Chapter 34

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Oh shit. This has 4k views. Uhhhh, hi everyone. I'm glad you're all reading my story.

QUICK DISCLAIMER: I edited this so so many times, but I was running on such low motivation that I don't know if it's my best. Please, I beg you, point out any mistakes or anywhere you're confused.

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!


Darryl's POV

I flop down onto my bed, both exhausted and relieved that the school day is finally over. I kick off my shoes and climb under my covers. My phone vibrates quietly next to me, but I ignore it.

Zak never answered me, but someone apparently took a video of me punching Theo, which went viral, and there's no way he didn't see it. But it still disappointed me that he never answered.

I listen to my phone vibrate. Then it stops. Then it starts again. And stops. Then it starts again.

Groaning, I pick it up, already annoyed, before realizing someone's calling me. I look at the caller, and automatically pick up.


"Jeez, no need to yell. I'm not going anywhere," he responds, before movement is heard from his side of the phone. I look at the time. It's ten at night, what is he doing?

"You were ignoring me for hours! Do you know how long I've been trying to reach you?" I yell angrily, not evening wanting to count the amount of hours I spent trying to text and call him.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. You sound like my mother." More movement.

"Zak! I'm serious! You made me worried!" my voice is quieter now, and the movement on his side stops. I hear him sigh.

"I'm sorry, okay? I left and turned my phone on silent. It was too overwhelming," he mumbles, but somehow actually sounds sincere.

I sigh. "It's fine, Zak. Just next time make it so when you turn your phone on silent only my notifications come through. Then you can still hear when I text you."

"Huh? How do I do that?"

"You seriously don't know? Jeez, maybe I can see why you're failing now. Whatever, I'll teach you."

"Hey! Is that supposed to be an insult?! Cause I'll-"

And that's all it took. A simple apology to put things normal between us.


The next day, neither one of us wanted to go to school. So, we decided to meet up and just go on a walk instead. Zak said he would bring Mia since she almost never left the house.

The morning air feels nice on my skin as I leave the house, locking the door behind me. You know, sometimes I hated drama, and how one tiny thing can cause something huge.

That's why I wanted to leave this state for college. I don't really want to see anyone I know when I'm older. If I can put my past behind me and just focus on my future, then I feel like I'll be better off.

I get pulled out of my thoughts when I hear a familiar voice. I look up, noticing Zak throwing Mia up in the air and catching her. I smile, before starting to run towards the pair.

Mia squeals when she sees me, giving me a big hug once I reach them, which I return gratefully. Zak stands there, looking kind of awkward. His hands are stuffed in his pocket, and he looks pretty pale.

Suddenly, Mia catches my attention again. "Look at these cool bracelets I made!" she exclaims, pulling out three bracelets and holding them up. They're made out of string, one is purple, one is a light blue, and the other is red.

"Look, this one is for me," she points to the purple one, then the red. "This one is for you, and the last one is for Zak!"

I look over at Zak, who doesn't seem the least bit surprised at this. He just smiles warmly, taking the bracelet from her when she offers it to him. When she offers mine to me, I take it slowly, examining it. It really is a pretty bracelet.

I tie it onto my wrist, and somehow it fits perfectly. I look at Zak again, who just shrugs. "Mia, why don't you go pick some dandelions for me?" Zak says, leaning down to talk to Mia.

She brightens up at the idea, before running off into the grass to pick some dandelions. I watch her as she runs away, smiling. Then, Zak clears his throat.

"Uh, so are we going to talk about the fact you punched the dude?" he asks, sagging his shoulders. I stare at him, before crossing my arms.

"Are we going to talk about the fact that you kissed the dude?"

His eyes widen at that, then he glares at me. "I did not kiss him. He kissed me. There's a difference," he mumbles, also crossing his arms.

"How did you manage to get in a fight with him anyway?" It was a good question. It's not like the video showed the start of the fight.

"Apparently I pissed him off, so he wanted to fight me," Zak shrugs, focusing his attention on the ground in front of him.

I stare at him. There must be more, right? There's no way that's the whole story. I narrow my eyes. I open my mouth to say something, before another voice overrides mine.

"Zak! Long time no see!" the voice says, slapping Zak on the back. He jumps away from them, and I freeze in place when I see who it is.

"Ow! What the hell?!" Zak yelps, spinning around. Like me, he freezes. "What do you want, Theo?"

Theo's eyes turn to me. "You're hanging out with him again? That's so dumb," he says, an annoyed look on his face.

"What do you want?" Zak repeats, his eyes not leaving Theo, who shrugs, then puts his arms up.

"A rematch. 2 vs 1."

My mouth drops open. There's no way he wants to fight again. And both of us? Is he crazy?

Zak doesn't seem surprised, and clenches his fists, but leaves them by his side. "I don't want to fight you again. Just go away," he hisses.

Obviously, Theo didn't like this answer though, because he punches Zak in the gut so fast that I barely see it. I only see him toppling to the ground, clenching his stomach.

Then, he turns to me. "Your turn, nerd."

I clench my teeth, putting my own fists up. There's no way I could beat this guy, just hold him back until Zak could get away.

He goes to punch me, and I dodge it, kicking him in the shin. This doesn't affect him at all though, and he punches me square in the face.

I automatically get up though, going to punch him. However, he catches my fist, twisting it. I yelp, holding it to my chest. He takes this opportunity to grab me by the neck, choking me.

Five seconds, ten seconds, fifteen seconds. I can't breath, I remind myself over and over again. But it doesn't help.

"Stop," I croak out, but he doesn't move. My vision starts to get blurry.

But out of nowhere, a flash of blue goes across my vision, and I get dropped to the ground. I vaguely see Theo stumble backwards, blood running down his lip.

Me, still gulping up air, doesn't watch his movements. I just hear him laugh, then his voice. "You're both so stupid. I always win."

Then, I feel something stab me right in the stomach, and two pairs of screams.


AHAH, cliffhanger yay. Anyway, uhhh so believe it or not, I only have two more chapters of this book planned before the end.  That's crazy, right?

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Word Count: 1307

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