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Chapter 101

Xia Yu's long eyelashes were drooping, staring at Xia Yao's white fingers pinching the corner of his clothes, completely unmoved: "You must go back."
Xia Yao bit her lip, suddenly stood on her toe, and whispered a word in his ear.
The azure blue eyes shrank slightly, and Xia Yu looked straight at Xia Yao. The tips of her pale ears suddenly became blood red.
Xia Yao bent her eyes and shook his arm:
"Yes, yes, I know all. You said nothing from me... If you send me back, I will really be angry. And, I can really help you, absolutely It won't be a hindrance."
When everything came to this point, Xia Yu could only raise his hand and rub Xia Yao's small head in the end.
"Okay. You will stay on the boat then, and you are not allowed to go inside the safe zone."
"Okay." Xia Yao stuck out her tongue, and said obediently.
Since the submarine is not going back, Luochuan naturally does not need to disembark. Behind Jiang Linghan, he straightened his thumb towards Xia Yao.
Jiang Linghan also raised his thick eyebrows slightly, and shrugged his shoulders toward Xia Yu-one thing fell one thing, Xia Yu's nemesis was Xia Yao.
Now that they have all been found, there is no need to hide. Xia Yu and Jiang Linghan were driving the submarine in the front, Luo Chuan and Xia Yao found a position in the back and sat down comfortably.
This is much more comfortable than hiding in the corner before.
Luo Chuan bit her ears with Xia Yao quietly: "What did you say to Xia Yu just now? He agreed with you to stay?"
"Hehe..." Xia Yao smiled at him slightly.
"Say it quickly." Luo Chuan urged.
"You want to know..." Xia Yao prolonged her voice and raised her eyebrows, "I won't tell you."
Luo Chuan: "...Talk about it!"
After that, Luo Chuan tried his best, but he never pried the truth out of Xia Yao's mouth.
Luo Chuan: "Yaoyao, you have changed, you are no longer the stupid Yaoyao I know."
You are so stupid. Xia Yao slandered in her heart, and quietly turned her gaze to Xia Yu's body.
At this moment, he was sitting with his back to her, his waist straight, and his posture straight and loose. It looks like that kind of dusty, non-human fireworks...
This is how young people who looked like gods secretly did bad things secretly and were discovered by her!
In the first space shock, Xia Yu suddenly appeared on the snow in the form of a beautiful boy. Xia Yao always thought that Xia Yu was thrown out because her space did not allow other living creatures to enter.
Later, Xia Yu was able to walk around in the space at will, and she could even directly use the spiritual spring water in the space to treat Jiang Linghan. She also thought that her space was upgraded and she could finally put living things in.
Until later, Wawa gave her a beautiful koi fish, but she was thrown out by the space several times.
And she asked Yuan's mother to ask for the fluffy little yellow chickens and little yellow ducks, and she wanted to keep them in the space, without exception, she couldn't accept them.
Only then did Xia Yao discover that her space was still open to Xia Yu alone, and other living people and creatures were not accepted.
What is going on here? !
Is it because of Xia Yu's special physique, or because of Xia Yu's special ability-what about that shadow?
Xia Yao was puzzled.
After that, she left a little more thoughts and observed secretly. Then, she was surprised to find that, in fact, her space could be shared by Xia Yu from the beginning.
In other words, Xia Yu has always been able to enter and exit her space freely, and can even use the items in her space at will!
This discovery really surprised Xia Yao for several days.
Suddenly I remembered the sudden amount of furniture, bathrooms, and cleaned rooms, even the neatly stacked clothes, and her small interior...
Uh... Xia Yao couldn't help but covered her face.
She has never liked to clean up, the room is all messed up. When I was in Star Empire, all these things were done by her AI robot gossip.
Her little gossip is gentle and cute, she is dedicated to doing things, and she is a good hand in cleaning up the housework. At home, Xia Yao didn't need to do anything. I've been living the days when I stretched out my clothes and opened my mouth with food, and almost didn't give her up.
Naturally, all the gossips in her little Nei Nei were sorted out.
To sum up, except for a little verbose and a little bit mother-in-law, her gossip is perfect.
However, Gossip is the AI ​​robot she made, a boxy, upright robot.
And Xia Yu... that was a big man in real life.
Thinking of Xia Yu's pale face and long black eyelashes hanging down, he used his slender and powerful fingers to hook the T-BACK with only a few laces, and fold it seriously.
He might even gently pursed his lips, and the soft lips on his upper lip were pursed to a deep red color.
Maybe the tips of your ears might follow them red...
Oops, can't think, can't think!
Xia Yao rubbed her face vigorously.
Moreover, Professor Tian, ​​who built this entire underground kingdom, was obviously also a workaholic, and he didn't put a little thought into life. This can be seen from the cold dormitories.
In these dormitories, apart from the basic daily necessities, there is not a ribbon that has the interest of life.
Even the quilt and pillows are a tinge of gray and autumn, reflecting the bare metal walls on all sides, and the cold light above the head. It's just like a prison.
However, it is already a very good treatment to be able to eat and wear warmth in the last days, and enjoy the environment of constant temperature, humidity and oxygen. Xia Yao knew this, so naturally she didn't complain at all.
