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Chapter 51

The little soft hands touched the flawless face of the young man, like a fluttering butterfly wings, softly passing from the corner of his eyes, and slowly moved to the bridge of his nose.
Further down is his slightly pale, but well-shaped lips.
The young people's lips are also very beautiful, with sharp edges and corners. Even if they don't smile, their lips are slightly raised. On the upper lip, there is a lip bead, which looks extraordinarily complex, and it is even easy to provoke the desires of others.
Xia Yao blinked her big moist eyes twice, with a trace of doubt in her eyes.
She slowly leaned over.
Xia Yu froze, just watching that pretty little girl get closer and closer to him...
The thick and long eyelashes trembled as if they could not be restrained, and his ears were quickly dyed pink.
She could smell the sweet fragrance that belonged to her in her nose, and both hands on her side were clenched into fists. Xia Yu took a deep breath, and then closed her eyes obediently.
She, she, she is coming to kiss him...
As a result, not only did the soft touch as expected, but also the soft little hands were transferred from his chin to his hair.
"Yu, look!"
A soft voice rang in his ears, and Xia Yu closed her eyes tightly. When he opened it again, the azure blue eyes had already returned to calm.
Xia Yao looked at the thing in her hand in confusion: "Is this...hair?"
Xia Yu lowered his head and took a look at Xia Yao's hand.
In her hand wearing protective gloves, she was pinching a very thin...black silk thread.
This black thread was completely different from the previous overwhelming, turbulent and turbulent, only thin one, but half the length of a little finger.
At this time, it stayed on Xia Yu's head.
If it weren't for Xia Yu's hair originally had a silvery white color, and it was such a thin piece, under the angle change, the color difference was a little obvious, otherwise Xia Yao would not have been able to find it.
"When did it come on?"
Xia Yao shook the black silk thread with two fingers. It seemed that the touch of the silk thread was between the beaded mutant spider silk and human hair. But it looks closer to human hair.
Xia Yu also didn't know when this thing crawled into his hair. Junlang's face was expressionless, he took the black silk thread from her hand.
An icy suffocating air instantly condensed from his fingers to the black silk thread.
The black silk thread that was still motionless also sensed the terrifying power, and suddenly twisted frantically, trying to roll down from the tips of Xia Yu's fingers.
Xia Yu narrowed her eyes slightly, her fingers were pale and strong, and she pinched the black thread, making it impossible to move at all.
Obviously this kind of power made the black silk thread feel terrified, and it couldn't get rid of it by twisting quickly.
I only heard the sound of "boom--", the originally extremely thin strip suddenly swelled, spreading out countless threads of the same thread. If you were crazy, you would usually wrap Xia Yu's entire hand.
"Oh my God! This thing is alive!" Xia Yao exclaimed.
Immediately, she raised her hand and shot a stream of water, which directly wrapped the black silk thread. Almost at the same time, the small slender hand gave a firm grip.
He only heard a soft "pop", and the water enveloping the black thread instantly condensed into ice, forming a spherical shape.
The hockey puck is round and glowing with ice blue in the dark. The black silk thread was frozen in it, unable to move anymore, and in a short while, it became the slender shape before.
"Yu, are you okay?!"
Xia Yao hurried over, did not even look at the ice hockey puck that was frozen by her. Instead, she lowered her head and opened Xia Yu's palm seriously and stubbornly, "Have you been caught by the ice? Have you been injured? ?"
Seeing her desperately protecting him, and now hearing her extremely caring voice, her pale lips curled up uncontrollably. Xia Yu spread her palms and whispered:
"It's okay. Yaoyao is really good."
"Let's take a look..." Xia Yao was still worried, grabbing his hand, and carefully checking the smooth and clean palm.
After confirming that he was not injured, he let out a long sigh.
As for Xia Yu's praise...
"Uh..." In fact, Xia Yao herself didn't know when she started to control the water system abilities so skillfully.
Strictly speaking, the water-type abilities condense water drops, and then quickly pull away the temperature, these are all Xia Yao learned from Xia Yu.
Xia Yu can control the green vine for its use, so Xia Yao is a water system supernatural person, and she can also use water for her use.
In this world, there is water everywhere.
This water is not necessarily only water that appears liquid. Together with the gaseous water-the moisture in the air; the solid water-ice and snow; and the sap in the plants, the blood in the animals...all are water.
Xia Yao is a person with water system supernatural ability, and can control water by nature.
Liquid water is naturally not a problem, so, another way of thinking, she can also control other forms of water!
After seeing Xia Yu freezing the car door, she broke the car door with the fragile nature of ice. Xia Yao was also suddenly blessed to her soul. She tried to pull away the temperature of the water, causing it to freeze quickly, forming an ice mass.
This is not the first or second time she has used Bing Ling. Many things rely on practice to make perfect. This third time using Bingling, Xia Yao was even more familiar with it.
"Yeah." Xia Yu listened to her seriously. At this time, he couldn't help but stretched out a hand and touched her soft hair. "We Yaoyao are really getting better and better."
"Yeah! Our Mr. Skull's mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter." Xia Yao couldn't help but smile.
