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     "𝕎elcome to the sunshine bookstore! let me know if you need anything

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"𝕎elcome to the sunshine bookstore! let me know if you need anything." the lady —which they supposed was the librarian— said, smiling warmly while cleaning a bookshelf.

"will do, thank you." namjoon smiled back, the seven of them walking through the bookshelves with curious eyes. "well, what exactly should we look for?"

"i think we should go to the supernatural section." yoongi suggested, the others nodding and making their way quietly to the mentioned bookshelf. "oh my god, we're on a mission. this is so cool."

"i hope they put my face on a history book." seokjin said, walking behind namjoon while holding his hand. "i'd be the only handsome one."

"we're here." jimin announced in a whisper, walking ahead to read the covers of the books one by one. "we can talk about our faces in a history book later, let's focus now."

they all started searching for something that has to do with witches or anything related, but they could only find vampires, werewolves, ghosts, monsters; but no sign of witches. they sighed in defeat, deciding that the clue was probably not on that library.

"we can't give up that easily." taehyung frowned, bitting the tip of his finger in thought. "there's something we're not seeing, i'm sure of it. let's put our brains to work."

they stopped talking to think profusely about the situation, placing their hands on their chins and humming lowly. after minutes of doing just that, jungkook gasped lowly.

"what if all the gardening stuff was a clue?" the younger said, all of them widening their eyes in realization. "the gardening section!"

they all hurried to the gardening bookshelf, which was the opposite way of where they were standing. once they got there, they started looking eagerly for something, until hoseok found a single red book in the flowers section.

"witches." he read out loud, handing the book to namjoon, who sighed and opened it, only to find a blank page. he frowned, passing one page after the other, being welcomed with nothing.

namjoon grabbed a bunch of pages and flipped them, about to give up, until right in the middle of the book some bold letters could be read. the message was straight and clear;

"to defeat a witch, you must stab something sharp right into her heart. come prepared, you may be the ones who end up defeated." namjoon read out loud, the other six boys peeking with wide eyes. "and there's a spell right under it."

"oh my god." jungkook breathed out, a huge smile plastered on his lips. "oh my god! we actually found something useful!" he cried out, his happiness filling him whole. "we're closer to end all of this!"

"we're gonna end this soon, jungkook." yoongi said, looking at the spell in the red book with squinted eyes. "that's some scary shit right there, though."

"it sounds creepy as fuck, but we have to do it." namjoon nodded, closing the book after marking the page and looking up at jungkook, who was floating around happily with a smile on his face. he saw how taehyung looked at him with a wide smile too, which made him chuckle. lovebirds. "well, let's get out of here."

they walked to the front desk, where the lady was sitting while reading a book. "we'll like to take this book for a couple of days." yoongi said, the woman looking up at them, smiling when she saw the book, making the seven boys frown slightly.

"it's yours, young boys. good luck." she said, waving at them as a goodbye. they looked at each other and shrugged, thanking the lady and walking out of the library. they weren't really surprised at this point.

"okay, here's what we're gonna do." namjoon started talking once they reached the parking lot, the six boys giving him their full attention. "we're going home and rest for today. tomorrow, we're going to prepare ourselves like the book said, we're going to cast that spell and we'll be ready for whatever happens, okay?" when he saw everyone nod, he nodded too. "take a good rest, we'll probably need it."

after saying their goodbyes and reminding each other to rest, they got into their respective vehicles and drove away. jungkook was looking at taehyung drive with a huge smile on his face, his excitement being all over the place, making the older happy too.

"i don't know if i'll actually be able to rest." taehyung chuckled, looking at the front with his characteristic boxy smile decorating his lips. "i'm too excited and nervous to do that."

"you have to rest, there's no other option." jungkook said, his tone resembling a mother talking to her kid. "we don't know what awaits us tomorrow, you have to keep your energy full."

"i'll try." taehyung sighed, jungkook thanking him, his huge smile returning his face. they both looked like they were glowing, their happiness because of finally being able to do something making them shine.


"the air traffic gets worse every passing day, i swear." the blonde said, sighing in annoyance when she entered the room. "witches and wizards are flying their brooms quite irresponsibly these days."

the cat sat beside the mess she just created, licking her paw uninterestingly while suni gasped in shock.

"k-kitty, what have you done?!" she screeched, walking quickly to the glass pieces all over the place. "why did you do that?"

the feline looked up at her with wide innocent eyes, her tail moving elegantly from side to side. the blonde ended up sighing once again, shaking her head to calm down.

"you probably just bumped into it, didn't you? you wouldn't do that on purpose, you're such a cute little kitty that wouldn't hurt mommy in any way." she cooed, caressing the black cat's head, who purred in return. "i'll just get a new one, that one was getting blurry anyways."

just as jungkook said, they didn't now what awaited them tomorrow. will they be ready for whatever the witch has planned for them?

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