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Chapter 21

At this time, the man standing in front of Xia Yao was tall and mighty, with knotted muscles, like a hill, without the tall and cold feeling of the original heroine Jiang Linlang.
What's more frightening is that the skin and muscles on his body were rotten and cracked, and each piece was in the black mist, as if it was about to fall.
Among them, his left cheek was the most severely injured, corrupted and covered with black lines, which looked terrifying and terrifying.
Vaguely, it seems that the white bones under the corrupt muscles can still be seen!
This dignified face is a match for Mr. Skull!
Xia Yao's eyes tightened, she was really surprised.
He is not Jiang Linlang at all!
No wonder! Those doubts and feelings of violation that had always existed in Xia Yao's heart were answered at once.
It's just...who is he? ! Why does he pretend to be Jiang Linlang?
Xia Yao tightened her lips, her big watery eyes were dark and shiny.
Look at what he looks like now, he is not even an ordinary superpower! He is... a half zombie!
After the end of the world, human beings are divided into four types.
Ordinary humans, supernatural beings, zombies, half-zombies.
The first three, as the name suggests, are the half zombie.
Half-zombies are like supernatural beings, tougher than ordinary people's bodies, and they also possess various supernatural powers. They are like zombies, fearing the light and describing terror.
Looking around, there is a thick black mist, which obscures the originally not very bright sun. Almost not much light penetrated in.
This is probably the reason why this tall half-zombie dared to show his true shape in broad daylight...
Ah, not right! Xia Yao suddenly remembered that before, when he disguised himself as Jiang Linlang, he had been moving freely during the day.
How did he walk in the sun without turning into a pile of fly ash because of the burning of the sun? !
There were a lot of doubts in her mind, and the little girl paled with a small face, but she didn't show a trace of fear.
The man's naked/exposed eyeballs glanced at Xia Yao, his brows were slightly raised, and then he raised his hands.
Out of thin air, the surrounding wind began to circulate, and it was gradually getting stronger and stronger.
Xia Yao's princess' head had become messy in the running just now, and now the gust of wind hit her again, even blowing her hair like a mess.
She raised her hand and grabbed the hair that was dancing around, and saw two typhoon balls rising in the man's hands.
The wind ball was very lingering, and the sharp cold light of the wind blade flashed faintly.
The tall man raised his hands and was about to throw the wind ball towards the giant mutant spider.
But at this moment, Xia Yao suddenly frowned and said: "No!"
Um? The tall man stagnated, and cast his narrow and deep eyes down to look at her.
With the squally wind roaring around, Xia Yao hurriedly pressed her hair and shouted again loudly: "No...this white-fronted cancer spider shouldn't be like this..."
But what was wrong, she didn't know exactly what was wrong.
The man was already ready to go, and even stopped paying attention to her. "Bang, bang, bang-" Two typhoon balls slammed into the spider.
As soon as the typhoon slammed out, the Ling Ling was like a sharp blade, splitting the body of the giant spider, making a terrible cry. Countless groups of small spiders also surging around like a tide.
Upon seeing this, the man quickly condensed a typhoon ball, smashing it all the way towards the spider swarm.
"Puff! Puff! Puff!" Like the sound of a water bag bursting, the spider group was isolated by the wind blade, and yellow juice splashed all over. And the giant mutant spider was constantly splitting its body by the wind blade.
Although Bai Miaoling's ability to heal with wood-type supernatural powers is still constantly repairing the wounds of the big spider, the man's wind-type supernatural power level is obviously above it.
In the black mist, the yellow juice flowing out of the spider colony was dripping on the ground, muddy. Melted with the heavy black mist, it gave out a rancid smell.
Xia Yao covered her nose.
There is still something wrong...
Cold sweat dripped from the man's forehead, and his whole body abilities skyrocketed!
He raised his head and screamed, clasped his hands together, and then slowly pulled apart. In both palms, another huge typhoon was condensed.
The wind screamed and the earth moved and the mountains shook.
Success or failure in one fell swoop!
The man frowned, and he was about to throw out the typhoon ball that condensed all his abilities.
But at this moment, "Not good!" Xia Yao, who had been closely observing the surroundings, suddenly shouted.
The man turned his head swiftly when he heard the sound, and saw that the spider silk in the thick fog suddenly condensed into countless sharp swords, and stabled at him fiercely.
The narrow eyes suddenly widened, and all his abilities were used to dominate the typhoon ball. At one hour or three, he couldn't help himself!
Sparks splattered everywhere, shaking the earth.
Just in the man's surprised eyes, a transparent wall suddenly appeared in front of him, and countless "sharp swords" suddenly surged and blocked the outside.
