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Chapter 26

Not long after Xia Yao had just crossed over, she couldn't tell exactly where Zhuzhu was pointing now.
But when Jiang Linghan heard this, his stern face became even more solemn.
"That's Kurokiri Island..."
Black Kirishima? !
Xia Yao instantly remembered that her brother Xia Yeye was still trapped on the isolated island that suddenly rose up, knowing nothing about life or death.
Because the lonely island is covered with black fog from nowhere, people in the safe area B call it Heikki Island.
"I'm going there too." Jiang Linghan looked to the east, his tall back looked a little desolate, "Jiang Linlang also disappeared on that island with your brother."
What? ! Jiang Linlang and Xia Yeye together? Fallen into Heikki Island together?
Seeing Xia Yao's sudden widening eyes, Jiang Linghan whispered: "After all, she still doesn't worry about your brother, so she went to Heiwu Island alone to rescue her. It's a pity that there is no news..."
so it is.
After listening to Jiang Linghan's words, many doubts in Xia Yao's heart were suddenly answered.
In fact, Jiang Linlang joined the safety zone B and became the captain of the B2 team. In addition to the strong recommendation of the male protagonist Mo Feng, it is also because of Jiang Linlang's adoration of Xia Yeye.
In the apocalypse, only the safe area B is equal to everyone, no matter it is a supernatural person or ordinary people, they can find a suitable position there. Although life is difficult, everyone is united. Under the leadership of Xia Yeye, the prestige of Security Zone B is getting better and better.
The original female protagonist Jiang Linlang was calm on the surface, but in fact she admired and admired Xia Yeye very much.
Had it not been for Xia Yeye's disappearance, Xia Yao didn't think she would definitely be with the male protagonist Mo Feng.
He is not worthy!
Now, after listening to Jiang Linghan's words, Xia Yao also suddenly woke up.
It turned out that Jiang Ling Hanjiu always followed Jiang Linlang when he was in the safe zone B.
When Jiang Linlang proposed that she was going to rescue Xia Yeye, Jiang Linghan disagreed with her behavior, but still pretended to be her and stayed in the safe area B.
But why did Jiang Linlang leave alone instead of starting with other rescue teams? Xia Yao was puzzled.
"Haha..." Jiang Ling laughed coldly, "I'm going to ask your brother Mo."
Ink seal? Is it his ghost again?
Jiang Linghan said, "As the leader of the safety zone, why did your brother go to the rescue by himself? Do you think Mo Feng... is he really a good man?"
Is it really an ink seal problem? ! Xia Yao subconsciously squeezed the watch that was pulled by Bai Miaoling just now.
Sure enough, when you are on the scene, you will find that this matter is not as simple as it is written in the book. Many insights that were not presented in the book have now been fully completed.
"Then I want to go too!" Xia Yao clenched her small fist, looked at the direction of Eastern Heiwu Island, and said firmly.
With the existence of Mo Feng for one day, she is destined not to live in peace. Instead of waiting anxiously for him to become stronger and stronger, she should take the initiative to find out the truth.
Jiang Linghan's black eyes flickered, and he whispered: "Okay."
Once he made up his mind to go to Heiwu Island, Xia Yao asked Zhuzhu to remove the muddy and terrifying black mist of spider silk.
Zhuzhu was already ecstatic when she heard that Xia Yao was going to Heiwu Island with him.
It led its children and grandchildren to quickly evacuate the black mist. She hid in Xia Yao's hat very cleverly, quietly as if it didn't exist. And the little spiders also scattered away with crumbs.
After breaking into pieces, following Xia Yao's feet silently, it can be said that it was unconscious.
Jiang Linghan watched all this silently, and warned himself in his heart:
Don't offend this little princess in the future. She has so many invisible subordinates, biting them anytime, anywhere, without knowing how to die.
After handling everything, we must set off to leave here.
"Yours, take it away!" Jiang Linghan threw the remaining part of the crystal core that belonged to her, and there was also a bag full.
"Yeah!" Xia Yao took it hurriedly, putting it in her backpack on the surface, but actually putting it in her portable space.
"Let's go."
Jiang Linghan raised his foot and walked out of the forest, but Xia Yao's legs were soft, and suddenly she felt dizzy again.
The petite body shook slightly, and she was about to fall. Jiang Linghan stretched out her long arms and immediately caught her up.
"Your own abnormal energy is exhausted, don't you even notice it?" Jiang Linghan spurned, "Really stupid!"
Xia Yao pursed her cheeks unconvinced.
Her abilities have just awakened, and she is not familiar with her business. Isn't that normal?
Moreover, she obviously felt better just now. Why is the feeling of dizziness coming again now?
Xia Yao raised her hand and touched her forehead. It was hot and seemed to have a fever again...
"Take it." At this moment, a small crystal nucleus was thrown into her arms, and Jiang Linghan said blankly, "Assimilate this, and you will be better."
Absorb the crystal nucleus.
Xia Yao pinched the crystal core and began to struggle to get off Jiang Linghan.
"Don't mess around!" Jiang Linghan, disguised as his own elder sister, easily clamped the little girl under his squeaky nest with one arm.
What a joke, Xia Yao was extremely uncomfortable when the big head rushed down.
"Quickly let me down, I'm going to throw up! Nah-"
Jiang Linghan was startled, raised his hands, and directly sent the little girl to sit on his shoulders.
"...Is it all right now?"
Suddenly it rose up suddenly, Xia Yao felt excited and touched Jiang Linghan's long hair.
