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Chapter 36

Before Xia Yao had time to get excited, she heard a very faint "Kacha...Kacha...", one after another: "Huh?!"
Jiang Linghan, who was in the front row, obviously heard the voice, and stopped moving.
More and more ice formed on the car door, and the ice blossoms took on a hexagonal shape, faintly emitting an ice blue light.
At this moment, the ice-snow-like youth bullied himself up and hugged Xia Yao with one hand.
Another slender and pale finger was on the car door and tapped it lightly.
The next moment, the car door, which was originally as hard as a rock and completely unmoved, burst open like a cobweb.
"Wow..." There was a crisp sound accompanied by the collision of Bing Ling. Countless blue lights flickered in the dark, like countless butterflies with icy blue wings lingering beside Xia Yao.
Xia Yao raised her head slightly, at a loss for a moment.
Is this car door shattered by the ice? !
Seeing the little girl slightly stunned, like an angel-like teenager, her beautiful eyebrows were slightly bent.
He raised his hand, gently squeezed a shining butterfly, and carefully placed it on Xia Yao's hand.
"Huh?" Xia Yao looked down at the ice-blue butterfly, looked up again at the boy's blue eyes, and swallowed involuntarily.
Oops, this damn sweet!
On the other side, at the moment when the door of the car broke, Jiang Linghan stepped on his two long legs, carrying the pitch black on his back, and got out of the chariot.
It was pitch black in front of him, and he could barely see his fingers. The sound of crumbs kept rustling, and something seemed to be crawling on the ground constantly.
"call out--"
The sound of breaking through the sky suddenly sounded, and the arrow broke the darkness with a bright flame.
Jiang Linghan has a long body and has already picked up another arrow in his hand, ready to go. But as soon as he saw the surrounding situation, his dark eyes couldn't help but shrank suddenly.
Oh shit! What are these things? !
Countless tumbling flesh-colored tentacles, there are countless small suckers on them?
Is it the tentacles of an octopus? !
There are so many layers and layers of entanglement that make the scalp numb.
The arrow slammed into a big tree in the black mist, the tail feathers trembled violently, and the firelight finally slowly extinguished.
As soon as Jiang Linghan gritted his teeth and loosened his fingers, another arrow was about to be shot.
At this moment, Brother Xiong's angry roar suddenly came from his left: "Grass!"
Immediately, there was another violent dragging sound, and the sound of repeatedly rubbing his feet in the sand.
"Xiong Qi!"
Jiang Linghan instinctively rushed in the direction where Brother Xiong was.
However, his hand just wiped the body of Brother Xiong.
"Shoo-" The arrow that was just shot did not know what force it was greeted by. It was directly drawn from the tree pole, and the gun/head was turned, and it shot towards Jiang Linghan!
Jiang Linghan's black eyes dazzled, and he could not be avoided, but he also lost the chance to rescue Brother Xiong. Almost just for a moment, Brother Xiong's sturdy figure disappeared all at once.
"Damn!" Jiang Linghan cursed, and ran after him.
"Ah!" Yuan Ma's panicked voice rang again in her ear, "What is this?!"
Xiaojian and Brother Xiong have been lost, Yuan's mother must never be taken away again! Jiang Linghan stopped directly and went to rescue Yuan Ma.
In the darkness, the cold wind roared, the stench of the stench came on his face, and the creeping tentacles were constantly waving, making it creepy.
Jiang Linghan disguised himself as Jiang Linlang, and his abilities were all restricted. Even though he was as strong as him, he felt overwhelmed at this time.
At this moment, a faint fragrance of sweet smell suddenly circled behind him.
"Who?! Come out!" After losing his teammates one after another, Jiang Linghan's spirit was highly nervous, like a bow that collapsed extremely tightly, and that string would break anytime and anywhere.
"Don't be afraid. It's me." A soft voice suddenly rang in his ears, making him feel at ease inexplicably.
is her? ...
In the next moment, a soft net gently enveloped him, and his originally muddled and blurred thoughts seemed to be awakened instantly.
"...Yaoyao!" Yuan Ma's voice suddenly sounded at this moment.
"Come!" A small voice whispered quietly beside Jiang Linghan. With this very soft sound, Jiang Linghan's manic heart was miraculously calmed down.
There was a pair of small hands that seemed to be leaning towards him, trying to determine his condition. Jiang Linghan couldn't help but stretched out his hand...
However, the next moment, a cold hand suddenly stretched out from the side, and she took Jiang Linghan's hand one step ahead.
That hand was as cold as ice, even if Jiang Linghan himself was a half-zombie, his body temperature was much lower than that of ordinary people. But when he was squeezed tightly by that hand, his whole body's cold hair still stood up all at once.
--This hand is too ice, it can be said to be like a corpse dragged out of an ice cellar.
Corpse? !
As soon as this thought came out, Jiang Linghan frowned and squeezed that hand tightly.
But in the next second, the hand moved slightly, suddenly like water, and disappeared from his hand.
It feels so weird, even the Jiang team, who has experienced a lot of battles, feels horrified!
On the other side, Yuanma fell on the beach. Her legs were already entangled with tentacles, and she was about to be dragged into the black mist like Xiaojian and Xiong.
"Huh--" A silver light flashed, as if cutting melons and vegetables, directly cutting off the tentacles. A warm and gentle breath came immediately, and a small hand helped her up.
"It's me. Yuan Mom, don't be afraid!" A soft voice rang in his ears.
Yuan's mother immediately recognized the person: "...Yaoyao!"
"Boom-", a bright light lit up.
Xia Yao turned on the Aurora Spike flashlight equipped with the team.