She just occasionally placed a bottle of blooming eustoma on the square bedside table to increase the popularity of the bedroom.
Before, Xia Yao, like everyone else, slept in the cold dormitory and cold iron bed every day when she rested. When she fell asleep, she couldn't help curling up, shivering and falling asleep.
At this time, in the daze, she seemed to be able to detect a body exuding the familiar breath of cedar, sticking up from behind, gently hugging her into her arms.
The feeling of warmth, softness, and comfort will follow, and immediately, she will enter the black and sweet dreamland in a second.
And when she woke up, she found that she didn't know when she had actually entered her space.
Under her body is her favorite carved mahogany bed, covered with a soft and fluffy goose down big cup, beautiful floral patterns seem to cover the entire bed with flowers.
On the pillow was the little green dinosaur doll she liked very much. The pink eustoma is blooming quietly.
The bright sunlight came in quietly through the half-open window, and there was a hint of sweet floral scent in the wind...
She couldn't help but raised her hand, stretched out a long lazy waist, Xia Yao got out of bed refreshed.
Wearing her soft and comfortable silk sling pajamas, her sleepy eyes dangled loosely into the bathroom to wash...
All this happens almost every day, and Xia Yao was nervous the first time.
Thinking that I was drowsy, I walked into the space in a daze. The environment in the space is really much better than the outside, so that she will spontaneously enter it subconsciously.
Later, as this happened more often and no one found anything wrong, Xia Yao gradually got used to it.
After that, she would sleep in the dormitory and wake up in the space every time. Start a day of life refreshed and refreshed.
After discovering Xia Yu's secret, Xia Yao suddenly realized that every time she was in the dormitory, Xia Yu took her into the space while she fell asleep.
As for when he left, Xia Yao had no impression at all.
Since knowing this, she has endured her sleepiness, waiting for Xia Yu's appearance, trying to catch him upright.
However, every time she waited and fell asleep.
Even more, Xia Yu went out of Black Kirishima several times to look for the antidote. She always thought that he would never show up again. But in the drowsiness, she could still perceive him dazedly by her side and never stayed away.
This feeling is really strange, it seems that the two of them were like this very early, this is their life.
And in Xia Yao's subconscious, she always felt that her Mr. Skeleton would not hurt herself. From the beginning, she had an inexplicable sense of trust in him.
This started from the first time they met-in the doctor's office of Xiang's Hospital. It felt like... they had been together for a long, long time. He understands her words and deeds, and she also knows his thoughts.
This kind of tacit understanding is not something that people who have only met for a few months should have.
Xia Yao sometimes wakes up and wonders why she feels like this. Did they really know each other before? Or have lived together.
However, Xia Yao's hard memory, in her short life, there really was no such beautiful and perfect person as Xia Yu.
If you have to say yes, that's only her gossip. However, gossip is a robot programmed according to her preferences after all. Even if he is intelligent, he is not a living person.
Every time Xia Yao vetoed this idea that she had inexplicably produced.
However, she doesn't mind or doesn't, it is also true that Xia Yu sneaked into her space. After all, Xia Yu concealed something from her. Therefore, Xia Yao is now taking advantage of this opportunity to finally let Xia Yu keep her.
Thinking about this, Xia Yao even sat quietly in the cabin, directly acting as a background board, reducing her sense of existence to a very low level.
The safe area B is not far from Heiwu Island. After they went ashore, Xia Yao and Luo Chuan had a hard time and froze again. Xia Yu and Jiang Linghan were defeated after all, agreeing that they both followed into the safe zone B.
The safety zone B was established on the basis of Ning'an City where the Xia family was originally located.
Ning'an is close to the sea on one side and has abundant aquatic products. Before the end of the world, the economy was prosperous, it was a well-known deep sea port, and the shipping industry was very developed.
Now that the end of the world is approaching, the shipping industry has long ceased to exist, and sea ports are in depression.
In the early days of the last days, zombies have no IQ, can only walk upright, and can't climb walls. Nowadays, Ning'an City is surrounded by high walls. There are heavy guards all around, ID cards are required for entry and exit, as well as strict physical examinations.
Coming out of the submarine, the air was icy, surrounded by snow, and there were large swaths of snowflakes.
Xia Yao looked up at the sky.
The sun hung in the sky, covered by thick dark clouds, leaving only a bleak trace.
Tightened the zipper of the protective suit, and put on a mask and goggles. Xia Yao counted the time, and confirmed that this day's day would be over in 2 hours. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, they must enter the safe zone B as soon as possible.
To enter the safe zone, you first need a proof of entry and exit. If it was originally a citizen of the security zone B, it would have its identity certificate-that watch.
But now, they obviously can't use their original identities.
Xia Yu was fortunate to say that apart from the people on Heiwu Island, no one else had seen him before.
However, Xia Yao and Luo Chuan originally went out of Zone B in a safe way, and the people inside probably knew them both.
And Jiang Linghan's portrait has long been spread to various safe areas and bases. As long as it is a supernatural person, it is estimated that no one does not know this famous half-zombie.
If they enter the safe zone B so carelessly, they will be arrested if they do nothing.
"Put this on."
At this time, Jiang Linghan took out a magnetic card and threw it over.

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