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Ms. Xia is arrogant and energetic, and she has the momentum to travel thousands of miles alone. It's a pity that I just took a step, only one leg was weak, and I almost didn't fall into a shit.
He hurriedly stood on the wall next to him. Xia Yao patted her chest, but she noticed a cold, condescending gaze, staring at her closely.
who? !
Xia Yao looked up with a vigilant face, and suddenly saw a row of photos hanging on the wall.
Phew... Take a long breath. It turned out that there were profiles of the chief doctors in this hospital hanging on this wall.
Above the introduction, there is also their blue background ID photos, which are well protected by a layer of tempered glass, and they are still as bright as new.
At this time, the person facing Xia Yao's eyes was a young doctor.
He was dressed in a white lab coat, young and handsome, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes. The entire facial contour is extremely deep and striking. All of her short, jet-black hair was combed up, revealing her smooth and beautiful forehead, even more neatly.
This look is already handsome and extraordinary, but the most attractive thing is his pair of phoenix eyes.
Long, narrow and deep, with long eyes half-closed. It seems cold and self-sufficient, everything is not in the heart, like an iceberg that will never melt forever, not eating the fireworks, but inadvertently attracting everyone's attention.
Even if it was just a photo, looking at Xia Yao condescendingly made her feel cold from the bottom of her feet.
Xia Yao couldn't help but rubbed his arms. Such an appearance would be too violent to be a big star.
She raised her head slightly, and said the name word by word.
It seems a bit familiar, but where I have heard it, Xia Yao can't remember it for a while.
Unlike other doctors' long introductions, this introduction by Dr. Yi Yu is simple, with only a few words.
-- Dean, responsible for the overall work of the hospital.
It seems that this doctor is really a young talent, young and promising!
Handsome brother, you have to bless my plan to go well!
Xia Yao sighed in her heart, then looked down at another red dot on the watch, and hurried towards her direction.
Doing business matters!
Xia Yao ran towards the pharmacy quickly.
Now, the whole hospital was bright, all the zombies were hiding, Xia Yao swaggered as if she was in no one.
Soon, she found the anti-fever medicine in the pharmacy and swallowed a tablet directly.
At this time, she missed her repair cabin very much. Xia Yao held the broken lamp, rolled her eyes and swallowed, and she couldn't help but sigh inwardly: I am too difficult...
Later, Xia Yao swept the entire dispensary with the force of wind and wind, and got a large package of medicines. Then, he rushed back to the previous office without looking back.
After being baptized by a group of zombies, the originally neat office was in a mess. Even that very luxurious office was turned into scraps.
In addition, the outside is also covered with flesh and blood used to attract zombies, even under the bright lights, it is still shocking.
Xia Yao lifted up the leather boss chair and sat down on it.
After sitting down, the whole person seemed to fall apart, and his eyelids became heavy.
She pinched the tiger's mouth hard to keep herself awake, Xia Yao also heard footsteps from far and near.
"Hum! Hum! Hum!..."
He came, he came, he came with a strong killing intent.
Xia Yao squinted her eyes and pressed the little heart that was about to jump out of her chest, and finally saw a man in a straight suit walking slowly at the door of the broken office.
Tall and tall, the top button of the white shirt was buttoned directly under his throat.
With a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his face, he looked ascetic and gentle. Under the corner of the eye, there is a small mole. The left ear also wears a pure black stud.
Hey, it's pretty handsome.
Xia Yao squinted and pretended to die.
Obviously, in this situation, the only person who can pretend not to be beaten by others is that the male protagonist of "Rebirth of the Overlord Returns"-Mo Feng, has this kind of treatment.
And the person who wanted to kill her with the help of a zombie was indeed him! It was exactly the same as Xia Yao had previously guessed.
A few months ago, Xia Yao learned that "The Return of the Reborn Lord" was just a YY book, and instantly lost interest. After reading it all over, she shelved the book on the shelf.
However, she has always had an excellent memory, and she still remembered the general content.
--The book states that the former fiancée died in an accident, and the male lead Mo Feng was sad for several days, making his harem and younger brother surrender to his love and righteousness.
Xia Yao felt at the time that even if her ex-fiancée did not die accidentally, Mo Feng, the blackened male protagonist, would one day quietly kill her in secret.
I didn't expect that this day would come so quickly-the accident in the hospital was actually controlled by Mo Feng.
Hero, you are so awesome! Xia Yao clenched her fists.
The ink seal walked slowly step by step.
In this bloody, messy office corridor, he walked leisurely, as if walking on the Champs-Elysées Avenue in Paris, with leisure and self-confidence.
"Yaoyao... Yaoyao, I'm looking for you, don't be afraid."
Speak softly, like the whisper of the devil.
Xia Yao was covered in cold sweat, her drooping black eyelashes trembling randomly.
"Yaoyao, why are you running away?"
"As long as you follow me obediently, I will take care of you for the rest of my life..."
Near, almost!
One step, two steps...the steps of the devil...
However, under Xia Yao's ardent expectation, Mo Feng stood at the door of the office and never took a step forward. He even said:
"Yaoyao, I'm very disappointed if you do this."
What did the former fiancée do to let him design her so ruthlessly that she was rude by zombies!
Xia Yao murmured in her heart while guessing that her former fiancee had already noticed that there was a problem with the male lead, so she ran away first?
After crossing directly into the book and being on the scene, she realized that the water might be deeper than she thought.
In order to lure the enemy to go deeper, Xia Yao had to scream and woke up and turned around.
"Feng...Why are you? Where am I?!"
The delicate and soft voice is nice, just using a black face to make a pretentious expression, which is really disrespectful.
Mo Feng was taken aback for a moment, and his black eyes under the flat mirror suddenly passed a trace of interest. Slender fingers touched the corners of his lips, he smiled:
"Yaoyao doesn't know how she entered this office?"

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