walking down the hallway towards my room. It sounded like the door that has the dirty clothing hampers opened and closed a few sounds, and something walked away afterwards. I shrugged it off like "okay, my mom is going to bed early", but thought for a moment.

I still heard her voice downstairs  and never actually heard her go upstairs. It is quiet around so I can actually hear and focus on any noise.

I heard footsteps upstairs while my mom was downstairs. I wonder what that was? Maybe that as spirit that I noticed for a decade now?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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