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Chapter 71

Xia Yao became anxious when she heard it, and immediately turned over and got out of bed, ready to find Xia Yu.
Xia Yeye held her down:
"In the past few days when you were in a coma, we have looked up and down, and we didn't find a trace of him. You just woke up, so take a good rest. Let's plan for a long time..."
There is no time for long-term considerations!
The origin of Xia Yu is unknown, and he is a mystery in itself.
He has a variety of abilities, superb abilities, safe and reliable, and trustworthy.
Moreover, he is thoughtful, even involved in medical medicine.
Xia Yao and Xia Yu have never worried about safety.
As if there is him by his side, no matter what difficulties will be solved. She believed that even if she fell asleep, Xia Yu could safely take her away.
This is also the reason why she will leave him alone that day, facing the underground laboratory that is about to explode, and the reason why Tian Ziqiang with that Frankenstein.
But now, things are beyond her imagination, she is safe, but Xia Yu is missing.
Obviously she had solved the problem of bombing/bombing in the laboratory before she fell asleep, and the bombing/bombing on Tian Ziqiang's body was not a threat to Xia Yu at all. , Not to mention Tian Ziqiang's ordinary bombs/bombs.
It must have happened in Xia Yu's body that he couldn't handle it. This caused Xia Yu to leave her in the laboratory, but she disappeared.
"Xia Yu must be in danger!" Xia Yao raised her head and said to Xia Yeye, "I'm going to find him now."
The little girl's tone was firm, and her eyes showed even more persistent emotions.
Xia Yeye looked down at Xia Yao, and suddenly felt a sense of relief that a girl in my family had grown up.
Of course he will not forget the good-looking blue-eyed youth who took care of his sister before. He didn't ignore the trust that Yu Yaoyao had inadvertently revealed to that person.
It was beyond his expectation that his little sister would come to rescue them, and now she not only awakened her abilities, but also quickly upgraded her abilities to level three, almost the same level as him.
I don't know how she stumbled along the way, but one thing that is obvious is that his sister has grown up, is sensible, and has become more responsible.
With a barely audible sigh, Xia Yeye said, "Pay attention to safety."
"Okay, thank you brother."
The little girl smiled and her smile was bright, just to make people feel that all the worries had disappeared all at once.
Xia Yeye was taken aback, he didn't even know when his little sister had become so beautiful!
At this time, Jiang Linghan said on the side: "Then how are you going to find Xia Yu?"
Xia Yao thought for a while, and said decisively: "Look for it from the laboratory."
"Good." Jiang Linghan said, "I will accompany you."
Hearing this, Zhizhi stood up, grabbed the corner of Xia Yao's clothes and shook it.
In Xia Yao's mind, the childish voice of the little girl immediately came out: "I will accompany you too."
In addition to squeaking, the beads on her shoulders also stood up suddenly, dancing with long slender limbs, as if they were also saying: "There is me! And me!"
One more person would have more strength, Xia Yao did not refuse.
"Count me..."
At this time, a weak voice came from the chair behind the little girl.
Xia Yao is Luo Chuan. Looking up, he saw a tall man. At this moment, he was aggrieved and shrank in the corner, his head drooping, as if his neck was being held down by something.
"I'll go too, Yaoyao." Luo Chuan said again, only with a weak tone.
Xia Yao squinted her eyes, turned her head and gave a squeaky look.
Squeaky tilted his small head, blinked his big eyes, showing an innocent expression on his face.
However, at this time, there was a faint voice in Luo Chuan's mind: "The female ghost is hungry, now I am going home..."
As soon as Luo Chuan heard it, his calf began to turn muscles, and he almost couldn't stand up.
The female ghost is hungry, then, isn't that about to eat people? !
Xia Yeye couldn't stand it, and picked up Luo Chuan's back collar with one hand: "What's the matter? What's the proper way to stand without standing?!"
"Boss..." Luo Chuan stammered, feeling aggrieved.
Xia Yao, who probably knew the tricky among them, took another look.
This time there is no way for Zhizhi. How did she, she know that a big man in Luochuan is so afraid of ghosts!
Just when Zhizhi tried to get Luo Chuan back to normal, there was a sudden sound of rapid footsteps outside the door.
"Boss!" A sturdy man named Ahao quickly opened the door and came in. "Boss, look! The safety zone has issued a proposal to the world!"
"Proposal?" Xia Yeye took the paper in Ahao's hand.
Everyone also leaned forward suspiciously. Only Xia Yao shook her heart when she heard the three words "Proposal".
If she remembers correctly, the proposal should be...
"Half zombie? What is that?" Luo Chuan was surprised, "It turns out that there are...monsters between zombies and supernatural beings beside us?!"
Hearing Luo Chuan's words, Xia Yao clearly saw Jiang Linlang's face changed slightly, and she subconsciously raised her eyes to look at her younger brother-Jiang Linghan, the half-zombie hiding beside them.
