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Chapter 46

Could it be that Xiaojian and the others were locked in this third floor? ! Looking at so many identical wards on the third floor, it is almost impossible to tell which one is which.
But knowing that they are here, Xia Yao took a deep breath and glanced at the tablet quickly, confirming that the black silk threads had been hovering between the first and second floors.
The black thread seemed to want to chase them, but it seemed that something was holding them in their footsteps, making them unable to catch up to the third floor.
Not so much, Xia Yao helped Xia Yu up, put his arm around his waist with one hand, and held his hand with the other, and started searching one by one.
Xia Yu is now more than half of her head taller, with wide shoulders and narrow waist, and she is not light in weight.
He leaned against her, feeling that her slender bones did not dare to put all his own weight on her. When he heard the false sentence Xia Yao said, he narrowed his eyes slightly and said silently:
"It's all true, it has existed."
However, no matter how many secrets there are here, he will hide it!
As the wards opened one after another, there was no trace of Xiaojian and the others. Xia Yao became more and more anxious, but Xia Yu became more and more calm.
The whole figure is like a deep and silent sea. Even though the waves are raging inside, it is calm on the surface.
"No hurry, let's find it slowly." He whispered.
At this time, Xia Yu no longer leaned on Xia Yao's support. He straightened up and walked in front of her naturally, blocking her in front with her tall figure.
"Yeah." Looking at Xia Yu's tall back, there was an inexplicable sense of safety and reliability. Xia Yao concealed her impatience, looked at her watch and said:
"I calculated the time, this day will soon be bright. If those monsters are also related to the zombie virus, they should also be afraid of the light. When the day breaks, they will not dare to do anything."
"Yeah." Xia Yu nodded obediently.
But just as he turned his head, at the moment Xia Yao couldn't see, the scarlet tongue licked the corner of his lips silently.
Dare to bring them here to give him more crystal nuclei so that he can quickly restore his memory? The more power the better, he naturally won't let go...theirs.
Trying to restrain the violent emotions in his heart, Xia Yu's fingertips moved slightly.
In the depths of the forest, the overwhelming green vines rushed toward the hospital with a force of decay.
And the green vines that had been crawling under his feet quickly scattered to every corner of the hospital, violently pulling out the black threads hidden in them!
The black thread struggled desperately, as if being driven away, rushing out of the ground like a madness.
Outside the bleak hospital, the green vine and the black silk thread were tangled together, and they came fiercely, but unexpectedly, there was no sound.
Along the way, the little green vine absorbed the crystal nuclei of countless mutant monsters on this island, and the power level more than quadrupled.
Previously, there were blessings of mutant bats and mutant big octopuses, and the black silk thread could only tie with the green vine. Now this is alone, how can the black silk thread be the opponent of the green vine?
Seeing that the black silk thread was about to be swallowed by the green vines, the black silk thread that rushed out suddenly melted away like black water, suddenly penetrated into the ground next to the hospital, and disappeared in an instant.
The green vine was taken aback for a moment, and then rushed up, but it was unable to cause any harm or impact on the pool of water.
Xia Yu, who was still slowly checking each room on the third floor, was slightly stagnant at this time, and then, the corners of her pale lips formed an evil arc:
With my fingertips moving again, the green vines outside the hospital seemed to have lost their target, slowly dispersing in confusion.
After a while, the overwhelming space disappeared in an instant.
Only a black shadow quietly and slowly shrouded towards the hospital.
At this time, Xia Yao had just finished checking a ward. The wards on the third floor are all the same, because they have been uninhabited for a long time, and the ground is covered with thick dust.
Before, she had let the little spiders under her feet go first, and soon turned over the entire third floor.
Same as the first and second floors below, all the windows on the third floor are sealed by steel bars, and cement is poured. The entire third floor can be said to be tightly dripping, even the sound of wind cannot enter.
There was no clue at all, and there was no trace of Xiaojian and the others. Xia Yao and Xia Yu left the ward and came into the corridor.
Quietly in the empty corridor, only the milky lullaby reverberated in Xia Yao's mind, making people distraught.
Even after drinking the water from Lingquan, the lullaby is still intermittent and lingering in the ears. It can be said that it is very tenacious and lasting.
Xia Yao couldn't ignore this voice. At this time, she was even in the corridor on the third floor when she suddenly saw a little girl with croissants.
The little girl looked only three or four years old. She was wearing a blue and white patient gown, and she was holding a doll with the same croissant braid in her hand.
In this gloomy hospital, the little girl who appeared suddenly, Xia Yao just saw her as if she was dazzled.
Obviously, the little spiders had just inspected all of them, and there was not a single creature on the third floor. How could such a big person suddenly appear.
Who is she? !
Rubbing her eyes, the little girl was still at the end of the corridor.
