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Chapter 31

To say that Yuanma's braised pork is a must, this is really not bragging.
At this time, the heavy snowfall began, and a round of sun was high in the sky. Yuanma set up a big iron pot in the snow, took the frozen meat from the cold storage, and burned a big pot of braised pork.
Grumbling, the soup is boiling hot. The thick oil red sauce, fat and thin, soft and sweet, melts in the mouth. Pair it with a bowl of freshly steamed white rice. It is simply stunning on earth.
Xia Yao only took one bite and was completely conquered by Yuan Ma's cooking skills.
Is this the best food in the world? ! What kind of shit all the nutrients she had eaten before!
Because of the shock, the little girl's big eyes were shining, and her delicate face was steamed by the heat, making it even more white and tender.
Immediately afterwards, she carried the big bowl that Yuan's mother gave her, which was bigger than her face, and her face was about to be buried in the big bowl.
However, even so, she still behaves gracefully and upright, and at first glance she has received a good education.
On the other side, Xiaojian and Brother Xiong were holding big bowls, and they stopped eating, but looked at Xia Yao eagerly. In my mind, I couldn't help but come up with an idea-what is a beautiful meal, this is it!
With the little princess Yaoyao in front of them, even if it was white rice, they could eat several bowls of rice, not to mention this greasy braised pork...
The appetite of the supernatural person is not small. The higher the power level, the more food you need to consume.
Regardless of Xia Yao's delicate and fragile, she was not at all ambiguous when she started eating.
After eating the third bowl of white rice, she realized that she was supporting it.
"Uh!" After a little hiccup, Xia Yao's face turned red all of a sudden.
Since crossing to the end of the world, she seems to be more and more free and unrestrained.
Fortunately, Xiaojian and Brother Xiong were immersed in their hard work and did not notice her gaffe. Only Jiang Linghan, who was sitting on the side wiping the pitch-black crossbow, raised his thick eyebrows against the cold face of his sister.
Jiang Linghan is a half-zombie, his sense of taste has long been lost, and he doesn't need ordinary people's food.
So when Xia Yao greeted him to eat, he just sat lazily beside her, took the tableware and took a few bites perfunctorily.
--Compared to eating, he prefers to breathe the presence of her. In this way, his pain and numbness will be miraculously reduced.
In fact, when Xia Yao handed him the toffee before, Jiang Linghan was aware that as long as she passed her hand, the food handed to him would have a taste.
It was also at that time that he unexpectedly tasted sweetness again, which also made him feel alive. He thought so, he would let himself be so close to her...
Jiang Linghan thought so, and suddenly saw the little girl in front of him covering her chest and frowning.
"What's the matter?" Jiang Linghan asked in a low voice, squeezing Xia Yao's arm with his slender and powerful hand.
Xia Yao lowered her head, took a deep breath, and waved her hand.
It was strange that the feeling of spatial vibration that hadn't appeared in a long time came again.
This felt so intense, even more than the feeling when Mr. Skeleton used the fire ability to help her.
what happened?
Is it possible that Mr. Skeleton, who is recovering, has encountered a problem again? !
Holding her chest hard, Xia Yao tried to calm herself down.
She must quickly find a place where there is no one, enter the space and check it out.
But at this moment, Jiang Linghan's ears twitched, his hands quickly raised the bow/crossbow, and he whispered towards a place: "Who?! Come out!"
Hearing this, everyone who was still eating also immediately became alert.
Brother Xiong raised his punching bag big fist, Yuan Ma also drew the kitchen knife that never leaves from her waist.
Xia Yao and Xiaojian, as non-attack abilities, also quickly hid behind them.
"Who?!" Jiang Linghan shouted in a dumb voice, and walked forward vigilantly, "I count to three, if I don't come out again, I'm not welcome!"
In the last days, there are crises everywhere. It is possible to lose your life if you are not careful once.
When the night was gone, Xiaojian and the others drove the truck away from the wasteland. At this time, they have come to a suburb. There are many lush trees all around, and the canopy is covered with white snow.
Following Jiang Linghan's loud shout, the snow puffed down, as if there was another heavy snowfall.
The front is silent, and there is no sign of anything appearing.
Jiang Linghan narrowed his black eyes slightly, and he was tall and straight like a pine.
The slender fingers pressed hard, and the blue veins on the back of the hand burst.
The finger loosened suddenly.
"call out--"
The sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, breaking through the wind and snow, and shooting straight towards a big tree.
But at this moment, Yuan Ma exclaimed: "Ah! Be careful!"
As she said, she threw out the kitchen knife in her hand.
The arrow casts extremely fast, and Yuanma throws out the force extremely fast, the kitchen knife is sharp and buzzing.
The two intersect, sparks are flying everywhere.
The kitchen knife was directly nailed into the tree trunk, and the arrow also changed its direction because of the kitchen knife, and went directly into a big tree next to it.
The arrow feathers trembled violently, and the snow on the trees continued to fall.
"Yuan Mom! What are you doing?!" Brother Xiong shouted angrily.
