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Chapter 16

This is obviously the cold storage of this large supermarket!
The food outside the supermarket was looted, but the cold storage has never been found because of its remote location, so it escaped.
There should be all kinds of meat inside, large slices of pork, beef, mutton, chicken feet, duck feet, etc...
The backup power supply of the cold storage is still operating conscientiously, maintaining a temperature of -18 degrees Celsius throughout the year, and the meat can almost remain unchanged for more than half a year.
Brother Xiong directly picked up a pack of duck feet and glanced at the date of production. It turned out to be the day before the end of the world. Take a look again...
"It's edible! It hasn't deteriorated at all!"
"Now our safe zone will have one more guarantee."
Everyone cheered, only Bai Miaoling curled her lips to the side and whispered: "It's all overdue, can you still eat it?"
Today, with extremely severe cold weather every day, it is not easy to produce food, let alone meat. Even those with supernatural powers have not eaten meat for a long time.
In this case, let alone the food that has expired for a long time, even if it is spoiled, as long as it can be eaten, there will still be people rushing to eat it.
"You don't want to eat, you don't need to eat." Jiang Linlang said directly.
Bai Miaoling closed her mouth immediately, her face was red and white.
Jiang Linlang looked at so much meat, and her face that was calm in the past also revealed a bit of excitement at this time. She raised her watch and directly turned on the multi-person call function:
"Everyone came to Yaoguang, a lot of frozen meat was found here!"
Every team member who heard this was overjoyed, stuffed their backpacks indiscriminately, and hurried to the supermarket.
"Who is it? Who found this cold storage?!"
The B2 squad has 12 people. Among them, the thin young man with glasses is called Xiaojian, who is a space supernatural person. As soon as he arrived at the door of the cold storage, he hurriedly asked.
Brother Xiong squeezed a fist the size of a copper hammer and said with a smile, "It was discovered by Yaoyao."
"...Yaoyao." Xiaojian glanced at Xia Yao and muttered in a low voice, "It turns out that little princess Yaoyao...found it."
He had misunderstood Xia Yaoyao before and had a very bad attitude towards her, and he hadn't apologized to her yet.
Xia Yao heard it and turned her head. She has crooked eyebrows and a beautiful smile.
Seeing such a nice smile, Xiaojian's face blushed, and he couldn't say a word in an instant.
Following Xiaojian was a round-faced aunt with a big waist and a broad mind. Seeing the meat in this cold storage, I was shocked and let out a sigh:
"You can be found in such a deep place. The little princess Yaoyao is also very lucky! When I return to the base next time, Yuan Mom, I will cook braised pork for everyone!"
As soon as they heard this braised pork, everyone's eyes lit up and cheered: "Long live Yuanma! Long live braised pork! ... Long live Yaoyao!"
Xia Yao, who was suddenly caught by the cue, was taken aback by the big guy's emotions, and she also laughed.
The little girl's skin is white, her eyebrows are crooked, and two small pear vortices are revealed when she smiles. It looks so beautiful, soft, sweet and well-behaved.
The big guy looked at her and smiled, feeling sweeter in his heart.
Jiang Linlang was beside her, her slender fingers touched her lips subconsciously, and she couldn't help but also aroused a smile.
Only Bai Miaoling whispered to the side:
"She was just lucky to find the cold storage. This cold storage is there, and someone will find it sooner or later. Besides, the meat is not hers..."
Xiaojian heard it, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said in surprise: "Nurse Bai, you don't even know Yaoguang-the name of this supermarket is originally an industry under the Xia Group?!"
Now Bai Miaoling couldn't hold her face even more, and said angrily: "It turns out that this belongs to Yaoyao's family. I was also nervous about her. Who knew she would find a cold storage..."
Jiang Linlang hugged her chest and snorted coldly:
"Nurse Bai, don't you know that the world's largest chain, 24-hour giant supermarket-Yaoguang belongs to the Xia family? Moreover, the name Yaoguang is derived from Xia Yaoyao. I heard...you didn't follow her since childhood. Did you grow up together?"
With just one sentence, Jiang Linlang made Bai Miaoling's lips pale and her fingertips trembled.
Yes, she grew up with Xia Yaoyao. However, she is not Xia Yaoyao's little sister, but a dog of the Xia family!