The light is bright, like a small sun, directly illuminating the surroundings. The little girl is in the very center of the light, exquisite and small, stunningly alluring.
Yuan Ma firmly squeezed Xia Yao's hand, only to realize that she seemed to have entered a thin net. "Bang bang bang --" Outside the defensive net, flesh-colored tentacles kept tapping, making earth-shaking sounds.
Xia Yao was holding Yuan Ma in one hand, holding the flashlight in the other, and standing on her shoulders was Zhuzhu whose power level had evolved to level 4.
"Zhuzhu, come on!"
With a sweet drink, Zhuzhu jumped directly from her shoulder.
The roar sounded deafeningly, and Zhuzhu turned into a giant mutant spider standing upright.
The big spider roared wildly, and the silvery white spider silk was continuously sprayed from its mouth. Wherever the spider silk went, the silver light flickered, and it fought with the surging tentacles.
When the flesh-colored tentacles saw that the situation was not good, they went crazy, and withdrew to the depths of the forest.
"Give the people back to me!" How could Jiang Linghan let them escape easily? ! Angrily shouted, arrows were like wind. Follow the backing tentacles closely, like a shadow!
The flame above the arrow illuminated the depths of the forest, and finally found Brother Xiong who had been entangled by countless tentacles and could not move at all.
"There! Zhuzhu!" Xia Yao yelled again.
"Roar--" A silver spider web was thrown directly, wrapping up Brother Xiong at the fastest speed. Pulling, finally rescued Brother Xiong.
But Xiaojian still lost track.
"Team Jiang, don't chase the poor!"
The remaining tentacles faded like a tide, but Xia Yao's words stopped Jiang Linghan's footsteps in time.
Jiang Linghan looked at Brother Xiong who was lying on the ground, put the bow/crossbow on his back, and walked back.
Brother Xiong had just recovered from his injuries before. At this time, his face was extremely pale, and his limbs were all wrapped in flesh-colored tentacles, completely unable to move.
"What are these things?!" Yuan Ma made a move, and her sharp kitchen knife flew directly back into her hand, freeing Brother Xiong from the pile of tentacles.
The fallen tentacles kept rolling on the beach.
Xia Yao squatted aside, shining a flashlight in one hand, and poking a branch at the broken tentacles to take a closer look.
There are many circular suction cups on those tentacles, and Brother Xiong also left these traces of being sucked by the disks.
Is it an octopus?
A tentacle is almost as thick as Xia Yao's arm. If it is really an octopus, looking at the overwhelming tentacles, then the head is probably the size of a house.
Ma! Thinking about it makes your scalp numb!
With a stab at the branch, the broken tentacles exploded directly, turning into yellow water splashing.
At this time, a transparent defensive net suddenly appeared in front of Xia Yao, and yellow water hit it, shed mottled and ugly traces.
"Huh..." Xia Yao let out a sigh, raised her head slightly, and saw the young man standing in front of her.
At this moment, he also turned his head and smiled at her, as if asking her: Is it okay?
"...It's okay. Thank you sir."
With the movement of the young slender and pale fingers, the transparent defensive net disappeared in an instant.
"This is... a defensive ability?!" Yuan Ma was surprised to see all this.
Jiang Linghan raised his eyebrows suddenly.
At that time, Xia Yao got out of the car with Mr. Skull. It was dark all around, and she couldn't see her fingers. She quickly pulled out the Aurora Spike flashlight from her backpack. At this time, Mr. Skeleton gently stroked her hair.
Before returning to her senses, Xia Yao saw a lot of ice-blue light, like countless butterflies fluttering with ice-blue wings, and suddenly flew out of Mr. Skull's hand.
Among the butterflies flying in the sky, the young man pulled a hand, her silver hairband did not know when it came to his hand. His hand shook, and the hairband suddenly turned into a transparent net, covering both Xia Yao and him.
Xia Yao's eyes widened in surprise, and the sound of tentacles smashing was constantly heard outside, but inside the net was extremely safe, and even the cedar-like fresh breath that was exclusive to Mr. Skeleton was permeated.
The silver-white hair band is woven from mutant spider silk, which is inherently tough. Now that Mr. Skeleton didn't know how to use it, it turned into an indestructible defensive cover.
"Wow! Mister is simply against the sky!"
Xia Yao exclaimed, and immediately ran forward and rescued the rest of the team members.
"It looks like it is indeed a defensive ability." Jiang Linghan said, lowering his head to look at his hand.
There is still a thin layer of ice on the back of his hand. Thinking of the weird touch just now...
Who is this boy? !
At this moment, the boy gently waved his hand, and the defensive net instantly disappeared and turned into the silver-white hairband, which was returned to Xia Yao's hand.
Xia Yao didn't have time to tie her hair, so she simply checked the condition of Brother Xiong, found some medicines from her backpack, and quietly prepared a bottle of spiritual spring water and fed it to Brother Xiong.
"What should I do now?" Yuanma frowned as she looked at the dark forest in the distance.
Jiang Linghan looked down at his watch.
When it was decided that six people traveled to Heiwudao, Xia Yao, with Xiaojian's cooperation, made a simple modification of each person's watch-cutting off the real-time function of reporting the location like the security zone B, and the five people A local area network has been set up.
Now they can use the information in the headquarters. Moreover, you can also see the position and physical condition of the players.
Jiang Linghan quickly called up Xiaojian's page and found that his position was moving quickly to the depths of the forest. It looks like he is not life-threatening for the time being, except that his heart rate is a little too fast.
Putting the black □□ on his back, Jiang Linghan was about to run to the forest, but a little hand grabbed the corner of his clothes: "Wait..."

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