Chapter 1

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-I do not own the picture above. Credits to owner.-


Darryl's POV

I slowly carry a handful of books down the quiet, peaceful hallway. It was after school hours, so barely anyone was the in the hallways at the time. Though, you could hear quiet chatter coming from the classrooms, as after school clubs were still going on. I was a shortish male, with short, brown hair and hazel eyes. And I always wore the same black and red hoodie, because they were my favorite colors.

After a minute, I make it to the library, carefully placing the pile of books I had on a table next to a bookshelf. Few people noticed me, and the ones that did paid no mind to me. After all, he does everyday, so the ones who stay in the library after school were used to him being there by now. I smile, and start putting the books in the correct places on the shelves. Due to me getting good grades and studying a lot, I had more free time then I needed.

Ever since elementary school, I had been known as the 'good kid'. Some people called me an Angel, others called me "Bad" to tease me, even though I was far from bad. Eventually, and argument broke out about what to call me. Some people wanted to call me an Angel, others wanted to keep calling me "Bad". A huge fight broke out that day, until finally someone spoke up. They suggested to call me "BadBoyHalo" so that it was a mix of both. Of course, everyone agreed to this, and it's been my nickname ever since 6th grade.

Now, I was a senior in high school, and I was trying to get into my dream college. Ever since I found out about the college in 8th grade, I've been aiming for it ever since. My grades quickly went from a mix between A's and B's to straight A's. I kept that up for years, and so far it had been the same for this year. He knew he would get in.

So, because of how much I studied, I passed my classes easily, earning myself a lot of free time, even only 4 weeks into the school year. I used the free time to help out the school, just like I was doing now.

Once I finished with the books, I walked over to the librarians desk. "Hello, Miss Peterson! Is there anything else you need me to do?" I asked in a cheerful voice. The lady smiled at me. "No, I believe that's all, Darryl! Thank you so much for your help, that fundraiser really made a mess, huh?" she replies, her smile growing wider.

"Alright, if that's all, I'll be going now, see you tomorrow Miss Peterson!" I say before turning away, waving before I leave. After all, I still had to get home, or else I would miss the chance to help out my parents with dinner. They were leaving on a business trip tomorrow morning, so it was my last chance.

I turn the corner of the hallway and walk down, getting consumed in my thoughts. And before I know it, I end up running straight into someone.


Zak's POV

"See ya later, Skep!" Zelk yells after me as I leave the classroom. School had just ended, and of course the principal wanted to talk to me. She'd made me meet with her once a week ever since school started. Apparently, she wanted to fix my grades, and had been trying to persuade me for the past 4 weeks. Of course, it hadn't worked.

I had never really cared about school. After all, I didn't really have a future to begin with, so what was the point in trying to make one up. I had friends, I was popular, and everyone liked me. What else did I need? Ever since elementary school, I loved playing tricks on people. I called them trolls, but everyone else called them pranks. Due to this, every started calling me Skip, because I skipped around a lot with the people I played pranks on. This eventually turned into Skep, which turned into Skeppy. Most of my close friends call me Skep, while most other people just call me Skeppy.

I was always hyped, and had the same cheesy grin on my face most of the time. I was average height for my age, and had short, black hair, with black eyes. My favorite color was blue, so I always wore some type of blue hoodie. Some people called me "diamond boy" because of it. Not that I minded, anyway.

Well, back to walking to the principals office.


Heyyyyyy. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. And if you did, that's great :). Who do you think Bad ran into? New chapter coming soon :D

Word Count: 814

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