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Chapter 111

The Mo Feng on the screen was still smiling. He took off his gold glasses and put them aside.
Black eyes flickered, and whispered:
"Yaoyao, Xia Yaoyao, you can't escape, you will be mine sooner or later..."
His voice was blurred, and he whispered like a lover.
Sister Hong on the side had her eyes straight, and her breathing was about to become unsmooth.
Xia Yao pinched her hand, and a blood stain was accidentally pinched out of the tiger's mouth.
Mo Feng's mental power level has evolved so powerfully, even with the defensive net set up by Xia Yu, it can penetrate in!
The next moment, a gentle and deep voice whispered quietly in my ears: "Yaoyao, you are mine..."
"Huh?" The voice was too soft, and Xia Yao turned her head hesitantly.
"Bang bang bang-"
The entire screen behind it suddenly burst open, and the ink seal on the screen suddenly frowned, apparently still not clear what was going on.
"What's the matter?!"
The furious questioning sound just sounded, but it was immediately covered by the loud rumbling noise.
Immediately, Xia Yao turned around and looked at the tall building in surprise.
I saw that the originally towering building seemed to be torn apart from the middle by a pair of giant hands, and the whole building collapsed suddenly.
The trend is flying sand, the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking!
"Oh my God!"
The people with supernatural powers who were still watching the excitement in front of the building are all waking up from a big dream and reversing in embarrassment.
Those who were close even abandon the car immediately and flee the road without being injured by the falling rocks.
"MMP, what happened just now?!"
Sister Hong, who was on the Grand Cherokee, was also suddenly awake.
All the abilities that were previously controlled by Mo Feng's psychic abilities have also recovered their minds following the collapse of this building.
Mo Feng always deliberately wanted to broadcast live on the screen to control other people's thoughts, and this was instantly ruined.
Fortunately, in the current security zone B, those who can move freely are all supernaturalists. They are strong and able to survive the sudden collapse of the building without casualties.
While everyone was in shock, Xia Yao clearly felt the two tightly wound arms around her waist.
With such force, he almost broke her thin waist.
"Lose, let go!" Xia Yao took a deep breath, raised her hand and shook Xia Yu's head vigorously, "I'm strangled!"
Xia Yu slowly lowered her head, her azure-blue eyes did not hide a trace, and the hostility bursting out of anger was simply creepy.
"...It's mine."
"It's yours, it's yours, Yaoyao belongs to Xia Yu." Xia Yao was not afraid of him, grinning again, "Let go, if you don't let go, I will die!"
"I'm sorry..."
The soft and glutinous voice seemed a little frustrated, and this also made Xia Yu finally come back to his senses. He took a deep look at the little girl in his arms and quickly released his strength:
"Sorry, I hurt you."
In fact, it was okay. Even when Xia Yu was furious, he still controlled his power subconsciously, and didn't hurt his favorite little girl a little bit.
However, Xia Yao rolled her big watery eyes and let out a low "um".
Xia Yu was panicked when she heard the sound, and was busy pulling up her clothes to look at it.
"Look, see, see what! Don't watch!" Xia Yao pressed her clothes tightly with her small hands, and complained, "You can't do this in the future!"
"Yeah." Xia Yu responded, and reached out and held her in his arms, "Yaoyao, please believe me, I will never hurt you."
Xia Yao looked at the furry head in her arms, and finally raised her hand and rubbed it: "I know."
I always knew it.
The live broadcast of Mo Feng was destroyed, and the rally of the supernaturalists was still on the bow and proceeded on time.
Jiang Linghan and Xia Yu looked at each other in the rearview mirror, and drove towards the Tenglong Stadium.
And the other abilities on this street, although they witnessed the scene just now, they never thought that they were almost controlled by others.
The mental powers dissipated silently, and if they hadn't been able to break through it, they wouldn't be noticed.
This is also the horror of the mental abilities.
The supernaturalists only thought it was just an accident, and in the last days, all kinds of unthinkable things appeared in an endless stream. Animals and plants will mutate, and it's not that strange that the building split on its own.
Everyone came to the Tenglong Stadium step by step, and was also impressed by the Xia Yaoyao mentioned by Mo Feng just now.
