Chapter 26 (wait thats a big number)

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Ahh it's been so long! Sorry to keep y'all waiting, I really haven't been motivated to write at all.

Sorry but uh, warning: fighting, people getting beat up


Darryl's POV (that's a new start)

It took me about 1.5 hours to get home and put away all the grocery's. That wasn't all I had to do though, I still had to clean my whole house.

I sigh, starting with the kitchen. It doesn't take long, as I'm usually not in there anyway. When I'm done, I move onto the living room, bathroom, and so on.

And then came the last room. The guest room. To be completely honest, I never really go in there. I haven't been in there since the last time Zak slept in there.

I walk in, flipping on the light switch. The beds unmade, but the rest of the room looks pretty clean. It's already collecting dust, though. I sigh and grab the vacuum I brought with me.

I spend a few minutes vacuuming the entire room, before making the bed. As I look around, the room felt..empty. To be honest, the whole house felt empty.

My stomach turned in circles, giving me a nauseous feeling. I really should apologize to Zak. I'm sure he didn't mean to do anything. But did he ever apologize?

Thoughts just run through my head, clogging my brain. In a few minutes, I was out the door running down the road.


Zak's POV

I stayed with Mia for about 20 minutes before more screaming came from downstairs. I curse under my breath, and just place Mia on her bed. "Sorry, but I have to go downstairs for a few, okay?" I say, and I see her nod, her hair sticking to her face from her tears.

I quickly exit her room, going downstairs fast. I'm met with once again, both the adults screaming, and Zarro just sitting on the side. Even my aunt is here, also fighting with the other adults.

I see Zarro look up at my appearance. "And where have YOU been?" he says, standing. He walks over until he's standing right above me. My hands start to shake, and I clench them into fists. I take a step away from him.

"At a friends house, what's it to you?" I say, my voice worn out and tired. "Poor little Mia has been begging for you to come home," he says, doing hand motions as he talks. "She got so annoying, someone had to shut her up. I'm sure you noticed by now, didn't you?"

My eyes fill with anger. "You did that?!" I yell. He smiles, showing no regret. "I'll kill you!" I yell before punching him in the stomach. He stumbles back a little, his mouth turning into a frown.

"I see, you're on." He gets into a fighting stance, and I do as well. It's not long before I get punched in the head, my back hitting the wall behind me. I can't even look up before I get kicked onto the floor.

"Look, don't take me on if you're weak," he says, kicking me again. I cough. "I won't forgive you.." my voice is quiet, almost silent. Zarro scoffs. The whole world goes away for a second, the screaming sounding like a quiet echo in my ears. Until someone talks.

"Leave him alone," I hear a voice say, and I try to look up, but my heads pushed back down. "Don't even try, Zak," Zarro says before my arms collapse on the ground.

I hear him step away from me. "Who do you think you are? Get out of my house," Zarro says to someone, his voice sounding annoyed. "I'm not leaving." I can't make out who the voice sounds like, the words jumbling up in my head.

My head hurts too much to move it, my eyes squeezed shut. The screaming rings in my ears. My hands form into fists. I can't move.

"What? Are you a friend of Zak's or something? Well I don't care. Leave," Zarro says, but his voice is quiet. Or it's not, it just sounds quiet. Maybe it's because my head is spinning.

I try to lift my head again, it being pushed down once again. "I said don't even try, Zak." Zarro says. Yeah, definitely not quiet.

I hear shuffling. "I said leave him alone," the voice says again. "Ohh, you wanna fight? We can fight," I hear Zarro say along with more shuffling. "Maybe you're stronger than poor Zak over here."


Darryl's POV

When I got to Zak's house, I knocked on the door a few times. But worry settled in my stomach. Obvious screaming was heard from inside the house. After a few minutes, I just walked in.

Nobody seemed to notice me, but I definitely noticed them. The first thing I see is Zak getting kicked onto the floor. What the heck is going on in this house?

"Look, don't take me on if you're weak," the older one standing above Zak says, kicking him again. I hear Zak cough, and surprisingly he talks. "I won't forgive you.." his voice is so quiet, even I can barely hear it. The older one scoffs.

My hands clench into fists. I have to do something. "Leave him alone," I say, my voice firm. The older one turns towards me. Zak attempts to look up, but his head just gets pushed back down. "Don't even try, Zak," he says, before fully facing towards me.

My hands clench into even tighter fists. "Who do you think you are? Get out of my house," he says, sounding annoyed. Anger shines in my eyes. "I'm not leaving."

He scowls at me. "What? Are you a friend of Zak's or something? Well I don't care. Leave." This guy really doesn't like me, huh? Well lucky for him, I didn't like him either.

Zak once again tries to lift his head, but it gets pushed down again. "I said don't even try, Zak," the guy says, anger showing in his voice. I clench my teeth, getting into a fighting stance. "I said leave him alone," I say again.

His eyes flicker to me again, and he smiles evilly. "Ohh, you wanna fight? We can fight," he says, getting into a fighting stance. "Maybe you're stronger than poor Zak over here."

The screaming in the background becomes irreverent to me. My full attention goes to this guy. I know I can't fight him, but it'll take his attention off Zak, right?

I see him move slightly, and he attempts to punch me. I dodge it, trying to kick his legs, which ends up backfiring on me as he grabs my leg, causing me to fall to the ground.

I grunt, seeing his foot fly at my face. I can already feel blood running out of my nose as I stand up. I can't lose. I run towards him, punching him in the stomach. He falls backwards, looking angry.

He swings his fist at my face, hitting me square in the eye. I once again fall backwards, catching myself. My hand shoots up to my eye, which is temporarily blind.

He takes this opportunity to punch me in the gut, which causes me to double over in pain. "What a pity, you're useless just like your friend over here. I always knew Zak never chose the good ones," I hear him say, but I don't look up. I can hear him walk away.

My vision goes blurry, and my head starts to spin. Before I know it, I'm out cold.


Uhhh, cliffhanger I guess? I'm not too good at fighting scenes, so I'm sorry if it was bad or not what you wanted.

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Word Count: 1306

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