"Hiss--" Jiang Linghan grinned at her, and threatened: "If you move again, I won't care about you!"
Ha ha... Xia Yao endured the headache and rolled her eyes.
Without you, I can go to Kurokiri Island. Who is afraid of whom? !
Xu's hair really hurts after being pulled, and Jiang Linghan finally compromised. Instead of sandwiching Xia Yao under her creaking nest, she used her back.
After all this tossing, Xia Yao finally lay on Jiang Linghan's generous back, and then spread her hand, and found that the crystal nucleus just now was gone.
There was a feeling of coolness and comfort, quietly sweeping over the whole body. Xia Yao couldn't help closing her eyes, and before she knew it, she fell asleep on Jiang Linghan's back.
As Jiang Linghan listened to the little girl on his back breathing evenly, the corners of his lips curled up slightly. Holding her up gently, he involuntarily walked more steadily.
At this time, in the small wooden house in Xia Yao's portable space, a little girl waving transparent wings suddenly appeared.
The little girl is only 30 centimeters high, and her beautiful cheeks are originally exquisite, but they are even more stunning because of their smaller size.
But it was different from the past. At this time, a silver-white hairband was tied to her jet-black hair, and she was doing her best to exude a faint light.
The little girl blinked her big eyes twice.
She was really worried about the safety of Mr. Skull in the space, so as soon as the shell fell asleep, her mental power turned into a transparent little girl and returned directly to the space.
She felt the shock of the space one after another just now, but she has been suffering from not having time to come into the space to find out.
Now, as soon as she entered the space, she hurriedly fluttered her little wings and flew onto the double solid wood bed.
The solid wood bed is covered with sheets of fresh flowers, and there are many fluffy dolls, which can be said to be very warm. However, in the center of the big bed, there is something not in harmony-a snow-white skeleton.
From a distance, Mr. Skull still seemed to fall asleep so quietly and well.
Xia Yao flew close, lowered her head to look at him.
It's almost the same as when she left...
However, her black eyes narrowed slightly, and Xia Yao suddenly found that Mr. Skull was exposed on the snow-white bones outside the small blanket, but it was burnt black.
Smell it carefully, you can even smell the fire.
Um? How can there be fire? !
Xia Yao raised her arm and suddenly looked at her palm.
At that time, she and Zhuzhu were swallowed by the green vines, and bursts of flames burst out of her palms, directly exploding the vines to the ground.
She felt very strange at that time.
She obviously only awakened the ability of the water element, when would she be able to use the ability of the fire element?
Now she saw Mr. Skeleton sleeping on the big bed, what else she didn't understand.
"It turns out that Mr. Skull was really protecting me just now." Xia Yao said softly.
She had already felt this for a long time. No wonder the space was so turbulent at that time...
Mr. Skull was originally afraid of the light, but for her, regardless of his unhealed body, he used the fire power that he feared the most.
It's just that I don't know how he did it?
The slender white fingers couldn't help but gently touched Mr. Skull's burnt finger bones...
At this moment, Mr. Skeleton, who was still lying quietly and did not react at all, suddenly the green fire on his chest jumped.
Suddenly a green light flashed in front of her eyes, and Xia Yao was also taken aback. The transparent wings fluttered, and she hurriedly pushed the little blanket on Mr. Skull.
The transparent little girl transformed into spiritual power is only 30 cm tall, exquisite and beautiful like a doll. She lay on the tall Mr. Skeleton, and after a lot of effort, she shuffled and pushed the little blanket away from him.
He quickly looked at Mr. Skull's chest, and his big watery eyes suddenly widened!
He, he, he actually grew... muscles? !
I saw Mr. Skull in his empty chest with only white ribs. At this time, not only was there a small cluster of green fire beating, but also a red-textured object, with the green fire as the center and ribs as the support, slowly growing and extending outward...
This, this is the muscle...
Facing this bloody muscle tissue, Xia Yao didn't dare to touch it.
She naturally knows that the color of the muscles depends on the pigment myoglobin and hemoglobin. The more hemoglobin in the blood, the redder the color of the muscles.
It seemed that Mr. Skeleton's muscles were very fresh, and she even saw the blood vessels pulsating in the same rhythm as the green flame.
At this time, Mr. Skull's upper body was gradually covered by muscles. Xia Yao was late, and she couldn't see whether those organs had grown out of his chest.
But to be sure, Mr. Skull's situation is slowly improving.
Perhaps one day in the near future, his body will be fully grown, just like an ordinary person!
Thinking of this, Xia Yao suddenly touched her little pocket anxiously.
With a loose face, the little transparent crystal girl directly hugged a crystal nucleus emitting a vibrant green light from inside.
The little girl looks like a big crystal nucleus.
The wood power has healing power and also represents vitality, and its crystal nucleus is a very rare treasure.
When she got this baby, she wanted to give it to Mr. Skeleton. With this, the speed at which he gets better can be much faster!
Xia Yao fluttered with her small transparent wings, holding the crystal core, and placed it on the head of Mr. Skull's bed. After thinking about it, she condensed another drop of Lingquan spring water and fed it into Mr. Skull's mouth.
After doing this, the transparent crystal girl is also very tired.
After taking a quick sip of the condensed Lingquan spring water by herself, Xia Yao was so tired that she lay on the little green dinosaur beside Mr. Skull, closed her eyes and fell asleep.
At this moment, the green crystal nucleus suddenly burst out with a bright light...

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