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Stefon continued to work as a sketch writer in Saturday Night Live for two years. Other staff members from the writing team gave praise to whatever character and plot he pitched through those years as they always became hits during episodes.

One day, John called Stefon to his office. As he arrived, John asked him to sit down on the chair. Stefon gulped as he sat down and said sternly, "Please don't tell me I'm in trouble again this time, John." John chuckled softly and replied, "Oh, no, not at all, Stefon."

Stefon breathed out in relief.

He then asked, "So, what's going on? Is this good news?" John nodded softly and replied, "Well, I finally have an idea on which skit I could put you into." Stefon got excited and asked further, "Really? Which skit is that, then, John?" John chuckled softly and said, "You'll find out as soon as the final script for the episode gets finished by the writers."

Stefon smiled at the thought.

Then, John told him, "Well, that's all I have to say. You may go to work with the other staff members at the writing department." Stefon nodded while still smiling, then said, "Alright, John. Thank you very much for letting me know about this." After that, Stefon left.

Stefon immediately proceeded to the office of the writing staff.

As soon as he walked in, Colin noticed him smiling. So, he cleared his throat and jokingly said, "Looks like someone is feeling really happy today." Stefon playfully rolled his eyes and replied, "Oh, shut up, Colin. Stefon received really exciting news earlier today."

Stefon proceeded to tell everyone that John had an idea of which skit he would be appearing in.

A few days pass, and John gathered the cast members a few minutes before filming began for the week's episode. He briefed them about how they were going to act out the episode's cold open, as well as the flow of the skits to be shown in the episode.

Afterwards, John started rolling the camera.

As the Weekend Update sketch was about to air, Seth asked Stefon, "Are you ready to introduce yourself again to America, Stefon?" Stefon breathed out and said, "Ready as I'll ever be, Seth Meyers. Again. Hopefully I do better than how I did last time."

John called Seth and Stefon a few seconds after their short conversation.

Then, as the audience stopped clapping, Seth looked at the camera and said, "It's spring time in New York, and thousands of tourists are coming to the city. Here now is some tips on the best New York spot to check out is our city correspondent, Stefon."

The studio's audience was instructed to applaud again as Stefon entered the scene.

After Stefon greeted Seth, the latter blurted out, "Um, hey, Stefon. Uh, are you... OK? You seem different." Stefon replied, "I've had a weird few years." Seth then said, "So, Stefon, um... you know, families are coming to New York. Where can tourists go if they're looking for a great time in New York City?" Stefon told him, "If you're looking for a good time, look no further. New York's hottest club is Crease."

Stefon proceeded to talk about "Crease", which is owned by a club promoter named Tranny Oakley, featuring lights, psychos, Furbys, screaming babies in Mozart wigs, and sunburnt drifters with soap sud beards.

All of a sudden, Seth blurted out, "I'm sorry, what?" Stefon then explains that a drifter is a hobo that became rich and decided to take a bubble bath. After Seth takes the information in, he said, "I... think I know what you mean? But, now, Stefon... Again, if a family of normal people were looking to see some of the classic New York sites... Would you have any recommendations?"

Stefon then recommends the club named "Wesh", a hotspot owned by 9-year-old Tokyo pimp Ichi Yakaguro that answers the question 'What?', featuring trances, stilts, throw-up music, an albino resembling Susan Powter, and Teddy Graham people.

Seth suddenly cut him off again, saying, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry... What are Teddy Graham people?" Stefon proceeds to explain that Teddy Graham people are men with short arms and big stomachs. Seth then said, "Yeah, that's... that's definitely not a thing."

Despite this, Seth reassured Stefon that he was doing a good job.

Then, he said, "But... if we were talking about... again, just regular, run-of-the-mill people, maybe from the Midwest who are looking to do something with their kids... or their grandparents... If they were coming here, could you recommend some place that would be fun for them?" Seth and Stefon start laughing to themselves afterwards.

Stefon proceeds to recommend the club named "Twice", owned by Robert Blake and has a rabbi bearing resemblance to Joaquin Phoenix for a club bouncer, featuring gauze, carnival barkers, groups of guys with afros, and human fire hydrants.

Seth then asked, "What is a human fire hydrant?" Stefon then explains that a human fire hydrant is a person suffering from dwarfism with a high waist that wears red pants, and has a fat butt, unable to control himself from cracking up to the thought.

After that, Seth tells Stefon that the places he recommended felt like visions of a gay man dying from suffocation due to blankets over his head.

Seth suddenly said, "But you know what, Stefon? Your heart was in the right place, and I really enjoyed having you here." A few seconds later, Weekend Update ended. Afterwards, the rest of the sketches were acted out until John yelled out 'Cut!'.

As the episode finished, John thanked the cast members and praised their performances in the sketches that was featured.

To be continued in Part 11...

Directed by Destiny (A SethFon AU)Where stories live. Discover now