Sister Hong's team had just parked the car, one of the tall and strong abilities suddenly licked his lips to his companion, still unfinished:
"That was Xia Yaoyao? It's Chief Xia's only little sister. Tsk tsk, look at the photos just now, she looks really beautiful!"
"Haha...beautiful? Of course. She is the little princess of Chief Xia and the fiancée of Captain Mo. You want to eat swan meat because of you, a toad? Okay, I'm leaving, and get out of the car."
"If I can't eat this, it won't prevent me from thinking about it... If I have such a beautiful fiancee... hehe... I will keep her at home every day..."
The man was half talking, but his voice stopped abruptly.
The companion didn't know it, and wanted to laugh at him. When he turned around, he suddenly leaned down and vomited.
"Ugh! Ugh-"
The sound was unpleasant, it seemed to vomit the whole heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.
This team is all superpowers, each body is strong and physically strong, this kind of thing has never happened before. The companion was shocked and shouted loudly:
"Sister Hong! Something happened-"
Before Sister Hong was sitting on the Grand Cherokee, the car door opened suddenly. She ran over, and saw that the strong supernatural player was still vomiting desperately.
Spit out, everything in the stomach was vomited up. But then, he couldn't control his nausea.
At the end, he vomited a mouthful of blood.
Blood was dripping, flowing down his clothes and all over his body, that supernatural person was already completely like a blood man.
"Oh my God! What is going on?!"
The people with supernatural powers around him have also done bird and beast dispersal.
Only Sister Hong tightened her lips and walked slowly towards the man.
"Sister Hong, don't!" Someone behind her grabbed sister Hong's clothes.
Sister Hong waved her hand and walked forward fearlessly.
If it's as that person said...
"Save me-"
The man stretched out his hand hard and shouted.
Sister Hong stretched out her hand to grab that person's hand.
The next moment, I saw that the tall man seemed to be sucked up in all his flesh and blood in an instant, and only an empty skin was left spreading out on the ground.
"What the hell is going on?!"
Sister Hong's dark makeup can't conceal her panic.
Snow flutters in the sky, and there is no sound. No one can answer this question.
Sister Hong raised her head, looking at the floating snow, her hands clenched into fists.
--Today, all things will have a decision!
Just today!
The Tamron Stadium, which can accommodate 100,000 people, is really magnificent.
Xia Yu and others stopped the car and walked in with the flow of people.
Xia Yao was still held in her arms by Xia Yu, and she was still holding the doll in her arms. From the outside, she looked like an ordinary girl, no difference.
It's just that she is a little uncomfortable...
Since seeing Mo Feng's live broadcast, Xia Yao has become uncomfortable.
After entering this stadium, the uncomfortable feeling became even more obvious.
There is a foreign mental power that is trying to attack her mental power!
"Yaoyao?" Xia Yu noticed her strangeness and asked in a low voice.
Xia Yao smiled and shook her head: "It's okay."
Her smile is thin, like a shallow flower in the snow in winter, as if the wind and snow are heavy, it will blow her away.
The big, cool hand pressed the back of her furry head: "Then take a break."
Xia Yao obediently responded.
Today's situation is extraordinary, she can't hold Xia Yu's hind legs because of herself!
Xia Yu's body still had the faint scent of vegetation, very comfortable. Xia Yao took a deep breath, intuitively feeling better.
The little pointed chin rested on Xia Yu's shoulder, and the little girl blinked her big watery eyes, silently observing the surroundings.
At this time in the gymnasium, there have been a lot of staff in safety zone B. They wore uniform uniforms and smiled and guided the supernaturalists to their respective positions.
Xia Yu's party was received by a girl with big eyes. She was wearing a bunny girl costume, with two long bunny ears on her head, and a small fluffy white tail on her buttocks.
Xia Yao: "..."
Is this the evil taste of Mo Feng? !
In contrast to the strangely-shaped, fierce and evil-like supernatural beings around, these bunny girls are simply at the lowest end of the food chain.
Luo Chuan had no clue when he saw these bunny girls at first, but when he saw the neatly organized girls standing around, he suddenly came back to his senses.
"Is this Mo Feng a pervert?! These people look... they all look a bit like Yaoyao!"
What Luo Chuan said was not wrong, Xia Yao had discovered this a long time ago.
