Chapter 2

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-Heyy. Enjoy this chapter :3 (I was listening to the song above while writing this so maybe you can listen to it while reading this)-


Darryl's POV

I fall backwards by surprise, unable to catch myself. I quickly stand up, rubbing my eyes. "I'm so so sorry about that!" I say before helping the person in front of me up. They give me a big smile before replying. "Oh that's fine! Hey, you're that BadBoyHalo kid!" he exclaims.

I smile and nod. "Who are you..?" I ask, genuinely not knowing who they are. "Oh! I'm Dave, but most people call me Technoblade!" he says before putting his hand out for me to shake. I quickly shake his hand back, not wanting to be rude. "Well I gotta go, see you around!" Techno says before running past me. You could hear a teacher yell at him in the distance.

"What a troublesome muffin.." I mutter before continuing my walk out of the school. After all, I still had to get home.


Soon enough, I made it home. Closing the door behind me, I take off my shoes and leave them on the mat. I walk into the kitchen to see my mom making dinner. "Oh, you're home Darryl!" she says before quickly coming over and giving me a kiss on the head. "Yep!" I say while putting my bag on one of the island seats. "How was your day dad?" I turn towards my father, who was sitting at the island with his laptop in front of him.

"It was good, thanks Darryl," he starts. "I guess when it's your last day it's not too stressful." I give a small smile, before turning back to my mom. I walk over and start to help her with dinner. She tried to refuse at first, but eventually gave in. In the end, they finished quickly.

I set the table for all of us while my parents served the food.

"Mmm, this looks delicious!" my dad says, digging in as soon as he sat down. My mom laughs and digs in as well. I slowly start to eat the broccoli on my plate. I smile as my family starts to talk about our days.


Zak's POV

"Come back next week!" the principal yells after me and I groan. I had just spent the last hour and a half listening to the principal lecture me about my grades, even though they've been getting better! She even went as far as trying to get me a tutor (which I obviously declined). I scoff as I walk down the hallway. "Stupid principal.." I mutter to nobody in particular.

"HEY SKEPPY!" I hear someone yell my name and look up from the floor. I see Technoblade running down the hall towards me. Oh yeah..I forgot we were meeting up after I came back. I smile and wave as I walk up to him. "Hey, Techno."

We start talking as we walk down the hall, out of the school. We didn't usually walk home, but on the days I went to the principals office we did because our schedules aligned. "Hey, can we go to my house first again? I don't really like going in your neighborhood.." Techno says. I frown, but quickly fix it back into a smile and nod.

I lived in a bad neighborhood. It's where most of the non wealthy people lived. My family was one of those. Most people didn't mention it, but I still knew deep down they were judging me because of it. Most of my friends didn't mind, though. We just never went to my house.

Soon enough, we arrived at Techno's house. I walked him to the door before waving. I watch as the door closes and his voice fades away. I sigh before walking back down his stone path and to the sidewalk. Then, I start my long walk home. And since I didn't really want to go home, I walked slowly.

Almost half an hour later, I turn down my street. It was almost dark by then, and you could see people half-drunk walking down the dirt road, or screaming at others for fun. There was some high schoolers smoking in one place, and you could see people selling alcohol in another. I sigh again before making my way towards my house.

A few seconds later, I open the wooden door to my house. It creaks as it opens, due to it being old. "I'm home..!" I yell out, my voice cracking halfway through. I sigh for the last time that night before closing the door with a bang.


Darryl's POV

"Are you sure you'll be ok by yourself?" my mom says for the hundredth time. It was the next morning, and my parents were leaving. I yawn, due to it being 4 AM and smile at my parents. "Yes, mom. You're sending me money for the two months your away, and you told the neighbors to check on me everyday, I'm sure I'll be just fine!" I say, trying to boost her spirits.

She gives me a smile before pulling me into a hug. I hug her back. We pull apart after a minute and I say goodbye one more time. I watch as the door shuts. "I need more sleep.." I yawn out before heading back to my room.


Two hours later I wake up once again. School starts at 7 AM, meaning I had one hour to get ready and drive to school. I scramble out of bed and quickly grab an outfit to wear. Once I'm done changing I mess around with my hair a bit before heading downstairs into the kitchen. I take out some eggs and grab a pan from the cabinet.

Placing the pan on the stovetop, I spread some butter on it before turning the stove on. While waiting for the pan to heat up, I crack two eggs in a small bowl and start to whip them up. Once the pan was warm enough I pour the bowl of eggs onto it and start using a spatula to mix it around. Once the egg starts to cook I use the spatula to break it apart into pieces. Once it's done I turn off the stove, picking up the pan with one hand and scraping the eggs onto a plate with the other.

I place the pan in the sink and put some salt and pepper on the scrambled eggs before sitting down and eating them. Once I was done, I grabbed my bag and made my way out the door, locking it behind me. I stuff the house keys in my pocket and take out my car keys instead. I hop into the drivers seat of my car and start the car.


Heyyyy! That's all for this chapter. I didn't know how to end it, so I left it at that. Also, I don't know if the way I described making scrambled eggs up above is actually right, I've never made them before. I just got that from watching others make them. Anyway, this chapter is longer then the first, and hopefully they'll keep getting longer and longer! Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 1207

Behind The Smile *[Skephalo Highschool AU]*Where stories live. Discover now