Chapter 12: Announcing the Assassin's

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Annabeth POV

This council meeting is no different from any others. The gods and goddesses are arguing like usual. Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, and Hera were arguing about who was Rhea's favorite, Hephaestus, Ares, and Aphrodite were arguing on who Aphrodite should have, Artemis and Apollo were arguing on who is older, Dionysus and Persephone were arguing on who makes better grapes. Hestia was just sitting on her throne doing nothing at all. Hermes was just annoying my mom. Zeus slammed his bolt on his throne to shut everyone up. Everyone got quiet and the ones who were standing sat back down on their thrones. 

Zeus said "Is there any knowledge on the whereabouts on Perseus and Piper?" The council stayed silent. Poseidon and Aphrodite had tears in their eyes. The rest just looked guilty. 

Artemis said "We need them now. Perseus is the only one who can defeat Gaea and Kronos since he defeated the two." Hermes said "Luke defeated Kronos though?" It came out as more of a question. Artemis responded "Luke and Percy worked together to defeat Kronos, and since Luke isn' Perseus is our best bet" She was careful not to say dead for some reason. Hermes nodded and stopped talking. Then Zeus said "Do you know who is the other threat that is rising with them?" The whole council apart from Zeus shook their head. 

Then a miniature black hole opened and a man stepped out. He had an all black suit and black hair. He had slightly pale skin. He radiated a aura more powerful than any of the Olympians. He said "I know who the threat is, and I'm gonna be sending you help." Zeus said "We don't need help, we just need to know who the threat is, and who are you?" The man said "I am Chaos, Creator of the universe, and you will need help because the other threat is my brother end.". The Olympians paled. The Zeus said "How many of your soldiers are you sending?" Chaos said "They aren't my soldiers even though I want them to be, and I'm sending the Duo Assassin's." Everyone lit up when Chaos mentioned the famous assassin's. All of the Olympians wanted to meet the assassin's. Jason said "I thought they were a myth." Chaos looked at him and said "They are no myth, they just hid themselves from everyone unless they kill someone. They even managed to hide themselves from me." Zeus said "Do you know their identities?" Chaos responded "Yes I do, but due to respect of privacy I cannot say unless given permission." Zeus nodded and said "When will they be here?" Chaos said "Noon tomorrow" Then he made another black hole and left.   

The room then erupted into chaos. The goddesses were talking about how hot the guy was, and the gods were talking about how powerful they were and what they could do. Us minor gods talked about what their identity could be. I started thinking it could be Percy and Piper but they don't have the powers the assassin's do. Plus how would they get to space without anyone realizing it. Jason, Leo, and Hazel said they could be some random skilled alien, everyone else said they could be hero's from the past. 

Zeus then boomed "Council meeting tomorrow at eleven and council meeting dismissed." Then every god and goddess flashed out to get ready. Me and the rest of the seven just went down the normal way instead of flashing since we don't want to blind any demigods.  

When we got there we were bombarded with questions like "what was it about?" or "Who's the other threat?" or "are we getting any help?". Jason summoned a lightning bolt to shut everyone up. Then he said "One at a time please, a lot happened while we were up there." Someone said "Who is the new threat?" Leo said "End brother of Chaos." People paled and someone said "Isn't Chaos a myth?" Jason said "He was in the throne room with us, he had an aura more powerful than all the Olympians combined." Someone said "What was the meeting about?" Hazel said "To discuss the war and to see if there is any help.". Another person said "Who's coming to help?" This time I responded and said "The Duo Assassin's. And before you ask, yes the universal ones that kill evil rulers and have a ton of titles." Some paled and others lit up. 

Chiron then came and said "I'll call a council meeting and we can talk more over there." We nodded and went to the ping pong table.

After about 5 minutes everyone was here, and the meeting started. Everyone was quiet for a minute, then Clarisse said "What's this about?" I asked "Where you outside just 5 minutes ago? This is about the help we're gonna get and who the enemy is."

She glared at me and said "Then who's the enemy and who's gonna help." Jason said "The new enimies are Gaea, Kronos, and Chaos' brother end." She paled and said "Who could be powerful enough to fight end?" Then Drew said dreamily "The Duo assassin's. Chaos' convinced the assassin's to help us because of End." Clarisse's face brightened up and she said "When are they gonna be here?" I said "Tomorrow at noon during the council meeting which starts at 11." She nodded. Then Frank said "We should go tell the Romans and get them to come over here. If we're gonna win the war we're gonna need them." Everyone nodded. Then Jason said "Me, Hazel, And Frank can go to the Roman camp and tell them, you guys make an announcement here." We nodded and Chiron said "Meeting Dismissed."

*Time skip to campfire*

I went to the front and yelled "ATTENTION CAMPERS" Everyone quiet down and let me talk. I said "There is going to be another war, but this time it's gonna be against Gaea, Kronos, and End who is the brother of Chaos." It erupted into chaos. People started yelling and saying "we're gonna lose" and "Another war?". Leo burst into flames to shut everyone up.

Everyone quiet down and Leo said "We are also getting help. Chaos himself is gonna come fight End and He's sending the Duo Assassin's here to help us." People brightened up because everyone has wanted to meet the assassin's. Then Leo said "That's all we have to say, Later." And he left to do whatever he does.

Jason POV

After the council meeting at camp half blood, Me, Hazel, and Frank flashed to camp Jupiter. When we got there, there wasn't anyone here. Probably a senate meeting. I told Hazel and Frank and we made our way to the Senate house.

When we got in Romans bowed and we said "Rise and don't bow, we don't deserve it." The Romans nodded and sat down. Reyna waved to us and said "What are you here for?"

Frank responded "We found out the new threat and we found out Chaos is sending us help." Everyone's eyes widened at the creators name and Reyna said "Explain what happened at the meeting.". I nodded and said "The meeting was going normal, then when Jupiter asked who the new threat is, Chaos came out of a portal and told us that the new threat is his brother End. Then he said he convinced the Duo assassin's to come help us defeat them." The room turned into a mess.

Then Reyna yelled into the mic "SILENCE!" Everyone quiet down and she said "One at a time". She pointed at someone who had their hand up, they said "Aren't the assassin's myths?" I said "Nope, Chaos himself said he's sending them to help us, so that must mean they're real." He nodded. Reyna pointed to someone else, She said "How are we gonna fight Chaos' brother?" I said "Chaos is gonna fight his brother, the assassin's are gonna fight Gaea and Kronos. And they might fight End if Chaos loses." She nodded and put her hand down.

There weren't any more hands so Frank said "Were all gonna have to go to camp half blood because that's where the battles are going to be." Some Romans groaned other just smiled a little.

We flashed everyone to camp half blood then Me, Hazel, and Frank passed out from power exhaustion.

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