Chapter 15

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Told you all I would be doing a chapter. Skeppy is now a year older.

Again, this doesn't change anything with the plot, I just didn't like how he was 2 years younger than him.

Also it came to my attention that some people really like this story, which is surprising. I'm glad you all like it, I've been kinda busy with school lately, but I have a few days where I can write! Enjoy this chapter!


Zak's POV

When I woke up the next day everyone was asleep. The three older kids were all bunched up on the floor in my room, and the younger ones were with Mia.

Speaking of Mia, the only reason I actually woke up was because of Mia. Apparently she couldn't sleep, so I went downstairs to make breakfast for her.

She was still in her dress from yesterday, but she took out the hairstyle and her hair was in a low ponytail. I had slipped on a hoodie and changed into some sweatpants. When we reached the kitchen I opened the fridge to find it somewhat stocked. I reach for an egg.


By the time Mia was eating her egg, other kids/adults started to pile down the stairs. Some tried to get me to make food for them, but I refused and told them they could make their own food.

Mia is sitting on the floor near the table, leaving all the spots for other people at the actual table. I smile at that and go over to her. "Are you done with your eggs?" I ask softly and she nods, handing me the paper plate and plastic fork. I go over to the trash and drop the plate in it.

When I'm done, I go back to Mia and tell her we're going somewhere. I help her get her shoes and coat on, and then turn towards all my cousins who are down here. "When my mom comes down here, tell her Mia and I are going somewhere, alright?" I say, and most of them roll their eyes at me and then nod.

I sigh and turn back towards Mia, taking her hand. "Let's go," I say quietly and then we leave the house.


After a while of walking, we stop to take a break. Mia sits on the sidewalk while I just stand by watching her. That is, until I get a phone call.

I pull my phone out of my pocket, seeing Darryl is calling me. Confused, I answer, putting the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Zak!" he says, but he sounds like he's crying. Now concerned, I ask, "What's wrong?! Are you ok?"

He sniffs on the other side. "My mother got in a car crash and is in the hospital. Do you think you could come here?" he asks sadly. I look over a Mia, who's just playing with the rocks on the sidewalk.

"Uh..I could. But I have my little sister with me, is that ok?" I say, and I hear a faint yes from the other side. Frowning, I say goodbye and walk over to Mia. I automatically pick her up. "Okay Mia, we have to be somewhere and fast, so I'm gonna carry you, alright?" I say, looking at my phone to see Darryl texted me the location.

I start speed-walking towards the place. It would take at least 20 minutes to get there, and I wanted to be there as fast as I could. Mia, confused, just goes along with it.

After a while of walking, we finally make it to the hospital. A frown rests on my face as I walk inside, and I place Mia down, taking her hand instead. When we reach the front desk, I tell them who I'm here to see.

They send us off to the waiting room, and we wait for what feels like hours, but in reality it was only a few minutes. When we finally get called, I pick Mia up and walk over to the front desk again. They tell me the room number, and Mia and I make our way to the elevator.

Mia insists she presses the button, and I tell her to press button 5. She does, and we're in the elevator all of 5 seconds before the door is opened and we're walking out. I see the room number in the distance and quickly walk towards it.

I see Darryl waiting next to the door when I get there, and I place Mia down, telling her to follow me, and walk towards him. "Darryl?" I say, and he looks up. He's definitely crying, and I frown. I kneel down next to him, Mia kind of awkwardly standing beside us.

"Darryl? Are you alright?" I say, and he looks up. Yep, definitely crying. He frowns at me. I open my arms, letting him hug me. "What happened?" I ask, him now crying into my shoulder.

"My mom.." he sniffs, pausing in between his sentence. "she got in a car crash." Empathy fills my eyes as the boy continues to cry into my shoulder. I glance at Mia, who's now playing with the tiles on the wall, and then turn my attention back to Darryl. "When did this happen?" I ask, trying my best to keep a calm voice in hopes it calms him down.

He pulls away from me, wiping his nose on his sleeve. Small tears still stream down his face though. "Yesterday, I have no idea if she's alive or not.." he says quietly, and a slight frown rests on his face.

We sit there for a while, waiting for the doctors to come. Mia eventually gets tired of standing and falls asleep in my lap. I mostly spend the time talking to Darryl, keeping the topic light and away from his mother. It works, because he slowly brightens as the conversation happens.

Around about three hours later, a nurse finally comes out with the results.


Okay, I left this on a cliffhanger so that if I don't post for a while you can all yell at me to post. Bye bye now!

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Word Count: 1048

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