Chapter 14 (YES 14)

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Don't you just love the number 14?


Zak's POV

I quickly run out the door, my backpack hanging over one shoulder. I realized that I had to be home to help my moms sister and her family settle in, as well as taking care of Mia.

Mia wasn't supposed to be home alone for more than 5 hours, and since my school day ended after 6, and my mom left an hour after I went to school, I was in charge of taking care of her when Zarro didn't get there first.

Fun fact about Mia, she hates Zarro. But my school ends at 14:00 (2 PM) and I usually rushed home right after. That is, on days I went home.

So now here I am, running down a road. I only somewhat knew this street, as I've been here only once before. But it's ok, because after a few minutes I made it down the road and was now running towards my street.

I pant as my running starts to slow, but I pick up the pace again right before I start walking. I'm now jogging. After a couple minutes, I made it to my road.

I start walking, out of breath. My feet hit the dirt sidewalk as I walk, my weight shifting from left to right. I sigh when I finally make it to my door.

I swing it open, walking inside slowly. I kick off my shoes, hearing the tv on beside me. I look to the side, seeing Zarro watching some show while eating cereal.

"Where's Mia?" I ask hesitantly. He looks at me, probably angry for interrupting his show. "She's sleeping in her room. You would've been able to see her if you didn't take so damn long to get back here," he says angrily, taking another bite of his cereal.

"Sorry, my school let out late today," I lie, and then turn towards the stairs. "Your moms family is coming in half an hour, wake Mia up and put her in something nice, and wear something other than a hoodie for gods sake!" he says before I walk away.

I immediately run up to our room, and put my backpack on my bed before looking at my hands. They were still wrapped from when Darryl did them, but I figured I could just wear gloves. I slowly unwrap them, leaving the arm wraps on since they wouldn't be shown.

I open my drawer and pull out the fingerless gloves I have, slipping them on. I then open a different drawer and grab a long sleeved black shirt.

I take off my hoodie and undershirt and slip on the black shirt. I keep on the same pants I had on before, and then leave my room. It's take about 2 seconds before I'm at Mia's door. I open it, only to find Mia on her bed crying.

"Mia! What's wrong?!" I say, running over to her. She automatically latches onto me, and I sit down on her bed while she hugs me. "You weren't home! Zarro wouldn't let me make any food and mommy forgot to make my lunch today," she sniffs, still hugging me.

"I'm so sorry Mia, I was caught up with my friends, did you eat breakfast at least?" I say, about to be really angry. I feel her head shake on my shoulder and anger fills my eyes.

"I'm sorry, did you get any sleep?" I ask, thinking back to what Zarro said about Mia sleeping. She pulls away from me and shakes her head. "No, Zarro just dragged me up to my room and told me the door was gonna be locked," she says, sniffing again.

I was now furious. First off, nobody fed her. And then Zarro told her complete lies, because the doors in our house don't even lock. But the anger leaves my eyes as soon as I see Mia's face.

She looks terrified and tears are still slowly falling down her face. I give her a sad expression before getting off her bed. I walk over to her dresser, pulling out one of the only dresses she has along with some black tights.

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