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Chapter 81

Xia Yeye and others were very surprised by this, but it was not until they saw Xia Yao's pet, the mutated giant white-fronted crab spider, that one of the reasons was caused by mutated spider silk.
And another point, it is very likely that another little pet that I mentioned before-the mutant flying white bat flies.
The invention of radar is based on the echolocation system of bats.
Looking back now, Black Kirishima can be invisible, obviously without the ability of this mutant bat.
The mutated spider silk is invisible to the naked eye from the black mist island, while the mutated bat makes it invisible on the mechanical scanner.
Xia Yao understood what Xia Yeye meant, and looked down at the conference table.
"What is Yaoyao looking at?" Luo Chuan, who had been paying attention to her, was curious for a while, and then lowered his head.
In the next second, he suddenly saw a pair of big black eyes.
"Damn!" Luo Chuan was startled, jumped up suddenly, jumped into Xia Yeye's arms next to him, and tightly wrapped his neck around him.
Xia Yao: "..."
"It's not a ghost, it's a squeaky doll."
Xia Yao bent down and picked up the doll who sneaked into the meeting room at some unknown time.
Although Zhizhi followed Zhuzhu and the others, she may still be worried about her safety and sent her doll over.
The doll blinked at Luo Chuan expressionlessly, and was so scared that Luo Chuan remembered the female ghost that was said to be sitting on his neck again, and scared him straight into Xia Yeye's arms.
"Okay, come down." Xia Yeye said in a deep voice with blue veins on his forehead suddenly jumping.
"Boss..." Luo Chuan cried a face and finally climbed down.
Xia Yao put the doll on the conference table and leaned down and said in a low voice: "Zhenzhi, I want to see Feifei."
The doll tilted its head.
After a while, a squeaky cheerful voice came from the trumpets of the underground kingdom: "Okay! Okay! Yaoyao, we'll see you in the hospital! No, no! See you on the beach! Feifei, Yaoyao wants it! See you! Feifei, Feifei..."
The little girl's voice was crisp and loud, reverberating throughout the underground kingdom, with an inexplicable feeling of vitality.
Xia Yao couldn't help but dig her ears out, her voice was too loud, next time I will remind Zhizhi to pay more attention.
Under Xia Yeye's instructions, the others dispersed separately, and methodically dealt with the tasks they were assigned to prepare for the situation they might encounter next.
Before leaving, Jiang Linlang suddenly bent down and pinched Xia Yao's face: "Thank you."
Xia Yao: "..." Goddess Lin Lang, you just said thank you. You are not old, why are you so forgetful!
Jiang Linlang raised her eyebrows: "This sentence is for my brother."
Xia Yao quickly asked: "Team Jiang... is he okay?"
Jiang Linlang straightened up and told the truth: "His condition is not very good. It looks ugly. He asked me not to take you."
Xia Yao: "Then can I go see him?"
Jiang Linlang thought for a while, and finally said, "Don't go for the time being...you can't go either. Let's complete your task first."
Xia Yao naturally knew that Jiang Linlang was talking about making Heiwudao invisible.
"Yeah." She whispered, "When I deal with things here, I will go to see Team Jiang."
Jiang Linlang turned around and left: "Whatever you want."
Separated from everyone in the conference room, Xia Yao, accompanied by Xia Yeye and Luo Chuan, went to the beach on the island before going to Heiwu Island.
She held the doll in her arms and walked beside Xia Yeye, but Yu Guang saw Luo Chuan hesitating to speak.
Xia Yao thought for a while, and soon realized that he obviously wanted to ask about the shipwreck under the sea.
Trying to recall the plot, Xia Yao did not remember that there was a description of the Pearl in the article.
Moreover, after the sinking of Heikki Island, due to the mutation of marine life, even the supernatural person could not get close to the sea, so naturally no one knew that there was such a luxurious cruise ship sunken in the depths of the sea.
Xia Yeye saw her little girl frowning, then looked back at Luo Chuan, who was also frowning, sighed inaudibly, and whispered:
"Back then, the Pearl was the Luo family's property. Unfortunately, the first time it was launched, it sank forever in the sea..."
It turns out that unlike the Xia family's main focus on retail, the Luo family's main industry is tourism. Among them, luxury cruise travel is the top priority.
In that year, in order to celebrate the tenth anniversary of his marriage, Luo Chuan's father invested a lot of money to build a cruise ship named after Luo Chuan's mother, the Pearl, which was given to Luo Chuan's mother as a 10th anniversary gift.
The Pearl is extremely luxurious. Before it was launched, it caused a huge sensation in China with its luxurious interior decoration, large marine casinos, amusement parks, bars, and drama theaters.
It's really enviable that the love still remains the same after ten years of marriage. Coupled with Mrs. Luo's identity and status, other wealthy ladies also joined in and boarded the Pearl together.
Fortunately that year, Madam Xia was pregnant with Xia Yao, and her fetus was unstable, so she didn't participate.
Luo Chuan was just six years old that year.
