Chapter 17

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Ok wow, this is the most chapters I've ever written on a single book before! Hope you enjoy this, as I wrote it due to the fact I couldn't sleep :]


Zak's POV

Eventually, I did finish the school work. Well, most of it anyway. Enough to not be yelled at by my teachers, or Darryl. Even if it did take until 2 AM to finish it.

Speaking of Darryl, as soon I woke up that morning, I had gotten a text from him, stating he wouldn't be at school due to the fact his mother was in the hospital. Honestly, I couldn't imagine him ever skipping school, but this time it was for a serious reason, so it kinda makes sense.

I leave him on read, too lazy to move my hands and actually text back. It's still dark outside when I get up. I always have to move quickly, but now that there's people sleeping on my floor, it's a lot harder to move around.

I make it to my dresser eventually, and grab a random hoodie to slip on over the long sleeved shirt I had on. I then make my way back to my bed and shove all of my school supplies into my backpack.

Usually, I would be doing this half an hour later. But today, I didn't want to deal with having two of my 'cousins' come to my school, let alone walk with them. So, I'd just be leaving slightly earlier. After all, I had already prepared breakfast, so that helped a little.

Once my backpack is ready, I slip past my still asleep cousins and leave the room. I swiftly go downstairs, not even glancing at the house before putting on my shoes and leaving.

I steady myself, going at a normal pace as I walk. It's colder today, or maybe it's the morning air. I honestly couldn't tell. There's birds chirping in the distance, probably just waking up. After all, the sun was just barely popping into the sky.

I make it to the end of my road after a few minutes, and then slow my walk a little. I definitely wasn't planning on getting to school early, I just wanted to leave the house early. I think back to Darryl again. If he wasn't here, would that mean I wouldn't have tutoring today? Ah, that would suck.

Over the few weeks I've known Darryl, the tutoring lessons are sometimes actually fun. It's way more entertaining than class, and it's with someone I actually like, so that makes it 100 times better. It also allows me to get away from my family while also getting my grades somewhat better. I mean, I almost finished all my homework for once!

I smile at the thought, but it automatically goes away when my school building comes into view. Technically, I left school at lunch on Friday due to me fainting and all. This makes a pit build in my stomach. Guess I should be ready to be bombarded with questions.

I reach the building, school starting in 20 minutes. Luckily, they open the building half and hour before school starts, so it makes it so I don't have to sit in the cold. Now, don't get me wrong, I'd rather spend any moment I could outside of this school, but that's not possible, so this is what I got.

I walk inside, seeing barley any people. Most of them ignore me, focusing on their phones instead. I walk right past all of them, and make my way towards the gym. Once I get there, I sit at the top of the bleachers, leaning my head on the wall.

I don't move until I hear a small 'ding' come from my phone. I take it out of my pocket and stare at the screen. In the middle of the screen lies a message. From my mom. All it says is 'make sure your cousins get suited in school' and nothing else.

I sigh, noticing I only had 3 more minutes before the bell rang, and got up. I leave the gym and start going towards my locker. My hood is over my head, and there's much more people now. An anxious feeling fills my stomach as I walk past all of them. I feel so anxious, that I walk right past my locker.

I don't notice, until I hear the bell ring, causing me to jump. I remember I was supposed to go to my locker, but then realize I can't be late to class. So I ignore it, and start speed walking to class. Or, I tried to.

"ZAK!" someone yells behind me, and my feet stop moving. I stand there, some people giving me looks, others just passing by. I wait for a few seconds, before someone's in front of me.

My oldest cousin stands in front of me. "Zak what the hell? You were supposed to walk with us to school today! You know I can get you in trouble for the with one word, right?" the oldest yells at me, and I just stand there. People stop, staring at us.

"Please be quiet, I'm sorry, alright? I'll bring you tomorrow." I whisper, so only they could hear me. People look away, and I sigh in relief. The oldest one rolls his eyes, and his sisters just scoffs. "Whatever, you better take us home though, I'm not walking alone with HIM again," the girl says, and starts walking away. My other cousin runs after them.

I let out a breath, and then make my way to class.


After school, I waited outside for both my cousins. I really wanted to get home, because this is one of the few days I don't have school and I can go take care of Mia. But of course, that's not possible when you have to wait 15 minutes for your cousins.

Finally, they come out of the building. By now, all the students and busses are gone, allowing wind to blow in my face. They're arguing as they walk up to me.

This was gonna be a looooong walk home.


I meant to make this longer but I wanted to get a chapter out so yeah. I hope y'all enjoyed this, or somewhat liked it. Love y'all, bye bye!

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Word Count: 1070

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