Jiang Linghan hugged his chest, just as expressionless and careless as before.
Xia Yao frowned slightly when she saw this.
No, this story shouldn't have happened in the second year of the last days.
She remembered that as more and more half-zombies hidden in the crowd were discovered, driven, and killed.
In order to survive, the surviving half-zombies united, established their own kingdom, and began to snatch the resources of the supernatural beings.
Later, as the end of the world progressed more and more, the earth's resources became more and more scarce, and the level of zombies also increased, the living environment of mankind became more and more difficult.
The contradiction between the supernatural being and the half-zombie has also reached a fever pitch.
Under such circumstances, the leaders of several major safety zones finally got together.
They elected the leader of the former security zone A as the supreme commander, and issued a national proposal. The abilities that advocate the world all unite, put aside their prejudices, and jointly fight the same enemy-half zombies and zombies!
These plots, Xia Yao remembered that it happened almost ten years later in the last days, how could it suddenly advance? !
At this time, Luo Chuan read the full text and exclaimed: "Boss, how come this proposal was initiated by our safe zone?! You actually used your name!? What's the matter?!"
Xia Yao was also shocked when she heard this, and she leaned over to take a look. As expected, at the bottom of this proposal, the head of the security zone B, Xia Yeye, was signed.
"Boss, look again..."
As Hao said, he took out the tablet again and clicked on a video that was just released.
Everyone leaned over, looked down, and saw that in the strategic deployment hall they were all familiar with, "Xia Yeye", the leader of the security zone B, was sitting in great danger!
Wearing a protective suit with a safety B-zone balance standard, he described the contents of the entire proposal in front of the screen in a completely undrafted form.
Listening to his low and magnetic baritone, watching his handsome appearance and serious expression, and whenever he talks about the important points, his right hand fingers will vainly tap the air...
From appearance to voice, to actions, to micro expressions, they were exactly the same as Xia Yeye. Even Luo Chuan and others who had been with Xia Yeye could not tell the truth from the false.
"This, this, this..."
Luo Chuan looked down at Xia Yeye on the screen, and then at the boss beside him, almost feeling confused.
"What the hell is going on?!"
Xia Yeye's face was as deep as water, and he whispered, "Look on."
"Xia Yeye" from the safe area B finished speaking and sat aside, citing physical discomfort as an excuse.
In front of the camera, another person appeared.
The man was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with a pair of gold glasses on his face, and a small mole of tears was growing under the long and narrow eyes of the phoenix.
"It's him... Mo Feng?!" Luo Chuan said, "What is he going to do?!"
In the video, Mo Feng sat next to "Xia Yeye", took the microphone originally placed in front of "Xia Yeye", and began to speak.
He said that "Xia Yeye", the leader of Security Zone B, had just returned from an isolated island in the East China Sea.
The difficult situation on that island caused heavy losses to their safety zone, and Chief Xia was also seriously injured now.
However, even so, Chief Xia initiated this proposal to the global supernaturalists in the first time, because he saw this kind of monster that would endanger human safety in that isolated island-half zombie!
Like zombies, half-zombies have been attacked by zombie viruses and their bodies have undergone mutations.
They look ugly, cruel and cruel. But they still have IQ, and they have incomparable hatred towards the supernatural beings. They are more destructive and more terrifying than zombies.
If you don't take advantage of the fact that the half-zombies have not yet assembled into a team, I am afraid that in the near future, these half-zombies will be more harmful than zombies and threaten the survival of mankind.
As Mo Feng said, he took out a large pile of photos and showed them one by one.
The patterns on these photos can be described as shocking.
Among them are the appearance of half-zombies transforming in terror in the sun, and the appearance of half-zombies gnawing flesh and blood...
The hideous and ugly face, coupled with the dim background, just look at it, it is creepy.
Mo Feng put down the photo, his slender fingers hooked off the gold-wire glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose, and said awe-inspiringly towards the camera:
"The half-zombies will be the greatest enemy of human survival. Please hand over all the half-zombies hidden by your side and kill them, so that mankind can have permanent peace!"
His voice was low and deep, like a cello contending, and people fell into a state of confusion all at once.
Luo Chuan straightened his eyes and murmured involuntarily: "Kill...half zombie..."
Zhizhi beside him also widened her eyes at this time, staring at Mo Feng in the video for a moment.
She suddenly raised her head and looked at Xia Yao.
Xia Yao nodded towards her: "Yes, he is also a mental superpower."
Zhizhi immediately curled his mouth when he heard the words, and a trace of contempt was revealed in his large eyes.
The next moment, a gentle lullaby suddenly sounded in Luo Chuan's mind.
Luo Chuan immediately came to his senses: "What's wrong? What happened to me just now?!"
Xia Yao thought for a while, and said, "It seems that Mo Feng didn't know how to use this video to move his hands and feet, so that the superpowers who have watched this video will be affected by them if they are lower than him."

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