Bai Miaoling instantly remembered that when she was a child, she was sent to Xia's house by her father. On the road, her father repeatedly told her to be good, to be obedient, and to let the little princess of the Xia family like her.
Only when the little princess Yaoyao of the Xia family likes her, can he make a difference in the company and make a lot of money to buy her nice little skirts.
When she arrived at the Xia Family Manor, Bai Miaoling was already terrified by the wealth of the Xia Family.
The rows of housekeepers and maids with white gloves already made her deeply aware of the gap between her and each other.
When I waited to see Xia Yaoyao, who was like a little princess and surrounded by others, she was exquisite, beautiful and dazzling. This made her even more ashamed, and even felt that she was unworthy to sit opposite the little princess.
Later, while groping for the little princess's temper and trying to please her, she disliked her servile appearance, and her personality gradually distorted, becoming slender, hypocritical, sensitive and changeable.
Only Brother Mo Fengmo understands her, understands her, and will not look down upon her! When Bai Miaoling thought of Mo Feng, she finally came back to her senses.
exactly! She must quickly complete the task assigned to her by Brother Mo, and then go back to the safe area to take care of him!
Thinking of Mo Feng's gentle smile, Bai Miaoling seemed to have found the backbone of her heart, and smiled:
"Yes, looking at my memory, why did I forget it all at once."
He turned his head and said to Yuan Ma, "Oh, Yuan Ma, I can wait to eat your braised pork."
The speed of this face change made Yuan's mother instantly feel terrified. Turning his head and looking around, she saw Bai Miaoling quietly pasting on Xia Yao.
"The little girl now, there are so many hearts and eyes. Xia Yaoyao is too sincere, I am afraid that she will suffer." Yuanma shook her head, quickly rolled up her sleeves, and started carrying frozen meat with everyone.
But at this moment, they encountered a problem.
Xiaojian's spatial ability has just broken through the second level, from the original ten squares to twenty squares.
And this cold storage is very large, more than 30 square meters. The frozen meat is about twelve or three tons.
Even if he vacated all the space, he couldn't put down all the meat in the cold storage. Moreover, so much meat is transported back to the safe area at once, and there is no such large cold storage in the safe area now.
what should we do?
The food in the last days is so precious, even if there is a little waste, it will make people feel distressed. You know, maybe they can save a life without taking a piece of meat.
When everyone was at a loss, Xia Yao, who had been sitting outside the cold storage for a long time, raised her hand suddenly: "Why not move the entire cold storage back?"
Before the others spoke, Bai Miaoling laughed first:
"Yaoyao, you are too naive, how can you just move in such a large cold storage? You can fight with the Emperor Jin Hui of'Why not eat meat'-really not eating fireworks!"
Xia Yao blinked her big watery eyes twice: "I'm serious..."
Bai Miaoling interrupted directly: "Yaoyao, just be realistic. I personally think that you should let Xiaojian make room for all the things in the space and install as many as you can. If you can't install it, we'll take it again next time. NS."
When Xiaojian heard this, he stopped talking.
His space had already put the materials he had collected before, and he must have stored some of his personal belongings. It was obviously difficult for others to vacate them.
Bai Miaoling smiled softly, her voice softly: "Xiaojian, I think you should be willing to contribute to the safe area..."
Xiaojian used to like this white nurse very much. At this moment, he lowered his head, and after a while, he said slowly: "Okay, then."
But even so, more than half of the meat has not been taken back. I won't be able to guarantee it if I'm still here next time.
Bai Miaoling said again: "So what can I do? Who can make anyone here without the awakening ability? I can't help with a little bit of help!"
Faced with these cynicism, Xia Yao turned a deaf ear to her ears, and raised her hand firmly and said: "Captain Jiang, I have a way..."
"Yaoyao!" Bai Miaoling interrupted her again, "Can you be a little behaved? Don't do it."
Xia Yao glanced at her and said lightly: "Nurse Bai, can you be more polite? Please stop interrupting me and let me finish."
Bai Miaoling: "You?!"
Jiang Linlang raised her eyebrows and gestured directly to Xia Yao: "Xia Yaoyao, you say. Whoever doesn't want to listen, just go out!"
Others also said: "Let Yaoyao finish talking, we all want to hear her thoughts."
"You?! You guys! Heh!" Bai Miaoling snorted and walked to the side.
--I think you, the little princess, can think of a good way to come!

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