Chapter 11: A New Threat

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*time skip 5000 space years or 5 earth years*

Olympus POV

Ever since Piper and Percy were discovered innocent the we have been sending search parties to try and find them. After 3 years of not finding a trace we started losing hope. Then after another 5 years we gave up. 

No one said they were dead though because Hades would've informed us that they were dead. The Olympians eventually started making the whereabouts of them a discussion on council meetings. Poseidon looked terrible and Aphrodite stopped wearing makeup. 

We needed to find them soon because there is a new threat rising and we need as many heroes as we can get.

Chaos POV

There have been assassins going around the universe and killing evil doers lately. No one knows their identities because they always wore a cloak. They were known to have wings but no one remembered what they looked like.

I wanted to hire them to become my assassin's but they were hard to catch. I needed to get them fast as well because my brother end is rising and he's gonna kill everyone in the universe, but he has to destroy earth first since that's the biggest threat. The assassins' are known as the duo assassin's  and there's one boy and one girl. People say the boy is more powerful but the girl is still deadly. They are known to take on entire armies at once and win. People have seen them using several weapons such as tridents, spears, bows, guns, dual swords, two handed swords, knives, and scythes. 

I really had to find them and recruit them or else the universe might be destroyed.  

Piper POV

 I'm chasing down a gang of about 50 members who rape and kill women and children. I've killed about 40 so far and the other 10 are starting to get cornered. 

I walked into an ally and saw them kneeling to me. One said "Please forgive us, Lady Dove, we wont do it again, we realize our mistakes just please don't kill us." They were all shaking in fear but I wasn't even fazed by their plea. I watched them kill a child I tried to save. I told them "You should've realized your mistakes before you were on the brink of death. How am I supposed to know you'll never do it again? Your apology isn't accepted and your all gonna die." Then in a split second I teleported all around them and cut their heads off. 

Using my powers, I made the bodies go into the planet so people don't have to see random heads lying around.

I then teleported to Percy and I's spaceship. Percy enchanted it so only me and Percy can see it. Inside it looks like a kings house but on the outside, it looks normal. I went to watch TV while waiting for Percy to come back from his mission. He went to kill a Ruler who mistreats the people and spoils the guards so they're on his side. There's only about 70 guards so it wont be hard for Percy to take them down. And yes I did say only 70. Me and Percy can take down thousands of people without breaking a sweat.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt something jump on me. I knew it was either Delinda or Percy. When I got a chance to look I saw it was Delinda. I laughed and started tickling her mercilessly. She fell down and couldn't get up. After a few minutes I stopped and let her get up. She changed size and jumped on my lap and started sleeping. I silently laughed and stroked her head. I turned the TV back on cause Delinda turned it off during her attack and waited for Percy to come back.

Percy POV

I was hunting a evil ruler who deserved to die. I walked down the streets and some people recognized me as Storm the assassin they smiled and went back in. I got to the palace and saw some guards guarding it (obviously) they saw my and immediately starting shooting their guns at me. Me and Piper's cloaks had chaos silver and bronze in them. Same with our weapons. Chaos bronze and silver is the hardest material in the universe and could kill anything and everything. It also let out a deadly aura. 

The guards kept shooting at me then eventually gave up and got out swords. They were about as good as your average demigod so i took them down in a split second. I then pushed the doors open which were supposed to be thousands of pounds. Since Me and Piper got to space we trained to have unhuman/alien strength. Piper could lift 25 Tons without struggling and me 50 tons. (25 tons=50k pounds, 50 tons= 100k pounds) We also have inhuman speeds and stamina. As well as agility and quietness. (if that's a word) 

I got into the throne room after taking down about 65 guards. they got harder as I went on but they still went down in 2 seconds, literally. I walked in and saw the king about to rape a little girl and guards guarding them. When the guards saw me they didn't have a chance to even move because at that moment I threw throwing knives at every vital part of their bodies. The king looked back and paled. 

I threw the girl her clothes and took the king by the neck and dragged him out. Before I left I scanned the water molecules and checked for anymore guards. There weren't anymore so I told the girl "Leave the castle, all the guards are dead. Also I don't recommend looking at the bodies, I did some pretty brutal things." She nodded and left. I then crushed the kings neck and snapped it. I dropped the body and teleported to me and pipes space ship.

When I got there I walked to the living room and saw piper watching TV with Delinda sleeping on her lap. I laughed and Piper looked at me. She smiled and nodded me over. I sat down next to her and pecked her on the lips. She asked "How'd it go?" I said "He was about to rape a little girl, I killed the guards and got him, I also threw the girl her clothes and told her to leave the castle and to not look at any bodies." She laughed at the last part. I asked her "How'd yours go?" She responded "They tried praying to me to forgive them."

I laughed looked through a compass I made to track down evil doers. I then saw the next one was about a light year away. Then a note appeared on my hand. I instantly checked the water molecules for anyone and no one was there. Piper looked at me and said "What's that?" I said "I don't know, it just appeared on my hand." She looked around and said "Maybe it's Chaos" I nodded. Chaos has been tracking us down for about 2500 years trying to get us to be his personal assassin's we refused once because he only found us once. I read the note and it said 

"You two are very hard to track. Anyways I need you two to fight a threat even I cannot. I will try to help but I wont be able to do much. My brother end is rising and he's going to try and destroy the universe. He's gonna start with earth because that's the biggest threat. They are already facing hoards of monsters and soon they will be overrun. I know you don't want to do this but it's for the Fate of the universe, not just earth, that's just where the battle is. Also If you do agree go to the Olympians then camp half blood.-Chaos"

I was enraged and so was Piper. I didn't want to go back to that hell hole but I knew we had to because we couldn't let the universe die because of our petty grudges. I looked at Piper and said "We have to do it, we can't let the universe die because of something one place on a planet did." She nodded and said "Lets go talk to Chaos face to face." I nodded and vapor travelled to a corner in Chaos' office. After a second I felt Piper next to me with Delinda.

Chaos looked around and said "I'm guessing its the duo assassin's? I was hoping you would get the note." We cam out and said "Do we have to, can't they just use the oh so powerful black twins to take them down." Chaos laughed sadly and said "They kicked the twins out, you were discovered innocent two years after you left. They've been sending search parties to find you since. But about 8 years after the search parties started they stopped because they couldn't find you." We were shocked. We would forgive them but they still betrayed us and believed new campers who did nothing. I looked at Piper and she nodded. I looked at Chaos and said "Set up a time for us to go to Olympus and tell the gods we'll help." Chaos looked relieved. He said "Thank you so much, Ill give you another note later on what time you'll see them" We nodded and Teleported back to our ship. 

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