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Chapter 41

These are obviously the flesh-colored tentacles that attacked them earlier.
Big octopus!
Looking at the shriveled head, Xia Yao confirmed that it was a huge mutant octopus.
It's just that how can it be torn apart by life and become like this?
The youth's complexion changed slightly, and Xia Yao's sight was blocked by taking a step forward: "Don't be afraid, it... is already dead."
With a move of his pale fingers, the green vine rolled on the ground.
This is punishment! Why not clean up these things in advance, but let her see them all? !
Xia Yao's face was pale, and her heart was pounding.
She has a strange feeling-in this black mist island, there seems to be a superpower overwhelming existence.
Is that existence an enemy or a friend? !
However, this huge mutant octopus attacked them before, and it was torn apart, which saved them a lot of trouble. Hurry to save people, quickly figure out everything in this black mist island, and she will leave here quickly!
Xia Yao made up her mind and closed her eyes.
Seeing is believing! She didn't see it, it didn't exist.
The little girl was trembling with her long and narrow eyelashes, and stepped cautiously. The corners of the young boy's lips next to her couldn't help but twitched slightly.
But just when they were about to leave this place, Xia Yao turned her head back like a ghost.
Xia Yu: "What's wrong?"
"Huh?" Xia Yao slowly turned her head back: "...It's okay."
That huge mutant octopus didn't seem to have low abilities, Xia Yao suddenly remembered that there should also be a crystal nucleus on its head.
However, she turned around and found that there was nothing but black ink there!
Where is the crystal nucleus?
Such a big mutant octopus, it is impossible to have no crystal nucleus!
Those mutated ticks, including low-level zombies, have more or less crystal nuclei on their bodies.
The flesh-colored tentacles of the big octopus just now can be said to be overwhelming. And its head is the size of a small house, how can it be possible that there is no crystal nucleus at all?
Is it because its crystal nucleus is relatively small, hidden in the ink, or is it dropped?
Crystal Nucleus is a good baby, Xia Yao glanced at Jiang Linghan who was still in a coma on Zhuzhu.
Jiang Linghan had already absorbed a lot of small crystal nuclei, and he had not yet come to his senses.
That bag of crystal nuclei is almost used up.
She wants crystal nuclei.
Xia Yao thought so, suddenly "pupupu......" many...birds fell from the sky.
No, no, Xia Yao took a closer look, ah! Those are not birds, but furry white bats!
A fluffy ball of white bats, with their necks drooping aside, apparently they had their necks twisted and died.
So many bats fell into the sky, crackling like rain.
Fortunately, they are protected by Xia Yu's defensive net, otherwise they would all be smashed.
Xia Yao was also surprised when she saw the bats all over the floor.
Obviously, it was these mutant bats who attacked them with the mutant big octopus just now.
Bats fly in mid-air, and they will also make sonic attacks, which really makes them utterly devastated. Xiaojian, Brother Xiong, and Yuanma were also arrested for this.
But now, so many bats were broken their necks so easily, and they were directly discarded in front of her.
This is really weird!
"......what is this?"
Xia Yao hadn't moved yet, but Xia Yu crouched on her body curiously and fiddled with the bat's corpse.
"No!" Xia Yao grabbed his hand.
The germs in bats surpassed human imagination. Due to the characteristics of bats, these germs can coexist peacefully on their bodies, but once humans are infected, they may cause immeasurable consequences.
The little girl's hand was soft, she held his cold hand and looked unexpectedly warm.
Xia Yu remained silent, but flipped his palm gently.
Xia Yao leaned over to take a look, her eyes widened suddenly: "Crystal nucleus? It's a crystal nucleus!"
It is indeed a crystal nucleus, or the purest ice blue crystal nucleus.
Yes! Of course there are crystal nuclei in the brains of mutant bats!
Xia Yu wiped the crystal core in his hand and handed it to Xia Yao's hand.
Xia Yao held the crystal nucleus before she recovered, she saw the boy like ice and snow. With a slight movement of her hands, the green vine that had been crawling under her feet began to move.
It looked like the most soft and tender green vine, but at this time it was as hard as a sharp sword, directly piercing the heads of the mutant bats, and dug out the crystal nuclei one by one.
Almost in an instant, in front of Xia Yao, an ice-blue crystal nucleus hill had already piled up.
This pile of hills seems to be a bit bigger than the crystal core hills given to her by the mutant little spider before!
Xia Yu's face was illuminated by the ice blue light, and he said softly, "It's all yours."
"Grumbling!" Xia Yao recovered and couldn't help swallowing her saliva.
That, so many...crystal nuclei. Have you made a fortune again? !
Slowly raising her head, she looked at the boy with an angelic face.
In fact, compared with so many crystal nuclei, what really surprised her just now were the green vines that were constantly flying.
Is this also Mr. Skeleton's ability?
He has a defensive ability, and he can actually command a green vine-a wood ability? !
Thinking of the little matte blanket when the two of them were in the space before... he seems to have the ability to control inanimate bodies!
And those Bing Ling who opened the car door...
Can one person have so many abilities at the same time? !
And... the mutant big octopus that died just now, and these mutant bats that fell from the sky and had their necks broken by people, are they all his masterpieces? !
Who is he? ! She seems to have saved an amazing character by accident? !