In order to give Mrs. Luo a perfect and free travel, Luo Chuan's father did not let Xiao Luo Chuan follow his mother, but took him by his side.
He waited at the end with his son, only waiting for Mrs. Luo to return from a trip, and the family of three was reunited.
Luo Chuan sighed and said: "Back then, my father secretly hid ten valuable gifts in her cabin in order to make his mother happy. He was only waiting for her to discover by accident, and get a huge surprise... ..."
As the voyage draws to a close, Mrs. Luo gradually finds out these gifts, and surprises Luo Chuan's father to call every day.
Xiao Luochuan also felt very happy looking at his mother's radiant face.
While everyone was waiting for the Pearl to sail to the end, one day, the Pearl suddenly encountered a big tsunami. Before the sea rescuers arrived, the Pearl sank forever in the deep sea.
The Luo family was hit hard and almost fell out of the rankings of the four major families in China.
Luo Chuan's father had his hair grayed overnight, and he only regained his vitality little by little after many years. At the same time, he never remarried for life, so that Luo Chuan became the only child of the Luo family.
After that, not only Luo Chuan's father, but even Luo Chuan, who grew up, tried to find the remains of the Pearl repeatedly, but returned without success.
What caused the Pearl to sink, and where the Pearl sank is still an unsolved mystery.
After hearing all this, Xia Yao whispered to Luo Chuan: "I'm sorry...Sorry for the change, don't be too sad."
After so many years, all the pains have gradually been diluted by time. Luo Chuan shook his hand:
"Don't say sorry, you are still young. Moreover, my father never allowed anyone to mention the Princess in front of him, so you don't know about the Princess. And... what you don't know is, actually, when you were a kid Without you, I wouldn't be able to get out of that haze..."
Xia Yao was strange: "Huh?"
Or Xia Yeye explained on the side:
"At that time, Xiao Luochuan was in a depressed mood, and Uncle Luo was tired of dealing with various follow-up matters, so he sent him to our house. At that time, you were just as big as a kitten and played with him every day, but let him I'm so happy."
"It's also fortunate to have Yaoyao."
Luo Chuan rubbed his face heavily, and then said: "At that time, I was more than just depressed. I had to go to psychotherapy every week. If it weren't for Yaoyao to accompany me, I wouldn't Know what you will become..."
Xia Yao listened, held the doll, stood on her toes and rubbed Luo Chuan's hair: "Everything has passed."
Luo Chuan nodded and snorted softly.
"Can you be sure that the Pearl sank in this sea area? When I went, I was sitting on the'conch' left by Professor Tian. There is a voyage recorder to see the previous image. Ah, that's right..."
Xia Yao said, picking up the doll:
"Squeak, bring the'Conch' here too."
After a while, an excited voice came from the horn: "Okay, okay, is Yaoyao going to the deep sea again? Zhizhi also wants to go together!"
Xia Yao glanced at the old Luo Chuan with his ears erected, and said, "We will be there soon and we will meet."
Zhizhi answered clearly: "Okay!"
Hearing this, Luo Chuan let out a sigh of relief. However, immediately he became nervous again with the naked eye:
"If I want to go to the bottom of the sea, I still have to go with her?!"
"Yes." Xia Yao nodded naturally, "You have to rely on her to communicate with Bazhao, otherwise, it will definitely be dangerous for you to go alone."
"Oh my God!" Luo Chuan's face turned pale all of a sudden, and he said tremblingly: "She, she can see ghosts!"
Immediately, he murmured again: "She... herself is like a ghost doll."
Xia Yao: "...Are you afraid of ghosts?"
"Ahem!" Luo Chuan coughed lightly, "How is it possible?! How can my dignified man be afraid of ghosts!"
Before the voice was over, a squeaky voice came from the speaker on the side: "No. 13, I heard it. And... the female ghost next to you is still following you..."
"Ah -" Luo Chuan jumped three feet high when he heard it, and ran out like crazy.
"Luo Chuan..."
Xia Yao stretched out Erkang's hand, but couldn't call him back.
"Squeak, don't scare him anymore." Xia Yao said helplessly, looking at the distant figure.
Suddenly, Zhizhi had no choice but to not pass through the horn of the underground kingdom, but directly aggrieved in Xia Yao's mind:
"I didn't scare him, there really is a female ghost following him."
After a squeak, he added:
"Ah! She has appeared since you went to the bottom of the sea. She looks pretty good..."
Xia Yao was taken aback when she heard the words, and hurriedly asked: "What does she look like? Can you describe it?"
Zhizhi is still young after all, and hasn't read a book well. Now she is still struggling:
"She, she... let's put it this way, she looks like the noble lady on the third floor before, and she has a good temperament. However, she is much younger than her."
Xia Yao's heart moved and grabbed the corner of Xia Yeye's clothes.
Xia Yeye turned his head and said, "What's the matter?"
Xia Yao: "Brother, do you remember Mrs. Luo's appearance before her death?"

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