Who would have thought that such a beautiful and gentle youth was originally just a scary white skeleton. Seeing that she raised him so well now makes Xia Yao feel full of accomplishment in her heart.
After confirming that Xia Yu was indeed not injured, Xia Yao took the black silk thread that was sealed in ice and studied it:
"I didn't expect this thing to be bigger, and I know I'm afraid... Could it be that this thing has an IQ? What exactly is it?"
Slender and white fingers fiddled with the hockey puck, the silk thread inside was still trying to struggle, but it was still unable to break free from the solid ice.
When Xia Yao pushed the hockey puck, the little silk thread was also pushed around and swayed, annoyed and cursed.
However, finally realized the reality that it couldn't get out of the hockey puck, and the little thread spread all over the hockey puck and stopped moving.
"Eh... why doesn't it move? You did." Xia Yao continued poking.
Xia Yu looked at the little girl in front of her quietly.
How clever is she, she can learn by analogy and understand after only seeing how he controls the abilities in her body a few times. Such a smart little girl, who would not like it?
Moreover, maybe even she herself hadn't noticed how terrifying her control of water system abilities had reached.
You know she just awakened the ability not long ago. If this continues, in time, her ability will surely stand at the pinnacle of human supernatural beings. Become one of the best in the world.
She is so powerful, she still doesn't know it.
It happened to take him in mind all the time, and rushed out to protect him at the first time no matter what. This feeling of being protected and cherished by others seemed to be his first attempt.
This feeling is so good, it's like a wandering traveler in the dark winter night, finally seeing a warm campfire.
As long as you have experienced the beauty, how can you let it go again? !
Holding the hand on his side tightly, she...is his. I will never let anyone take it away again!
It may be that Xia Yu's vision is too hot, Xia Yao raised her head, frowning slightly.
"Cough!" Xia Yu lowered his eyes and coughed lightly, and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"
Xia Yao covered her heart, feeling a little uncomfortable inexplicably.
She obviously has no heart disease, why does she feel this way?
Can't help telling Xia Yu this feeling, Xia Yu pondered for a moment, and whispered: "It's Zhuzhu who is in danger."
Xia Yao was shocked and immediately asked the little spider to check it out.
As a result, judging from the image sent back by the little spider, the defensive net that they used to place Zhuzhu and Jiang Linghan had broken, and they both disappeared!
--They... Obviously, Jian and the others were taken away by the monsters on this island.
He quickly called up Jiang Linghan's watch information, and sure enough, he was now with Xiaojian and the others. Moreover, there were no particularly large fluctuations in all aspects of his body, except that his blood pressure was much lower.
He was injured...
No matter how little spider kept exploring the traces on the spot, looking at the images, the answer to the mystery in Xia Yao's heart was also ready to come out.
No matter what, she will rescue them all safely and countlessly!
At this time, Xia Yu suddenly said, "Yaoyao, can you make some of the ice inside melt into water?"
"Turn water?" Xia Yao came back to her senses and dialed the hockey puck: "I will try..."
As she said, her slender fingertips lightly tapped the hockey puck.
With a very soft sound, then, at a speed visible to the naked eye, the center of the ice hockey puck quietly turned into water.
The little silk thread that was still lying carelessly, when the shackles around it loosened, it immediately ejected.
East/Turkish West collision, the small thread struck the shell of the hockey puck desperately. However, no matter how much it tossed, it couldn't break free from the hockey puck that looked like only a thin layer of ice.
"Heh!" Xia Yao sneered. So many of her friends had been taken away, and she only caught one of them. This business is still a loss!
So, she just tapped the hockey puck with one finger, and tossed the little thread to death.
With her power, she wanted the ice shell to be as hard as it could be. She wanted the water in the ice hockey puck to become hotter as much as possible; she wanted to make the little thread immobile, so that it could be frozen in the ice hockey puck without any movement.
After tossing through that little thread again and again, watching it float in the ice water with her head downcast, Xia Yao only felt the depression and sorrow that had been felt since entering this hospital, and it was wiped out all at once. .
Instead, there is confidence in facing the future.
She didn't wait for Xia Yu's instructions, she shook the hockey puck vigorously: "Take me to your master, if you don't take me, haha!"
A grinning smile overflowed on Xia Yao's lips, and the little thread trembled.
--She, she, she... everything was discovered by her! ?
Maybe Xia Yao didn't understand Xia Yu's purpose before, but she suddenly remembered that the black silk thread pierced Jiang Linghan's shoulder in the forest, and also grabbed them.
In the place where Jiang Linghan and Zhuzhu were captured, there were also traces of black silk threads surging.
Moreover, just now on the third floor of the hospital, those black threads tried to attack her and Xia Yu. After being repelled by them, that little silk thread dared to stay on Xia Yu's head, obviously monitoring their tracks.
Since silk thread has an IQ, then she hasn't come up with a way to do it again!
The red dots on her watch and Xiaojian had already overlapped, but after searching the entire ward, they couldn't find any trace of them. She can't find them, then find a guide and let it lead the way.
Seeing this, Xia Yu also stretched out his finger on the hockey puck.
A small shadow rushed into the hockey puck at once, tightening the thread.

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