Help me, please...

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After shaking hands, Stefon went back on stage to quickly grab his clothes.

Then, he said, "It was really nice meeting you, Seth Meyers." All of a sudden, Stefon sighed sadly and continued, saying, "I probably should go back home now. It's getting quite late." Seth thought to himself, "Something's bothering him. Is anything wrong, maybe?" So, Seth told Stefon, "I know we just met, but maybe you'd like to spend the night with me tonight, Stefon. Don't worry, I'm not living with anyone else at my place."

Stefon was taken aback with Seth's offer.

He smiled at him and said, "Sure, Seth Meyers. We could drive to my place for a while, and I could get clothes for myself first, maybe." Seth caressed Stefon's cheek and said, "Give me directions to where you live, and I'll be more than happy to drive you there."

After their short conversation, Seth and Stefon drove to the latter's house.

As Stefon finished grabbing clothes from his closet, Seth drove him along to his house. When they arrived, Stefon exclaimed, "You've got a really big house, Seth Meyers." Seth chuckled softly and replied, "Welcome to my house, Stefon! Make yourself feel at home." Seth and Stefon proceeded inside shortly afterwards.

Seth gave Stefon a quick house tour before they came back to his living room.

As both of them sat down on Seth's couch, Seth asked, "Are you hungry, Stefon? Do you eat after performing, even?" Stefon rolled his index fingers and replied, "Well, Stefon is quite hungry. He doesn't really have time to eat something before dancing on stage."

Seth went to his kitchen, proceeded to grab a box of Kraft Mac and Cheese from his cupboard, and started cooking for him.

When he finished, he grabbed a bowl and served the mac and cheese to Stefon. Stefon gave a weak smile and said, "Oh, Seth Meyers... You shouldn't have." Seth rolled his eyes and replied, "Stefon, you're a guest here in my house. I should make you feel as comfortable as possible while you're here." Stefon said to him, "Thanks a lot, then."

Stefon proceeded to eat the mac and cheese that Seth cooked for him.

As soon as the bowl where he ate from was empty, Stefon stood up from the couch and said, "I'll wash this bowl for you---" Seth cut him off by grabbing his arm and replied, "Don't worry about it, Stefon. I'll be the one to take care of that later, OK?"

Stefon went back to sitting beside Seth on his couch, set the bowl down on the coffee table in front of both of them, and nodded.

Afterwards, Stefon looked at Seth and said, "Thank you for letting Stefon crash the night here." Seth replied, "You're welcome, Stefon." He then asked, "Do you wanna, like, take a bath, or...?"

Stefon gave a weak smile and nodded.

Seth proceeded upstairs to his room, grabbed a spare bath towel, and went back downstairs, telling Stefon, "Here's a spare towel, Stefon. The bathroom's on the door beside my kitchen."

Stefon proceeded to take a bath after he stood up from Seth's couch.

Once he finished, he grabbed some of his clothes and proceeded to dress himself up inside the room beside Seth's. As he came back downstairs, Seth blurted out, "What a dapper dresser you are." Stefon smiled and replied, "Why, thank you, Seth Meyers."

Stefon sat beside Seth on his couch again afterwards.

Then, Seth noticed that Stefon was looking down on his lap, so he asked, "Is everything alright, Stefon?" Stefon looked up towards him and slowly shook his head. Seth proceeded to ask, "Would you like to tell me about it?" Stefon turned towards Seth and hugged him. Seth was taken aback by this, but hugged him back anyway.

A few seconds later, Stefon buried his head on Seth's shirt and started crying.

He said, "I'm not happy anymore, Seth Meyers..." Seth then told him, "What do you mean? Let it all out, Stefon." Stefon replied, "I've been stripping for God knows how long, but... this isn't how I want to make money for myself, Seth Meyers. I've wanted to quit for quite a while now, but Stefon doesn't know a place he could look a job for."

Seth started rubbing Stefon's back to calm him down.

As Seth shushed him, he said, "It's OK, Stefon. I'm here to help." Stefon pulled away from the hug, looked at Seth, and asked, "You'll help me get a new job, Seth Meyers?" Seth smiled at Stefon and replied, "Let's get you out of your stripping job first, OK?"

Stefon hugged Seth back and sighed in joy.

As both of them pulled away from the hug, Stefon asked, "Would you help Stefon write a resignation letter for the manager of the club where he strips to?" Seth replied, "We'll do that first thing in the morning tomorrow, alright?" Stefon said, "Sure, Seth Meyers." Seth yawned and blurted out, "It's getting kinda late. Let's call it a night."

Stefon nodded, and proceeded with Seth inside his bedroom upstairs. After that, Seth texted John about leaving the club early before sleeping beside Stefon.

To be continued in Part 5...

Directed by Destiny (A SethFon AU)Where stories live. Discover now