Chapter 11

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BadBoyHalo's new song is so good 😭

Darryl's POV

I don't hear much noises other than talking. Zak told me to hide under his bed, but I was curious, so I didn't. I can't hear anything anyone's saying, despite my ear being up to the door.

Until finally, I hear something. "Come on, Mia. It's bed time." Zak. Who was his talking too?

Then my mind goes back to the night after the party.

"I'm sorry Mia."

Mia was that little girl, Zak's sister I believe. I hear someone yawn, and then a room door close. I take my ear away from the door after that. There's nothing else I could hear.


Zak's POV

Once Mia is sound asleep in her bed, I go back to my room, shutting the door slowly after I enter. I turn around and find Darryl sitting on my bed, scrolling through his phone.

"Oh Zak! You're back!" he says happily, looking up at me. I nod and walk over to my dresser, pulling out a hoodie. I take off the hoodie I'm wearing now, revealing a long sleeved black shirt, and then quickly put on the dark blue hoodie I pulled out of my drawer.

When I turn around Darryl is stuffing his phone into his backpack, and then turning towards me. "So uh, how should I leave?" he asks awkwardly. I look around for a moment. "Safest solution would be going though the window," I say, point at the stained glass window.

He just nods, picking up his backpack and turning towards the window. He gives me one last glance, with a face I can't necessarily describe. With that, he turns away and opens the window, climbing out right after.


I sigh as I walk into school on Monday. It sure would've been nice if my weekend was a little calmer. Friday night was okay, but after that it was just chaos. My parents were running around, cleaning the house, getting grocerys, arguing.

I had to take Mia on a small trip to the park last night because it got so bad. But why were they cleaning up? And getting grocery's? They never do that.

I didn't know why until last night around midnight. While my parents were arguing, my mom mentioned something about her sister and her kids coming over. Her sisters name is Rachel, but we always called her the "crazy lady with 5 kids," why they were coming over was beyond me, but I knew it wouldn't be good.

For starters, me and Zarro's room was the largest, which means the three older kids would be staying in there. And that would not be pleasant.

I get pulled out of my thoughts when I reach my locker. I find Zelk there waiting for me. "Heyo, Zak!" he says happily, waving to me with one hand. I give him a smile as I pull open my locker. "How was your weekend?" I ask him. He goes into full detail explaining how fun it was, but I don't really listen. I just smile and nod every few moments.

Just as I slam my locker closed, the bell rings. Zelk yells goodbye and bolts down the hallway. Unlike him, I walk slowly towards my classroom. It was close to my locker, and I would make it there before the second bell rang.

As I predicted, I made it there right as the second bell rang, signaling it was time for class. I make my way towards the back and slip into the first open seat I find. There's a group of boys next to me, who seem to plan to talk the whole time.

I sigh quietly, and pull out my math journal. Time to listen to a boring lecture for one and a half hours.


Darryl's POV

The morning classes passed by pretty quickly; now my only problem was lunch. I usually sat by myself, but today there weren't any open tables. Which meant I had to sit with strangers, or someone I knew.

Obviously, I chose to sit with someone I knew. But the only person I happened to know best was Zak, and he sat with a lot of loud people.

I walk up to him. He didn't have any food in his hands, and he appeared to be grabbing a napkin. He turns towards me, kinda startled. "Oh, hi BadBoyHalo!" he says, giving his normal grin. I smile slightly.

"Hi Skeppy. Do you mind if I sit with you today?" I ask politely, in hopes it makes my chances higher. His smile seems to falter a bit. "Sorry dude, but I'm not actually gonna be in the lunch room for lunch today. Your welcome to come with me if you want, though." he explains, and soon enough his usual grin returns.

He takes the napkin he's holding, and crumples it into a ball. Then, he throws it with almost perfect aim. It hits one of his friends, Zelk, I think, right in the middle of his head. "THERES YOUR NAPKIN ZELK!" he shouts, before laughing. My mind goes back to his answer. I mean, I might as well go with him.


Zak's POV

After throwing the napkin at Zelk, I decided it was time to leave the lunch room. Darryl said he was coming with me, and I didn't mind much.

I mean, what's better than an adventure right?


Kinda boring chapter 🥳

Word Count: 909

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