Chapter 3

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-WELCOME TO THE NEXT CHAPTER. I definitely am not starting to write this at midnight..also if you like angst, this is your chapter, because there might be some :)-

Zak's POV

I slowly wrap bandages around my hands, making sure not to open any cuts on them.

You see, well, my father was never in the picture, so it was always my mom and I. That was, until she met Jake. She met him 4 years ago, and only 2 months into their relationship they got engaged. And the worst part, was that Jake had a son. A rather violent son. His name was Zarro. He would always pick fights me with me to prove I hadn't gotten any weaker from the last fight, which was helpful and painful, because it was obvious he was stronger, as he was 3 years older than me.

I check the time, and seeing that it's 06:12 I quickly grab an oversized blue sweater from my closet. Quickly slipping it on, I grab my bag before walking out of my room. I quietly walk down the hallway, trying not to make too much noise. Making it to the living room, I quickly walk to the front door, pulling it open. I silently shut it behind me and walk down my dirt path onto the side of the road. The neighborhood didn't have enough money to buy sidewalks.

I take a deep breath, savoring the silence of the morning. I tighten my grip on my bag as I walk down the road. I usually do this so someone can't grab my backpack from behind without me being able to counterattack first.

As I walk down the road I avoid any glass shards or bottles, not wanting to ruin my shoes any further than they already are. Soon enough, I turn off my road and finally find a sidewalk. By then my feet already ached, even though I hadn't walked too far yet. I ignore the pain, and continue walking down the street. By now it was fully bright out, and I was nearing Techno's neighborhood. We usually walked to school in the mornings.

Once I reach his road, I stop and wait at the end. Pulling out my phone, I scroll through Instagram, looking at the latest news. "Hey Skep!" I hear someone say behind me, and jump violently, almost dropping my phone. I turn around and see Techno standing there, laughing. I groan and playfully punch him.

We start our walk to school together, talking along the way. After 20 minutes, we reach the school, 10 minutes before it starts. We go our separate ways.

I never had any of my friends in my classes, so I didn't need to meet up with anybody. Then I remember our history assignment. We had to find a book either at home or in the library for the next class the next day. Deciding this was a good time to do that, I make my way to the library. I pull my hood up as I enter, even though it's against the rules.

-Hi. I know it's annoying to have a random authors note in the middle of the chapter, so I'm sorry about this, but uh I'm stopping for now, I'm gonna finish in the morning- I'm praying rn that I don't lose my idea.-

I walk over towards the history section, looking through the shelves, when I hear someone next to me. I turn towards them. "AH!" I scream jumping backwards. "Dude, you scared me." I look at the person in front of me. They had short hair brown hair, with hazel eyes. They were wearing a black and red hoodie, with dark blue jeans. "Sorry, I just wanted to tell you that you can't wear you hood in the building," he points out, literally pointing at my head.

I look up, then back at him. "Aww, but it's not causing any harm, right?" I say jokingly, and he could tell. He had an annoyed look on his face. "Hah! You look so annoyed!" I say. He face palms. "Just take off your hood you little muffin!" he half-yells. I flinch and frown, but quickly my frown turns into a grin and I laugh, "Nope, sorry!"

I then run away, leaving the library. I could hear him run after me for a second, but then stop. I laugh once I get far enough away.


Darryl's POV

'What a muffin head,' I think before leaving the library. After all, it was almost class time.


AHHH sorry it's so short! I just uh ran out of ideas, even though I could've made something up I just don't wanna make it look like I'm not trying. But anyway, I promise the next chapter will be longer. Hope you enjoyed this, bye!

Word Count: 808

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