Xia Yao's heart was pounding, she couldn't help but took a step back quietly.
But with these few invisible steps, Xia Yu's azure blue eyes, which were still very happy just now, dimmed suddenly. He lowered his head and said softly: "Yaoyao, don't you... don't like it? I thought you would like it..."
Xia Yao hesitated.
But at the moment she hesitated, the entire forest began to turbulence. Countless terrifying shadows gathered towards her silently.
The mutant bats hurriedly on the horizon, flickering from the left to the right, seemed to have encountered natural enemies, even if they opened their mouths, they kept screaming that they wanted to escape the darkness. They were surprised to find that not only they could not make a sound, but there was no way to escape at all!
Countless mutant bats were swallowed by darkness, and the sound of broken bones was also hidden in the darkness, and nothing was leaked.
The crystal nucleus that fell from the mutant bat had only time to flicker, and was crazily engulfed by the shadow.
The shadow grew bigger and bigger, covering the sky and the earth, almost covering the entire Heiwu Island...
At this moment, standing in front of Xia Yao, the young man with the angelic face lowered his head, and his dark, long eyelashes trembled slightly.
What is strength? ! What are abilities? ! In his eyes, everything is not as important as her.
This time he was betting.
He showed himself unreservedly in front of her, allowing her to see his darkness and horror.
This time he also asked her to choose. If she sees him like this and flees because of fear, he will accept it.
After all... no one would want to be with a devil.
The pale hands were placed on the sides and clenched into fists, and the veins on the back of the hands were violent, seeming to endure it with great force.
The shadow absorbed all the crystal nuclei of the mutant bat swarms, and quietly surged towards this place. Countless black shadows are heavy, trying to get closer to the brightest point.
However, beside that bright spot, there was obviously another frightening existence.
As long as he is there, there is no shadow to get a step closer to her.
Because he is all the gloom.
Will she... escape?
The boy's fists couldn't help trembling, and his breathing began to swift. He gritted his teeth and called out: "Yaoyao..."
The tall and tall man lowered his head, and his voice was aggrieved, just like an aggrieved child who was told that he had done something wrong, but did not know what was wrong...
It's not like a superpower with those extremely powerful methods at all!
"... Sir, Xia Yu."
Xia Yao blinked twice, looking at his frustrated look, feeling a little reluctant to bear it.
Oops, the meat on his body was all raised by her little by little with spiritual spring water. She spent so much effort on him, just like raising a child of her own...
The more you give, the more you will cherish it. Xia Yao couldn't bear to feel sorry for Mr. Skull.
Moreover, before that, Mr. Skeleton must have encountered something terrible before he became a horrible look of bones. But in such a situation, Mr. Skeleton never thought of hurting her, protecting her, and getting hurt for her.
Xia Yao was even more reluctant to think of his appearance in the space where he was lying in her at the beginning, and his whole body was charred.
Among other things, he has never had any bad thoughts about her.
Just like now, although he doesn't remember anything, he still trusts her in full. He showed all his abilities in front of her without reservation, which was an expression of trust in her.
He doesn't remember anything, and there is no family or friend around him, she is his only friend. She could not fear him because of the strength of the other party, thus changing her attitude towards him.
It is wrong to judge people by their appearance, and it is also wrong to be afraid of being strong!
Xia Yao frowned, worked hard for mental construction, and it didn't take long for her to get through her ideological work.
She frankly accepted the crystal nucleus in Xia Yu's hand, and said sincerely, "Thank you, sir."
The soft voice sounded, and the young man raised his head suddenly.
The surrounding darkness quickly dissipated, and Xia Yao actually had an illusion that was bright in front of her eyes.
Under the icy blue light, the youth's azure blue eyes looked exceptionally pure and clear, just like the first melting snow, and when people looked at it, they couldn't help feeling love and pity.
Xia Yao couldn't help covering her heart--it was too foul! Mr. Skull's juvenile body is so good-looking, it's so maternal love!
Now that she had done her psychological construction, Xia Yao didn't bother, and directly took all the crystal nuclei into her own space. Only two were left, one was given to Xia Yu, and the other was directly absorbed by himself by pinching it in his hand.
When Xia Yu pinched the crystal core into her palm, her pale lips finally recovered their rosiness, and the corners of her lips couldn't help but slightly hooked up.
And Xia Yao ignited the crystal nucleus in the space, while still muttering to herself:
"This time I need to save a little bit, but I can't absorb the crystal nucleus in one breath. After passing this village, there will be no such shop. I can't just run to such a terrifying place. Bar......"
To be honest, absorbing crystal nuclei can be much more powerful than supplementing energy with meals. After absorbing this crystal nucleus, Xia Yao felt that she was a hundred times more energetic, and her exhaustion had long been wiped out.
At this time, the tablet in her hand flickered twice quickly, Xia Yao lowered her head to take a look, and saw that the little spiders she had sent out earlier seemed to have found the location of Xiaojian and the others.
"Hurry up."
Calling Xia Yu to go forward, she also did not notice a trace of ink passing through the young blue eyes behind her.
--She has seen his nature, and she has not given up on him. Then... Is it true that she will tolerate everything about him?
His ugliness, his guilt, his coldness, and the unknown thoughts, if those sordid things were exposed to her, would she still accept him as she does today? !

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