Her round face, round eyes, bangs, and croissant braids can be said to be very cute.
It's just that her skin is pale and weird, already showing the gray color of a corpse.
At this time, her pale mouth opened and closed, unexpectedly coincident with the frequency of the lullaby in Xia Yao's ears.
Is this lullaby the ghost of her?
Xia Yao put down her hand, and in a blink of an eye the little girl suddenly took a big step forward!
Xia Yao was taken aback, and subconsciously grabbed the corner of Xia Yu's clothes that was walking in front of her.
"What's the matter?" Xia Yu quickly turned her head, her long eyelashes drooped, and asked in a low voice.
Xia Yao's eyes widened, she pointed to the front, and silently opened her mouth.
Xia Yu turned around: "Huh? Is there anything?"
Seeing Xia Yu's suspicious sight, Xia Yao immediately understood-as before, Xia Yu could not hear the lullaby, nor could she see the scary little girl.
And the little girl seemed to be very afraid of Xia Yu's sight. The moment Xia Yu looked over, the little girl seemed to have been picked up by the flames, and suddenly retreated to the end of the corridor.
Whether she moved forward or retreated, Xia Yao didn't see her movements clearly. It seems that those actions were completed in an instant.
Mommy, it's really a ghost! Xia Yao couldn't help shivering.
"Yaoyao?" Xia Yu leaned down and touched Xia Yao's forehead, "Is it cold? Or...what's there?"
The deep voice and warm touch brought Xia Yao back to her senses.
She couldn't confirm whether the little girl holding the doll was a friend or an enemy. Instead of making Xia Yu worry about it, she might as well figure it out first.
"It's okay." Xia Yao raised her head and smiled at Xia Yu.
Her eyes were black and moist, and in this dark environment, there was a feeling of blooming flowers.
The smile was so bright that Xia Yu couldn't help but breathe. Raising his hand to touch her head, he whispered: "Don't be afraid, everything is mine."
"Yeah." Xia Yao nodded obediently, but Yu Guang passed through Xia Yu's shoulder and saw the gray-white little girl standing at the end of the dark corridor.
He held the doll in one hand, and shook Xia Yao violently with the other, as if to greet her and let her come quickly.
"Grumbling!" Swallowing quietly, Xia Yao followed Xia Yu and walked in the direction of the little girl.
The little girl's face was still stiff, but she waved her hand faster and faster, and the childish voice of the lullaby became exceptionally rapid.
I don't know if she is urging, or what does it mean?
At this time, Xia Yu, who was walking in the front, lowered his head and said "Huh".
"What's the matter?" Xia Yao also lowered her head, but saw that there was a very deep mark on both sides of the corridor.
The imprint showed an explosive black-gray, and it almost merged with the dust. Had it not been for Xia Yu's ability to see things in the dark, neither spider nor Xia Yao had noticed it.
Xia Yu knelt down, and a transparent defensive net was wrapped around her slender and pale fingers. Gently twisted the fingertips toward the black gray, rubbed two fingers, and put them on the tip of the nose and sniffed.
"...Is the smell of gunpowder?"
Xia Yu was not sure, so Xia Yao checked with his hand.
There is a vague smell of gunpowder, but it is obviously not left by explosives. Because the wall is still intact, and it hasn't fallen apart after being blasted by explosives.
"It looks...it looks like a thunderstorm from a thunder-type superpower." Xia Yao hesitated.
Xia Yu's eyes became deeper when he heard the words.
"Here...what is it?!" Xia Yao suddenly touched the black gray, and the long and deep trace arrived again.
Xia Yu lowered her head, waved her hand, and immediately wiped away the dust on the wall.
Immediately, the nick was clearly exposed in front of them.
"It should be engraved with an arrow."
Xia Yu looked forward.
The nick went all the way forward, and the direction it pointed was at the end of the corridor.
Is this a hint?
Xia Yao knew that Xia Yeye, the leader of the security zone B, had awakened the thunder-type ability, and the bow/bow was the weapon of the deputy team of the B2 squad, Changjiang Linlang.
They are all the same as Xiaojian, now they are all trapped on the third floor of this weird and terrifying neuropathy?
Looking at each other with Xia Yu, the two stood up tacitly and walked towards the end of the corridor without hesitation.
At this time, the little girl holding the doll shook her hands desperately, and the doll in her arms suddenly opened her eyes.
Those eyes are actually red!
A terrible cry was also heard from the doll's open mouth: "Ah--"
The sound was sharp and unpleasant, the ground trembled suddenly, and the walls on both sides immediately squeezed towards the two of them.
This time Xia Yu obviously heard that voice faintly, and Junxiu's brows frowned slightly.
He subconsciously wanted to hide Xia Yao behind him, but he didn't expect that his back was suddenly heavy.

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