Chapter 1: Final Fight

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Percy POV

When Gaea killed Annabeth I lost it.

We were coming back from Greece after finding out all the enemies are at CBH and so are all the allies. Leo immediately set course and went full speed which btw is VERY fast but by time we get there the ship is gonna break.

*time skip like 2 hours*

When we got to CBH we're in shock
the battle was raging, demigods, hunters, satyrs, and more we're fighting loads of monsters. The battle field was a mess with blood and golden dust. But we were losing badly. We came out of our shock and started attacking like demons. 

Jason was taking on monsters about 10 at a time, Frank was rampaging through their ranks like a rhino (literally) hazel was on her horse who was saying some very colorful stuff, Leo was on Festus burning the living hell out of monsters, piper was making monsters kill themselves or was just throwing her knife and asking a monster to get it for her again, me and Annabeth we're fighting side by side like a storm of death. 

Once me and the rest of the 7 got to the Giants the gods flashed in. "SURRUNDER NOW DEMIGODS, YOUR GONNA LOSE "Gaea said and me being the sassy self I am said "Really? It doesn't look like it" Gaea's face turned gold (she has ichor not normal blood) "ATTACK" she yelled to the Giants. They started charging us, I looked at my dad and mouthed "vapor travel" he seemed to understand cause he nodded. 

When the Giants were close enough I teleported behind the twins and me and my dad/Poseidon started fighting them, in no time they were down and I went to help kill a few others. Soon there was just Porphyrion left fighting Zeus and Jason. "No throne for you giant" Zeus said and he put stabbed him with the master bolt. "Jason can you do the honors?" Zeus said to Jason, He said "Sure, it'll be my pleasure" with an evil grin. Porphyrin's eyes widened when Jason jumped up and killed him. 

The battle separated again and took a glance to the side to see how Annabeth was doing. She wasn't to my left I looked at the right and she wasn't there. no, No, NO, I looked all around me and couldn't see her then Gaea said "Looking for someone Jackson?" In a mocking tone and she dropped someone next to her, IT WAS ANNABETH. 

Then Gaea raised her hand and the only thing I could do and did was yell "NO". Then a dirt spike impaled Annabeth through the heart

*Flashback over*

Piper POV

I can't believe it, she killed Annabeth. I was brought out of my thoughts when Percy's aura SPIKED. It went higher than the gods and it was like it wanted to go higher still. 

Percy took a few steps forward, then did something I never thought he would do, he capped riptide and put it away. I was very confused but he held out his hand and a orb appeared in it. All the immortal deities paled drastically, even hades and he was already pale. 

I was so confused but Percy just examined the orb that was in his hand. While everyone was doing that Jason pulled Annabeth body towards me and I looked at him and mouthed "what?" He mouthed back "physicians cure" I'm not even sure how I knew what he said but that doesn't matter I brought it out and it was gone. 

My eyes widened but Leo came next to me and pulled it out, I glared at him with a look that said we're gonna talk about this later anyways now that Annabeth was healed Percy finished examining the orb and looked at Gaea then said "do you know what this is?" Gaea responded "t-the s-s-se-al" and she sounded terrified. I had no clue what she meant but it must be bad if she's so scared she's stuttering, I heard Athena behind me say "it's not supposed to be possible" I really needed to ask them about this later. Anyways Percy just nodded and said "so this whole time I've been fighting with one arm behind my back, then let's see what happens" he crushed the seal and closed his eyes tightly "when I'm set free" then he opened his eyes which had blue flames and then a few seconds later he uncapped riptide and he and his sword was engulfed in the same blue flames but electricity as well. Then a random voice, might've been the fates boomed "THE SEAL IS BROKEN, HIS POWER IS UNLEASHED" He just looked at himself and nodded then grinned and said to Gaea "your gonna regret killing her" and if it was even possible she paled even more and looked seriously scared, Annabeth started stirring behind me. I looked back at Percy and he was going to Gaea who was basically frozen in fear. With every step he took he caused a small crack in the ground as if this was an anime. 

Then everyone apart from the 7 and the gods got out of their shock and started fighting monsters again while Percy just started charging Gaea and somehow teleporting everywhere around her and slicing her. A very strong hurricane started around him and was encasing him and Gaea. After about 5 minutes Annabeth woke up and looked around and just said "I'm just gonna ask someone later, I'm not even gonna bother trying now" then she went off and started killing monsters and we followed as in the rest of the 7 followed her.

Percy POV

I was very mad. I started vapor travelling everywhere around Gaea while encased in blue flames and lighting. She couldn't hit me but she was bleeding like crazy, after about 10 minutes of this I stopped teleporting and took a glance everywhere else, I saw the everyone fighting monsters and the gods just standing there still pale from what I did. But then again they couldn't do much cause of ancient laws. Then I proceeded to jump about 20 feet in the air and when I came down my sword went right through the shocked and frozen Gaea, she was weakened and set on fire, then 15 seconds later she turned to dust I looked around me and the battle stopped, everyone was just watching me kill a helpless primordial, then black dots danced around my eyes and I passed out.

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