Although these bunny girls look different, Xia Yao's shadow can still be seen more or less from them.
Just like No. 13 before, a big watery eye is very similar to Xia Yao's. And now when the bunny girl who led them lowered her eyes, a certain angle was actually similar to Xia Yao!
When I wanted to come to the Li team, not only did he snatch many ordinary girls from the villa area, but also searched the entire safe area B, only to find so many girls who looked similar to Xia Yao and were of the same age.
What will Mo Feng do? Is he really crazy? !
Not to mention that Xia Yao, who was the party at this time, felt uncomfortable, and Xia Yu and Jiang Linghan were also unconcerned.
Xia Yu directly raised his hand and pressed Xia Yao's head in his arms, covering her tightly. Jiang Linghan's face was pale, and he exuded an aura that no strangers should enter just by standing there.
The bunny girl tremblingly led them up through the bracelet Luo Chuan was holding.
After passing through a long passage, the line of sight suddenly widened, Xia Yao quietly raised her head and saw that they had already arrived in the gymnasium.
This is a large open-air football field with stands from top to bottom on all sides. The surrounding LED spotlights are extremely bright, illuminating the entire football field like a day.
The snow has been falling for a long time, but there is still no sign of stopping. The flags inserted on the four sides were blown by the violent wind, making a rhythmic noise.
Xia Yao frowned.
At this time, the artificial lawn has already fallen down, covered with a thin layer of snow, but it has become muddy and dirty because of the people coming and going.
The bunny girl led Xia Yu and his party to the position, and she didn't dare to walk away casually, she could only stand silently with her head down.
Immediately, Xia Yao found Sister Hong and the group she had seen before, sitting at the bottom left of her.
There were a few abilities among them, and they started to molest the bunny girl directly, and even wanted to pull off the short furry tail.
Sister Hong's eyebrows jumped sharply, and she shouted angrily before making them stop the salty pig's hands.
"Sister Hong..." The abilities under her were all distressed.
Since entering this gymnasium, they have obviously felt a feeling of qi and blood churning.
This felt that in addition to further expanding their abilities, it also made them even more unscrupulous.
"Take it to eat." Sister Hong threw out a small bottle with her, "Give me peace of mind."
As she said, she glanced backwards seemingly unintentionally, and then quickly glanced around Xia Yao.
Xia Yao squinted her eyes dejectedly, only to see those supernatural beings who swallowed the small bottle like a candy ball, her eyes became calm.
If there was a seemingly non-existent look in Sister Hong's gaze, Sister Hong quickly turned her gaze, as if the glimpse just now was just an illusion of Xia Yao.
Xia Yao: "..." It's weird.
Except for Sister Hong, who is like this, more people with supernatural powers are even more reckless, and even some people hold the bunny girl and chew in public.
A violent cry rang in her ears, Xia Yao's face was pale, and she felt a little nauseous.
Moreover, the feeling of mental power being invaded is more obvious, and there is a feeling of being invaded in her portable space.
It feels like I am a mussel meat hiding in a mussel shell, but it is forced to be pulled out.
Very uncomfortable.
Before Xia Yao came here, she vowed not to drag everyone back, but now it has become like this, she really feels Hao Ran. However, she still had to devote her energy to resist the invading force, and now she could only lie softly on Xia Yu's shoulders, not wanting to move.
How could Xia Yu, who had been holding her in his arms, not notice the strangeness of the little girl in his arms at this time. On his plain face, a pair of blue eyes flashed by, and immediately, there was a ball that exuded a touch of grass and wood in his hand.
"Eat this."
"What is it?" Xia Yao said in a daze, but she opened her mouth with confidence and put the ball in her mouth.
Feeling a little bit of wetness on the fingertips, Xia Yu quietly rubbed the fingertips, and then, a big hand was gently resting on the back of Xia Yao's small head.
"If you are tired, rest for a while, everything is mine."
The ball was sweet in her mouth, and Xia Yao responded vaguely, and entered the black sweet dreamland.
The familiar cedar breath has been lingering around her, inexplicably giving Xia Yao a feeling of being protected and very safe.
It was also in her sleep that the pressure of being invaded was suddenly reduced, as if a solid defensive net was put on her space, and external forces could not find a breakthrough at all.

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