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Chapter 61

Combining all of these above, Xia Yao couldn't help but boldly guess whether the little girl's form was just her body.
Moreover, at the moment when the ice sculpture was smashed by the punch of No. 13, Xia Yao clearly saw that a smile of relief flashed across the face of the "little girl".
What is she laughing at? !
Is it laughing that everyone didn't discover her secret, and let her escape? !
Thinking of this, Xia Yao's breathing suddenly started to rush.
Where did she escape? ! Did you just let her escape? !
Big watery eyes kept looking around.
Even if she is a mental superpower, it is impossible to occupy another person's body out of thin air, she must still be here!
As soon as this thought came out, Xia Yao became even more nervous.
And Xia Yu was always paying attention to her. At this moment, she couldn't help but lower her head and asked softly: "Is there anything to discover?"
Xia Yao was afraid that what she had just said had been horrified, so she hugged Xia Yu's neck and quickly uttered her conjecture in his ear.
With this movement of her, the faces of the men surrounding her were instantly different. Especially Xia Yeye, his entire handsome face suddenly turned black.
"Xia Yaoyao!"
He was reluctant to say aloud to his little sister. At this time, Xia Yeye endured for a long time, and finally shouted her name through gritted teeth.
With this sound, Xia Yao and Xia Yu separated immediately.
Xia Yeye nodded secretly, saying that her little sister was still obedient.
But who knows, in the next moment, instead of putting Xia Yao down, the beautiful blue-eyed youth carried her on his back.
At the same time, his eyes squinted slightly, and his silvery white hair went without wind.
He didn't do too much movement, but the whole laboratory began to tremble.
On a messy ground, broken glass and cracked ice were shaking.
All the people with supernatural powers around have serious faces.
Obviously they heard Xia Yao's words just now. Although it is not clear why she suddenly said this, but, inexplicably, they all trusted the little girl who looked charming.
At this time, he also took out the weapon/weapon, and waited for it.
Especially the beads that just crawled out of the glass box.
It had crawled to its little owner at the first moment.
But soon, it stopped moving. The eight big black eyes looked affectionately at its little owner.
Under the intersection of its ten eyes, it shook its body very quickly.
The voice of "crumbs and crumbs" gradually rose, and the little spiders that had been hidden in the dark also quickly crawled out.
"Go." Xia Yao said silently.
Zhuzhu nodded, then turned his head and crawled out of the laboratory door. And those little spiders also dispersed silently, crawling into an unknown corner of the laboratory at an extremely fast speed.
Naturally, the movement of Xia Yao on her back did not hide her from Xia Yu.
He stood quietly in the center of the laboratory, with his silver hair flying, as if he had fallen into the king of ice and snow.
And Xia Yeye is the third-level ability of the Lightning Element, and is the best among the world's abilities. However, the supernatural power erupting from this young man now made him feel a trace of oppression.
His abilities seem to have completely surpassed him? ! Xia Yeye couldn't see how terrifying his ability level had reached!
The whole ground was shaking, and ordinary people in white coats almost couldn't stand. Several people supported each other, and didn't let themselves fall down.
At this time, the thin little boy suddenly saw a large area of ​​shadows, which quietly seeped from the walls, floors, and ceilings of the laboratory.
Because of the various experiments being done all the year round, all the lights in this laboratory are extremely bright and shadowless lamps.
Shadowless lights cannot eliminate shadows, but can only weaken them to the greatest extent.
So at the beginning, he didn't feel surprised to see those faint shadows.
However, the shadows like this now seem to be alive, gradually becoming black and full, and if there is any substance, it makes people even more frightened.
"Ah!" The little boy covered his mouth, and he suddenly remembered!
These shadows actually existed a long time ago, as long as the nice little brother came in with the beautiful young lady on his back, the shadows already existed!
When I thought that the shadow was controlled by the little brother, and the big bad guy hadn't noticed this from beginning to end, his little heart, which was originally worried, jumped smoothly.
That big villain must not be able to run away! She is not as good as her little brother!
In fact, it really did not surprise the little boy. As the shadows continued to converge and squeeze, a hoarse and unpleasant scream was suddenly heard in the air:
"Ah-let me go! You stupid mortals! Quickly let me go!"
Everyone at the scene was calm, and soon discovered that the sound was actually coming from a tiny ventilation duct in the corner of the laboratory.
Sure enough, it was still in this laboratory. Xia Yu retracted his abilities, raised his hand and hugged Xia Yao in his arms again.
