Chapter 4: The twins

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Percy POV

I went to go find Annabeth and ask her why she accepted. The party was going crazy, the music played whatever you wanted to hear so there weren't any complaints, there were couples dancing everywhere, and there was people congratulating the new gods and goddesses.

I was looking for Annabeth when I ran into Piper. "Hey pipes, sorry I didn't see you there" and I helped her up. She then said "It's fine. Hey do you know where Jason is?" I said "No, I'm looking for Annabeth right now" she replied "Oh ok, tell me if Jason is with her" Then I said "Ok got it, LADY Piper" She just punched my arm for that then walked away.

I went back to looking for Annabeth and I saw Jason pass by. I went to go tell Piper and she wasn't that far behind me so I found her and told her.

She then followed me and I said with an evil grin "Hey pipes wanna scare him?" Then replied "YES this is going to be so funny" we started following him and when we were about to scare him we saw him go to Annabeth. I didn't think about it, all I thought was they're just gonna talk to each other.

Then the most unexpected thing happened. They leaned into each other and kissed. I just stood there frozen with Piper beside me. We were both broken. I took a glance at Piper and saw she was devastated, and I don't think I looked any better. We just watched for a second and when Piper was about to yell at Jason, I stopped her and just said "Let them be, well expose them when we go back" she nodded with tears in her eyes and walked away. I went after her and when I caught up I grabbed her shoulder and vapor travelled up to the nearest garden. She took out her knife and looked around, when she saw it was me she put the knife away. We went and sat next to the garden and she started sobbing on my shoulder. I was sure I had a few tears coming out but I was trying to be strong for Piper. I hugged her and held her close and whispered comforting things in her ear. When she was done she said "I can't believe them, after all we did for them" and she started crying in my shoulder again. I just nodded in agreement and tried to keep my cool.

Piper POV

I was way to sad to say anything. I was happy that Percy was with me because his shoulder is warm. I wanted to get back at them but I didn't know how.

I looked at Percy when I heard something like a fire swish. When I looked at him I saw his eyes had blue flames. Aqua fire is what posiedon called it, I pinched him and motioned to his eyes. He didn't understand so I just said "Your eyes are encased in aqua fire, and it's really intimidating so can you like put it out" He just said sorry and put it out

I leaned into his shoulder and just lied there, enjoying the warmth. Percy seemed to be lost in thought but every once in a while when he seemed to get mad, the aqua fire encased his eyes but he quickly put it out.

He then said to me "Wanna go to camp half blood now?" I nodded and he vapor travelled us to his cabin.

There I cried on his shoulder again, it was just too much. But then I realized that Percy dosent even look fazed about it, but he did shed a tear or 2. I asked him "aren't you sad about Annabeth cheating on you?" He replied "yea but you still need a shoulder to cry on, don't worry about me" then he gave me a smile that hid all the emotions from his face.

I felt guilty that I was only thinking about myself. He must've seen my expression because he said "don't worry pipes I'm fine" and he smiled at me again, then my it felt like my heart did a jump and skip then went back to normal. I just layed on his shoulder until I fell asleep.

Percy POV

When Piper went back to sleep held her tight and vapor travelled to her cabin, due to the party still going on, no one was in there so it wasn't awkward, I layed Piper down on her bunk and vapor travelled back to my cabin. There I flopped on my bunk and let all my emotions out. I was crying for awhile and eventually I fell asleep.

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