The next moment, the transparent wall disappeared again in an instant.
This speed is jaw-dropping.
But even so, the man can see clearly, the transparent wall just now is actually a thin wall of water. Countless sharp swords hit it, and circles of water rippled out of it.
The little girl on the opposite side had a pale face, and her big black and moist eyes were as bright as stars.
He had already seen clearly that the water wall was condensed from the little girl's hand.
Obviously she has already awakened the water system ability, and the level is not low!
Ha ha... The tall man instantly remembered that she was still a weak chicken before, and she was able to pretend.
Xia Yao waved her small hand, and the water wall instantly dissipated.
The little heart was pounding, and just now, when she was in a desperate situation, she subconsciously used the water system supernatural power, which actually condensed a wall of water for her.
This is too powerful...
Xia Yao looked at her hand, still a little unbelievable.
Immediately afterwards, she felt dizzy, her legs softened, and she almost knelt on the ground.
--This is the performance of different energy exhaustion.
The tall man looked like a torch, stepped forward, raised his hand and grabbed Xia Yao's arm before letting her fall.
Xia Yao was panting, cold sweat dripping from her forehead.
She was very uncomfortable, and she felt hollowed out all over her body.
At the same time, Xia Yao also noticed that the vibration in her portable space was getting bigger and bigger, but she really couldn't separate her mental power to observe.
Did something happen to Mr. Skeleton in the space?
Xia Yao gasped heavily and covered her heart, and constantly watched the surrounding scenes vigilantly.
She was too busy to take care of herself, but she was still worried about poor Mr. Skeleton. It was only a moment or three, and she didn't know how to help him.
When the giant mutant spider missed a hit, it was obviously angry at this time.
Not only did small spiders with crumbs pouring in from all directions, those black spider silks quickly condensed into countless sharp swords, suspended in the air, ready to go.
The cold light is lingering, and the war is on the verge of breaking out. Even if he was arrogant as a tall half-zombie, he no longer dared to act rashly.
But at this moment, Xia Yao retracted her gaze, raised her hand with difficulty and pointed forward, shouting: "You send me over!"
"you sure?"
The black thick eyebrows were raised suddenly. It was obvious that she was extremely tired at this time, and the man followed the direction she was pointing, and it turned out to be the place where the giant mutant spider was!
What does she want to do?
"Yeah!" Xia Yao paled with a small face and nodded seriously.
Although he was puzzled, when he saw Xia Yao's focused and firm eyes. With a thought, waving his hands, the wind roared, and directly lifted Xia Yaotoo.
In mid-air, Xia Yao gritted her teeth, stabilized her body, and quickly approached the giant mutant spider.
"Roar-" The big spider roared wildly, with eight dark single eyes, and the reflection of the smart and elegant little girl.
Xia Yao intersected her ten eyes, and the strange feeling that had appeared before came out again in her heart.
Is it... telling her something?
"Ah--" At this moment, Bai Miaoling, who had a face hidden in the body of the big spider, also raised her head and screamed, with a terrible voice.
Her eyes were also staring at Xia Yao closely, and a tear came slowly from the corner of her eyes.
Um? What's wrong with her? ! Xia Yao's eyes narrowed slightly, and the sense of violation in her heart became more and more vigorous.
All of a sudden, thousands of threads attacked at the same time, completely overwhelming.
Xia Yao took a deep breath, calming herself. She should ensure her safety first!
The fingers moved slightly, and Xia Yao stood out of thin air. When she was condescending, the water system powers in her hand quickly accumulated, quickly forming a transparent barrier around her.
There was a violent wind roaring and black mist raging around, but she was like an elf who had strayed into the world. Even in that filthy mud, it keeps that pure and bright.
"help me......"
At this time, as if after all he was still unable to fight the desire for life, Bai Miaoling squeezed the two words out of her mouth with difficulty.
Xia Yao's face sank like water, facing the cold wind, staring at the ground intently.
While the tall man dodges the attack of the spider group, while precisely controlling the wind force, Xia Yao is steadily standing high, seeing the whole picture of the entire big spider in his eyes.
Finally, after scanning the big spider several times, Xia Yao held her breath nervously.
Sure enough!
She thought it strange at first that the white-fronted giant crab spider, as a very common spider at home, has always been docile and timid, and would only hide immediately when seeing humans, and would never take the initiative to attack others.
Moreover, they also prey on cockroaches daily, which can be said to be a beneficial insect.
Why did it change its temperament greatly after it mutated, becoming so irritable? Actually, she would take the initiative to grab Bai Miaoling and swallow it. These are too incompatible with the temperament of the white-fronted cancer spider.