The two looked at each other, and Xia Yu walked over quickly.
Seeing them being so close, Xia Yeye almost saw blood in his eyes. However, now his little girl's complexion is really not very good. His face was pale, and his big watery eyes looked as dark as ink.
Feeling distressed in his heart, Xia Yeye shook his head unconsciously.
That's it, that's all, let her go. The fact that his baby girl can live peacefully and grow up healthy and healthy is already his best explanation to his parents.
Naturally, Xia Yao didn't know that her cheap brother's thoughts had changed a thousand times just now, and she almost thought about whether she was going to find a big villa for her as a dowry in the safe zone B when she got married at that time.
She only lowered her head seriously and looked at the small clusters of black threads struggling in the thick black shadow.
"Let go of me!"
The cluster of black threads was extremely small, not much larger than the small one that Xia Yao had picked up before and threatened to lead the way. Had it not been for Xia Yu's shadow overwhelming the sky, almost omnipresent, there might not be many people who could spot it at all.
In fact, before that, that black thread...or that weird person thought so too.
When No. 13's iron fist hit her, a glimmer of joy passed quickly in her heart.
Although she failed this time, no one knew where she really was! As long as no one can find her true body, she will never die!
These stupid mortals will never discover her secret!
Now she is indeed broken, but as long as she returns to her true body, she will leave here immediately in the dark.
She will go to that man.
As long as she tells the man her research results and data over the years, she will definitely be able to make a comeback!
Now these stupid mortals in front of me will be torn apart by her masterpiece! Swallowed! No root hair will be left!
She exhausted all her strength, and finally at the last moment, she condensed her remaining mental power into the piece of black crushed ice closest to the exit channel.
When she saw everyone around the young man, she was still contemptuous and stunned at the same time, thinking that she would be able to escape immediately.
Unexpectedly, all her tricks would be seen through by the soft and cute little girl at a glance.
Why? ! Why is this? ! Where did she reveal the flaw? !
Although she was puzzled, she actually had delusions in her heart-her true body was so hidden, even if they could find her, there was no way to find her true body.
As long as her real body does not die, she will never die!
Thinking about this, she closed her mouth tightly, and continued to struggle, trying to transfer her mental power to other places as quickly as possible.
But at this moment, the little girl's soft voice suddenly came from her ear:
"How long have you been experimenting here?"
The little girl asked softly, not aggressively, but as if she was chatting with her.
This stupid mortal, even though she liked her shell a lot before, but when she thought that she let her plan go to waste, how could the weirdo answer her more!
Without receiving a response, Xia Yao was not discouraged, and asked again:
"Did this hospital begin to conduct related experiments before the end of the world? Do you know all this about the old government and the military? And... what is the so-called human body bioengineering of the human community? "
"The occurrence of the end times, the emergence of the first zombie, and the emergence of the zombie virus, does it have anything to do with this biological engineering?"
The little girl was not discouraged, and asked all the questions that already existed in her heart.
The black thread was still struggling, but as she didn't ask a question, she struggled a little less. At the end, Xia Yao asked one last question:
"Miss Xiang of the Xiang Group-Xiang Luoyun, is this the first test product of your bioengineering experiment?"
As soon as this problem occurred, the black thread immediately stopped moving.
There is only a handful of silk thread, which obviously cannot be condensed into a human shape. However, at this time the strange man couldn't help but roared at Xia Yao:
"Why do you know all this?! Who are you?! You are not allowed to call her name! What qualifications do you have to call her name!"
However, Xia Yao stopped asking questions because of her anger and hysterical threats.
She sorted out her thoughts, and said slowly again:
"In other words, why did Miss Xiang already have supernatural powers more than ten years before the end of the world? Does her superpower exist by herself? Or... or did you inject her with some medicine to make her Become a person with supernatural powers that ordinary people can't reach?"
Speaking of this, Xia Yao paused, took a deep breath, and said every word:
"Is this the reason why she jumped from the third floor? It was the real cause of her death."
As soon as the words came out, the audience was silent, and the black thread seemed to freeze, and it became stiff in an instant.
Xiang Luoyun-the eldest lady of the Xiang Group.
The cultivation of good temperament since childhood, the pampered life for many years, and the generous family background have cultivated a distinguished lady with outstanding temperament and almost perfect demeanor.
She is so beautiful and so dignified, she is the goddess of countless men.
Naturally she is also... his goddess!

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