Chapter 15: The Funeral

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A/N Its gonna be a short chapter since its just about Percy's funeral. 

Olympus POV (During the fight)

The Olympians were watching the battle in shock. The demigods, hunters, romans, they were all fighting so much better than before. The battle lasted a a few minutes because of the newly trained campers. Storm was fighting Gaea and Kronos at the same time and Dove was fighting Hercules. Much to the Olympians surprise, Dove took down Hercules in just a few minutes, and she beat him using only strength. 

Dove started storming through enemy ranks. Within just a few minutes the monsters were almost all down. "They aren't called assassin's of world's for nothing." Said Athena. The rest of the Olympian's nodded. The fight between Storm vs Gaea and Kronos was going well. Kronos was limp behind Storm as Storm Decapitated Gaea and she died. 

Artemis gasped. The gods looked at her expectantly and she said "Only Perseus can kill the two, literally, if anyone else tries they'll just keep healing non stop. So that means..." She left the comment hanging as she waited for the other Olympians to get it. Athena gasped as well after a few seconds and said "I cant believe I thought he was handsome." Artemis shivered because she thought the same thing. 

Then Zeus said "We have to kill him, he poses a threat to olymp-" He was cut off by Hera smacking him on the back of the head saying "If you can even touch them, why would they want Olympus? They could take down Chaos himself and you don't see him trying to kill them do you?" Zeus grunted. Most gods knew that he only wanted to kill them because Storm isn't his own son and is Poseidon's instead.

They Focused back on the Iris message that showed the battle. Kronos slowly nd quietly got up and got his scythe. He threw it towards Dove and Storm screamed "NO". He pushed Dove out of the way and took the scythe instead, but he got hit through the heart.

The Olympians gasped. They didn't know who Dove was yet. Poseidon shouted "NO" then he flashed out. Just so it wasn't awkward they waited to see if they would take down their hood.

Dove went to Storm and knelt by his side, with tears streaming down her face. Kronos laughed when she got to him. She looked at Kronos with a death glare and raised her hand in a fist. Several dirt spikes impaled him everywhere. It was a disturbing sight but Kronos just laughed again and said "Only Percy Jackson can kill me, how my mother died I have no id-" He was cutoff by a gunshot, then he died. 

Then gunshot came from Storm who was putting his gun away. He then pulled the scythe out of his body and groaned, then dropped it. Then he muttered "That Hurts." Him and Dove started chatting them they pulled their hoods down. Every Olympian gasped. Poseidon had tears streaming down again. Aphrodite was just staring at the Iris message wondering how she gained powers over the earth. 

Then the Olympians flashed to the scene.

When they got there a bunch of campers were crowding Percy and Piper saying 'sorry's, they shouldn't have done that, and other stuff. Piper hissed at them to back off and let the medics work. Will looked up and shook his sadly with tears on his face too. Everyone who betrayed the two had tears on their face. They betrayed them yet they still came back to help. 

Will said "It's no use, there's nothing anyone can do. The scythe is a material I haven't seen before." Percy responded "Its chaos silver, its the only metal that can penetrate our cloaks." Everyone gave him and Piper some space. It took a few minutes but eventually he took his last breath and fell on the ground. Piper started sobbing uncontrollably while Aphrodite comforted her.

Zeus said "Heal the wounded, We will come for the funerals." Then he and the rest of the Olympians flashed out. 

Annabeth POV

I couldn't believe it. Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon, Savior of Olympus, and a lot of other things I cant name died. Percy was always known for escaping death and risking his life. Jason went to Piper to try and comfort her but she just pushed him away and pulled her hood up. She then said between sobs "He wants to be buried in the ocean, that's what he told me before he died." Everyone nodded with tears streaming down almost everyone's faces now. 

Then Will said "I need to go tend the wounded, We should do Percy's funeral after everyone else's." He looked at Piper for permission and she nodded. She then went to her cabin with her dragon that was the size of a dog, but everyone knew it could grow to the size of a castle. 

*time skip to Percy's funeral*

When it was time for Percy's funeral we went to Atlantis, Poseidon decided to bury Percy there instead of somewhere random.

He gave everyone water breathing so they could attend the funeral.

When we got there, there was a powerful aura but no one knew who it was.

Piper was sobbing uncontrollably so she couldnt speak.

The first to speak we're cabin counsolers. They all were saying their sorrys and most shed tears. Then it was important people that aren't part of the seven, like Reyna, Nico, Thalia. Then it was the seven. Everyone said sorrys and what they wish they could do if he was here.

Then Poseidon spoke, saying how sorry he was, and how he'd have a statue built for him. Then Zeus said "There's no need brother, he will have a statue up on Olympus." Poseidon nodded with tears going down his face still.

The someone unexpected came to speak, it was the person who had the strong aura.

It was Chaos himself, he came to the funeral.

He explained how they got his attention and how he helped them. He then explained that he was here because they saved the universe he created, so he has to thank them for it.

Then his coffin was lowered into the ground. It was a dark time. People had tears in their eyes because of the betrayal and how much they wish they could say sorry.

Piper POV

I couldn't believe it. He's gone. I was still crying endlessly with my mom comforting me. When I asked her why she said it's because she could feel the unbreakable love between us.

The music playing was depressing, I think it was Nobody cares from Kina.

When the funeral was over I stopped crying but I was still broken. I was thinking of ending it right then and there but Percy sacrificed his life for me, I couldn't let his sacrifice be for nothing. His last words were "I love you" then he died.

Everyone went back to the surface. There was sadness in the air. Chiron called a council meeting in a few minutes. Even he was crying about Percy's death, especially since he didn't get to say sorry.

When everyone got there, people had dry tear stains, even Clarisse had tear stains, she probably felt bad as well.

Chiron said "As much as I would like to mourn, we still have a war on our hands. The spy's came back and they said that all the Titans and Giants are gonna be back for the final battle, apart from Gaea and Kronos. Chaos himself will fight End, he's the only one who can beat him due to the fact End can only be killed using void fire."

"Whats void fire" Annabeth asked, Chiron responded "It's a fire that can burn anything, you need a connection to Void, father of Chaos and End to be able to use it. And when your able to it will drain your energy." Annabeth nodded. Clarisse asked "What if Chaos dosent beat End?". I said "Then say bye bye to your world, unless some miracle happens." Clarisse nodded. Jason said "This is your world too." I glared at him and said "Me and Percy lived on a spaceship about as big as Pluto the planet." Jason's eyes widened but he nodded. Then I added "We go all over the universe killing bad guys anyways, so we don't exactly have a specific planet." I scared the living crap out of everyone. Then Chiron said "Meeting Dismissed." Then we all left. 

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