Xia Yao faced the big spider with ten eyes several times, and unexpectedly realized that it seemed to be like her calling for help.
Gently pressing her heart, that feeling was too mysterious, which made her a little unbelievable. But at this time Xia Yao checked many times and finally found the reason.
--She saw clusters of mutated ticks hiding in the brown hair behind the big spider!
Those ticks are extremely ugly and have always been known as vampires in the insect world!
Because of the mutation, the ticks that were easily overlooked have become the size of soybean grains.
In addition, all the ticks are full of blood at this time, and each is like a balloon filled with air, densely embossed on the back of the big spider.
At this glance, it makes people horrified, and intensive phobia is about to be committed.
"Roar--" The big spider shook his body painfully, but was still unable to pull out the parasites on his back.
Xia Yao gasped with a gasp like a toothache.
And Bai Miaoling obviously didn't want to die, so she shouted.
The mutant tick turned a deaf ear to this, had crawled onto her face, and even started to burrow into her skin non-stop.
"Help! Help me! I don't want to die!"
In the scream of horror, ticks crawled directly into her eyes, ears, mouth, and nose!
"No-" a tragic cry followed immediately.
Bai Miaoling struggled desperately, and her desire to survive also kept her releasing her healing power.
However, the more she struggled, the more the ticks burrowed into her flesh like crazy. The original broken face became more red, swollen and ulcerated because of the gnawing of bugs.
The healing power quickly healed her wounds, and the ticks had penetrated into the depths of her skin and were unable to advance or retreat. Numerous insects squirmed and squirmed under her skin.
The more healed, the more painful it is!
vomit! Although Xia Yao didn't like Bai Miaoling, she also felt that she was too miserable at this time.
Xia Yao resisted the strong discomfort again, her lips tightened, trying to recall the habits of ticks.
According to ancient Chinese literature, ticks carry viruses. Once bitten, if it is not removed in time, the skin around the bite will ulcerate and swell.
In severe cases, it may even be infected with tick virus and cause fever and death.
Ticks are extremely hateful creatures, if you force them out. Instead, it will penetrate more and more into the body, and at the same time, it will increase the dose of actual tick saliva, which may lead to the possibility of tick virus.
Therefore, the correct way of treatment should be to disinfect around the wound first, then anesthetize the tick with an anesthetic, and then use a clip to clamp the tick corpse out.
Xia Yao remembered that she saw a large quantity of canned anesthetics when she ransacked the pharmacy of Xiang's Hospital. At that time, I felt that she had room to carry around anyway, so she threw it in.
This is the most appropriate time to use anesthetics!
With a movement in her heart, Xia Yao took out a big jar and yelled at the tall man again: "Hold your breath!"
Without saying anything, the man put on the protective mask tightly and nodded.
Xia Yao also quickly sorted out her protective mask, took a deep breath, and slammed the button toward the back of the big spider.
A colorless and odorless gas jetted out from the jar, spraying directly on the densely packed ticks.
Upon seeing this, the man also cooperated with each other tacitly.
He gathered all the wind directly, and tightly surrounded the area where Xia Yao was spraying the anesthetic, which is where the ticks were.
At the same time, another blast of wind directly wrapped Xia Yao and quickly took him away from the place where the gas was sprayed.
Xia Yao was at a high place, the wind rustled in her ears, and the jar in her hand was empty.
At this time, what she was holding was nitrous oxide, which is laughter/gas. It has low toxicity and is generally used in dental outpatient treatment.
The concentration of nitrous oxide in this jar was originally high, and coupled with the coordination of the tall man's wind power, wherever the laugh/gas went, all the ticks were numb.
The tick stopped wriggling, and the big spider finally fell to the ground as if exhausted, knocking up the dust.
The mutant little spiders around them were more or less affected by the anesthetic, and they crouched down beside the big spider and stopped moving.
"Huh..." Xia Yao waited until the dust settled, and then took a breath and walked towards Big Spider.
She also wanted to run, but her legs were so soft.
While staggering, it was the tall half-zombie who grabbed Xia Yao's arm and lifted her whole body.
"Ah, thank you." Xia Yao thanked her habitually.
"Heh!" The tall man snorted, letting go of her step, and pointed his bow/crossbow at the terrifying spider.
The cold light lingered, reflecting that the man's left face was almost bare of the skull, looking hideous and terrifying.
The sharp arrow was about to penetrate, Xia Yao hurriedly stopped: "That... Team Jiang, wait!"
The man's movements were stagnant, and his thick black eyebrows were raised slightly: "Jiang Linghan."
Seeing Xia Yao's beautiful deer eyes widened slightly, he added: "My name is Jiang Linghan."

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