Yuan's mother was also nervous: "I seem to have seen a child..."
"Children?!" Xiaojian hurriedly said, "How could there be children in this icy world? If there are, I am afraid they would have been frozen to death long ago! Yuan Mom, can't you but..."
"There is a child..." At this moment, Xia Yao suddenly pointed her finger forward and said.
Amidst the blizzard, a little boy walked out slowly from behind the tree.
He has white hair, long draped behind him.
Bare feet, wearing a house suit that is obviously oversized. His naked/exposed skin was fair and as if it were ice and snow, completely bloodless.
Only a pair of blue eyes like the sea, and well-shaped, red lips make him look extraordinarily coquettish in this ice and snow.
"This?!" Jiang Linghan's eyes shrank sharply, and the second arrow was about to shoot.
But just in the midst of a thousand hairs, Xia Yao's exclamation suddenly came from her ear and said: "It's him?!"
he? who is it?
Then, Jiang Linghan watched Xia Yao go deep and shallow, and hurriedly ran into the woods.
"Don't go there!"
Her speed was extremely fast, and Jiang Linghan didn't even hold her under the pull.
"Does Yaoyao know this kid?"
With this question, others rushed over.
The white-haired boy stood quietly in front of a green tree, and the snow scattered on his thin shoulders, like a tall and tall green pine growing on the top of a snow-capped mountain.
Cold and noble, like a banished immortal.
It's just that, inconsistent with his icy temperament, he still drags a small gray blanket in his hand.
However, at the age of thirteen or four, the young man may only be a little taller than Xia Yao. This little blanket fell on the snow, dragging a long trail.
It's him!
It's him!
When Xia Yao first saw the boy, he couldn't help being surprised by his angelic face. Once again, she saw the little blanket.
This color, this material, and both sides have a few whiskers left after repeated water absorption and repeated dehydration...
She was in the small wooden house, but after a long duel with this refined little blanket, how could she not recognize it?
Xia Yao quickly closed her eyes and probed her portable space at the fastest speed.
Then, she really found that Mr. Skeleton on the double bed was gone.
Seeing that little blanket again, and seeing this young man carved like ice and snow, she still didn't understand, the reason for the vibration of her portable space just now!
--Mr. Skeleton recovered and came back alive.
And her portable space could not contain living creatures, as soon as she noticed Mr. Skeleton's breath, she threw him out!
At this moment, Mr. Skull is wearing the home clothes she bought from the supermarket. It's just that she didn't have time to replace him.
Xia Yao ran faster and faster, her whole body as light as a butterfly flying. Brother Xiong behind her couldn't catch up at all, only Jiang Linghan straddled his legs and followed silently.
The snow was so deep that it creaked when stepped on it.
Xia Yao rushed up and grabbed his little blanket: "Mr. Skull...!"
The boy raised his azure blue eyes, and his slender eyelashes were stained with patches of snowflakes.
The slender, delicate and deep facial features were almost like a sharp arrow stabbing Xia Yao's small heart.
Mom, I didn't expect that a bunch of boneless Mr. Skeletons turned into human beings, so they are so beautiful!
Loved, loved!
Xia Yao covered her chest, but she was also surprised to find that the boy's eyes were empty and there was a trace of blankness.
"Sir?..." The little white hands couldn't help shaking in front of his eyes.
The slender eyelashes blinked lightly, and there was still no response from those azure blue eyes. It's just that he seemed to smell the faint fragrance of Xia Yao's body, gently raised his hands, and accurately grasped the soft and warm little hands.
"Hiss--" The familiar feeling of coldness still shook Xia Yao.
By the way, this is Mr. Skeleton. That's right.
This was what he felt when he held her hand in the Xiang hospital.
But why has he become so much smaller?
They are almost as tall as her now. She can remember clearly that Mr. Skeleton's skeleton is a head taller than her.
Moreover, why is his hair and eyes that color?
Isn't he... isn't he Chinese?
Countless questions came to mind instantly, Xia Yao carefully said: "How did you...how did you come out? Are you okay?"
A warm breath fell on the boy's face, he slowly moved closer to Xia Yao, and stretched out another snow-white hand, as if he wanted to touch her cheek...
At this moment, a big hand was stretched out from the side, and he grabbed Xia Yao's empty other hand, pulling her away from the boy with a strong force.
"Ah!" Xia Yao was dragged and staggered, turned her head suddenly, and saw Jiang Linghan's frowning face.
"Who is he?! Do you know?"
"He, he..." For a moment, Xia Yao didn't know how to introduce Mr. Skull.
It was very strange that he appeared in the snow and ice like this now.
After the baptism of the cruel apocalypse, everyone was extremely vigilant. Suddenly seeing this young man who can be called a coquettish appearance, it is normal for Jiang Linghan to ask such questions.
The next moment, the pitch-black bow/crossbow pointed in front of the boy.
Cold light lingering, wanton killing intent!
"Who are you? What is your relationship with her?!"

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