Chapter 28
'N oppa!!'
I poked N on shoulder when he didn't reply me any word. He sat still with his eyes concentrated on the TV's screen ahead. I followed his focus and found nothing but an advertisement.
'CHA N!!!!!' I joined my hands and let out the loudest voice I possessed. The note I was proud of.
'Huh, Yes! What's up?'
Fuu, he did get himself back.
'What're you thinking about, oppa? I've called you millions time already.' I squinted. He was so strange since last week. Often lost himself in another world. It didn't mean a UFO had kidnapped him.
Just he liked to sit or stay stall with his eyes focusing on one place but I didn't see the stable point in them.
'Are you thinking about someone? A girl? Other girl?'
I frowned and got nearer to him.
'What? Other girl? Just you, already drive me insane.' He laughed. I hissed when he drew me in his arms.
'Come here, lemme hug you to compensate a week without my bae~'
'But you did finish last week.'
'Who care? You're huggable everyday.'
'Perverted oppa >///<'
I lied on that wide chest and gripped his fingers.
'Oppa ah, Will you join next week field trip?'
'Ne, I'll always be there.' I giggled as he curled my hair and it was tickling.
'Really? Is it fun?'
'Emm.. Yeah, good air and view there. Come this year, babe! Oppa is lonely.'
'Actually, I did sign on the register paper..'
Sighing hard, I scolded Hyuk in my head. Should not have got trapped.
'Jinja? You join the field trip? Wow!! I should prepare some UV protective lotions and umbrella!!' N squealed in joy with his hands shook my arms crazily.
'Don't worry, I'll follow you everywhere with an enormous umbrella~'
The following week..
'Hey, Jin Ah! Over here!' I followed Hyuk's scream and found my class's bus.
'See you at the beach, Jinnie!'
N waved me goodbye and headed to his classmate.
'Hey, little terror! What's your favorite number?' I turned around with that poke. There, stood Hong Bin and Krystal eonnie.
'26. Why?'
'I'll buy the lottery since it's my first time seeing you here. Hope you come to help not causing trouble.' Sarcasing me as always, that rollercoaster sunbae too left to his bus. Damn! This jerk! I wished not to know him in the next life.
-poke poke poke-
'So that guy is your ex, Jin Ah?' I frowned when Krystal pulled me closer.
'Huh, who?'
'That pale guy waiting for you at the door.' I followed her eyes and found Leo was looking at us.
After that Sunday evening with his confession, my brain again went blank. I'd tried not to be specific with him, though he kept showing off his concern toward me. I didn't get what he was aiming to do but my mind came to a peace now.

Someone to love ::vixx fanfic::
Mystère / Thriller-Completed- . . . . Just like other ordinary girls, Jin Ah wishes to have someone to love and care as those in fairy tales she reads. It was like a miracle that day when she finally got herself a prince charming.. It was almost a happy ending..almos...