Chapter 5

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Zak's POV

"Haha! Your reaction was priceless!" I laugh. "You should've seen your face!" Techno looks down at me, facepalming. "Skeppy, I'm all wet now because of you!" he says, but laughs after. I grin at him before running away. I close my eyes laughing as I run, that is until I run straight into someone.

My grin slips off my face as I crash to the ground. "Sor-" I start, looking up. Then I realize who it is. "Zak, why were you running in the halls?" Darryl says with a stern look on his face. The look reminds me of my step brother, but I force that image out of my mind.

I force a smile back on to my face. "Oh nothing~" I say, brushing myself off as I stand up. "Anyway, is it time for our tutor session?"


"I'm so tired.." I mumble as Darryl and I leave the classroom. He smiles slightly and tightens his backpack straps. "Do you want me to walk you home?" he asks me, and I look up. I couldn't think very clearly due to how tired I was, and just nodded slightly.

Darryl's POV

Zak was really tired by the looks of it, like he would pass out any moment. I had plenty of time to walk him home, so when he agreed, I asked for his address.

He didn't answer, and I look down. "I-" he starts before passing out on the ground. By now, we were out of the building and on concrete, which means he could have really hurt himself. "Zak!" I yell and run over and lean down next to him.

"Zak!" I say again. I lift his head up, just to see it's bleeding. Blood drips down his head and onto his light blue sweatshirt. 'That's gonna get stained.'

I quickly pick him up, and put him on my back. I have to take him to my house, as I still don't know his address. I start speed walking, so the bleeding doesn't get worse.

After 8 minutes, I make it to my house. After unlocking the door, I run straight to my room, and place Zak on my bed. "Stupid muffin," I mumble as I dig through my drawers for bandages.


I finally finished patching him up, and I sigh tiredly. But now, it was past midnight. I place Skeppy on one side of the bed, and get in on the other side. I take off my glasses and put them on the night stand. I yawn once more before falling asleep.

Zak's POV

I wake up, yawning slightly and rubbing my eyes. 'Where am I?' I think as my vision starts to get better. I look around the room, and it wasn't familiar at all. I turn to my side and see Darryl sleeping peacefully next to me.

"What the hell happened?" I mutter before getting up. But as soon as my feet hit the ground, I collapse, my legs sore. I shakily stand up again, and put my hand to my head. I suddenly had a really bad headache that I hadn't realized before.

I look back at Darryl, who's still sleeping. I sigh and take a piece of paper I found on his dresser. I quickly write a note and then grab my shoes from the corner. I see my light blue hoodie on the ground, the collar soaked with blood.

I look down and realize I'm wearing Darryl's hoodie, and automatically start to blush. I shake my head and grab the hoodie, before running out of the room, and eventually finding the front door. 'Sorry, BadBoyHalo.'


Darryl's POV

I wake up, reaching for my glasses. Once my glasses are secured on my face, I look over to where I expect a sleeping Skeppy to be. Instead, I'm met with emptiness besides a note. I pick it up, groaning.

Hey Bad, sorry I left. Didn't wanna be a burden. If you need anything call me:

*** *** ****

Love, Skeppy.

That muffinhead.

I groan and grab my phone, adding the number to my contacts. I realize it's Saturday, and I won't be able to see Zak at school, meaning I can't see how he's feeling. I sigh, debating whether or not to call him.

Eventually, I end up deciding not too, and that if I got super worried I would call him.

For now, I had some muffins to make.


Short chapter. I know. It seemed longer in my head, okay? Well, I haven't posted in a long long time, so I should be happy I finally wrote this. AnYwAyS, hope y'all enjoyed it.

Bye bye! (Also thank you all for the support I've been getting, it really makes my day when you leave a comment, hateful or not, so drop a comment if you want!)

Word Count: 804

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